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General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunrise Sessions Track A:
Digital Services
Track B:
Web User Experience (UX)
Track C:
Enterprise 2.0 & Information Service
Track D:
Creative Approaches & Collaborations
Track E:
Tuesday Evening Session
Sunrise Sessions

Building on Library Camp Monterey held for the last few years at the Monterey Public Library, we are starting a new series of discussions on Tuesday morning from 8-4.45 am. So grab some breakfast outside the keynote room in the Marriott, and join the sunrise sessions on the top floor of the conference center (take the bridge over the road to make it faster!).

Publishing & Community Engagement
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
Cheryl Ann Peltier-Davis, Archives & Digital Librarian, NSU Archives, Nova Southeastern University

Thanks to new technologies, it has become easier for libraries to be more than content consumers and organizers; many are now content creators or partnering with others to create. Libraries also help communities disseminate their own information: offering writing workshops, sending teen groups out to photograph the city for a photoblog, or even by helping them publish their own stories. This open discussion looks at how libraries can support the publishing needs in their communities. Come share your experiences and learn from others.

Games & Community Engagement
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
John Maccabee, CityMystery, Novelist San Fransico Public Library Board member

Engaging our communities and facilitating learning are fundamental to internet librarians in whatever community they are in – schools, public libraries, universities, enterprises, government departments. Join our facilitator who is a former novelist, is passionate about games and learning, and understand libraries. He will start the conversation but knows a robust conversation will follow!

OPENING KEYNOTE — Libraries Transformed
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet Project Author of the book "Networked: The New Social Operating System"

Hear the latest findings of the Pew Internet Project about libraries and the new mix of services they are offering their patrons – and considering offering. Rainie discusses the implications for libraries of the Project’s research into how Americans use ebooks and how patrons experience borrowing ebooks from their public libraries. He shares more on how Americans use digital technology and stimulates ideas for new ways to engage our clienteles and communities.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track A – Digital Services

Digital technologies equip libraries to delight patrons, students, and faculty with services they could only imagine a few years ago. Hear how these public and academic libraries engage all customers, from the newcomer to the visually impaired to the savvy gamer.

Moderated by Joe Murphy, Library Directions & Tech Trends Analyst. Director Library Futures., Library Future Innovative Interfaces, Yale Uni
Coffee Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
A201 – Self-Service: Help Customers Help Themselves
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Culture, City of Markham Markham Public Library

Markham Public Library, a technology early adopter, was the first library in Canada to install a booksorter/self-check-in machine. Hear how RFID and self-service tech- nologies have transformed circulation processes, and how merchandising the collection and spaces are allowing staff to provide more value added services, improve customer service, and decrease turn-around time and customer interaction with increased volumes.

A202 – Digitally Engage Your Community & Campus
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Michael P Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Technology & Access Services, Nebraska Library Commission
Christa Burns, Special Projects Librarian, Nebraska Library Commission
Mariana Lapidus, Reference librarian, Library & Learning Resources, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Samuel King, Library manager, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Want to reach the people in your community who can’t make it to library programs, or students and faculty working online? Nebraska Library Commission NCompass Live program broadcasts live, and records in both video and audio a variety of programs, including a monthly “Tech Talk” and a free full-day conference. And, at the MCPHS, librarians use Blackboard 9.1 to expand their educational role, teach collaboratively with faculty, and interact with students online. They enhance students’ online experience with Camtasia for tutorials and Elluminate Live for web conferencing. Hear the lessons these organizations have learned and apply them in your environment.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
A203 – Accessible Services for All: Digitally Possible
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Rivkah Sass, Library Director, Sacramento Public Library
Amy Calhoun, Virtual Branch Coordinator, Virtual Branch, Sacramento Public Library
Andrew Youngkin, Emerging Technologies/Evaluation Coordinator, NNLM-Southeastern Atlantic Region University of Maryland Baltimore
Regina Koury, Head of Collection Management, Idaho State University
Amalia Menon, University Head Librarian, Olivet University

This session focuses on digital solutions libraries have and are developing to serve and delight customers with various disabilities. Sacramento Public Library (SPL) has one of the largest circulating collections of e-readers. When the National Federation of the Blind filed a complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding accessibility of those e-readers for the vision-impaired, SPL and the DOJ worked together to develop a solution. Social media sites are powerful tools for libraries seeking to connect and communicate with users, but many sites pose accessibility barriers to persons with various disabilities. Libraries can use section 508 of the ADA to identify strategies, techniques, and tools to make their social media content accessible to all patrons. How does gesture-based computing, an emerging technology, affect library customers with disabilities? Libraries and information services have made progress, and plans are under way to achieve even more with assistive technology and gesturebased computing.

Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
A204 – Ebook Patron-Initiated Acquisition (PIA)
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Lisa Mackinder, Head of Electronic Resources and Serials Acquisitions, University of California Irvine
Keith Powell, Head, Acquisitions, University of California Irvine

At Internet Librarian 2010, UC Irvine Libraries presented its pilot project for PIA of ebooks. The pilot’s goal was to save collections budget money while replacing a portion of the traditional print approval plan acquisitions with ebooks used by its patrons. The seemingly insurmountable obstacles of developing the program—the publishers’ reluctance to release print and electronic books simultaneously, the difficulty of integrating a PDA program with the print approval plan to avoid purchasing content in duplicate formats—were not insurmountable after all. Now 2 years later, UC Irvine has expanded the program, learned a few lessons, and has data to share.

A205 – Mobile Games Deliver Enriched Services
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Amy Vecchione, Assistant Professor/Digital Access Librarian, Head Digital Access Team, Digital Access, Boise State University Idaho Library Associaton
Carrie Moore, Head of Information and Research Services, Boise State University Albertsons Library
Marlo Young, Virtual Education Coordinator, University of California, San Diego Libraries
Gayatri Singh, Reference Services Coordinator & Librarian for Communication, Social Sciences & Humanities Library, UC San Diego

BSU Librarians developed a mobile game to make library orientation highly interactive and exciting. “Research Race” is easy to implement, relies on a mobile environment, and meets the objectives to familiarize and introduce students to library services, including the physical and virtual spaces, and showcases the library’s mobile initiatives. The game has been repurposed to serve students in specific courses, living in the dorms, and has led to collaborations with other faculty and campus departments. UC San Diego Libraries piloted SCVNGR to offer a virtual orientation to the libraries, core services, and orientations. SCVNGR is a social, location-based mobile gaming platform used by enterprises and educational institutions with 1 to 2 million users. Learn from the experiences and data shared by these libraries.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track B – Web User Experience (UX)

Design and user experience reflect the relevancy and importance of whatever we do. This track is filled with ideas and insights for creating easier-to-use and more interesting user experiences.

Moderated by Amanda Etches, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph
Coffee Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
B201 – UX & Accessibility
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Frank Cervone, Managing Partner, Cervone and Associates

User experience is complex and multifaceted. One of those facets is making services usable to people in different situations. The needs of people with disabilities, both apparent and not, must be considered on our mobile and web platforms if we are to provide good service and abide by federal and state regulations. Cervone looks at some of the common accessibility issues people may have with mobile sites and websites and how to address those issues while still creating a visually stimulating and interactive environment for all.

B202 – Sensible Library Website Development
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Amanda Etches, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph

Every time a new library website gets created, librarians spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel. Everyone— especially patrons—would benefit if libraries were to collaborate. This session highlights common library website design patterns, exposes common library website pitfalls, and suggests more usable alternatives. Etches discusses properly scoping website projects and offers a free, turnkey library website solution.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
B203 – Mobile UX: Responsive Design & Tips
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Roy Degler, Associate Professor, Digital Library Services, Oklahoma State University
William Helman, Digital Services Librarian, University of Baltimore, Langsdale Library
Juan-Francisco Reyes, Mobile Design and Development Assistant, Digital Services, University of Baltimore

From smartphones to tablets, our customers are accessing our sites from a large variety of devices. Is your website ready? Learn how to design and build an appealing functional website that responds and adapts to the patrons’ demands. Degler focuses on transforming websites so that a single design will adapt and respond to the user’s device. He discusses using Foundation, a CSS framework, to craft an appealing functional design to meet your patron’s needs. Helman and Reyes discuss how many libraries are leveraging the power of HTML5 and JavaScript to develop highly interactive mobile web apps, and how a user-centered approach to mobile web design might work better—from focus group research, through coding, to usability and back.

Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
B204 – Unifying Content Across Platforms
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Michael Blake, Web Services Librarian, Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University

Just as atomic clocks have automated the process of adjusting for daylight saving time, you too can make updating content simple, painless, and, most importantly, efficient. Learn how the ECU Libraries are harnessing the power of the web to unify content across a variety of platforms using XML and scalable file formats, and consequently, spending less time updating content (maps, events, mobile sites, digital signage, kiosks, etc.) and more time working on that “next big thing.”

B205 – Rebranding the Library's Virtual Presence
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Lora Cokolat, Electronic Resources Librarian, Santa Clara County Library District
Megan Wong, Virtual Library Manager, Santa Clara County Library
Felicity Gilbert, New Technologies Coordinator, Yarra Plenty Regional Library
Natasha Hesch, Product Manager, BiblioCommons, Inc.

Using Drupal as the new CMS enables the construction of more content-driven and dynamic webpages. And since the CMS and core catalog are integrated, users have a seamless user experience, and it’s easy for staff to cross- merchandise content across the platforms. Speakers from two different countries partnered with BiblioCommons to redesign their respective websites from basic HTML to include more Web 2.0 technologies, display their rich content, and enable a smarter and more efficient workflow. They share results of extensive user studies, resulting changes and directions, implantation experiences, lessons learned, and more.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track C – Enterprise 2.0 & Information Service

Enterprises are transforming but still embrace the need for information services. Join this team of experts to find out how to research competitive and business information from social tools, to deal with digital collections and ebooks, to create content for clients, and to use tech tools such as SharePoint, cloud, and mobile apps. Jam-packed with strategies and ideas!

Moderated by Jim Tchobanoff, President & Owner, Tchobanoff Research & Consulting
Coffee Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
C201 – Competitive & Business Info in Social Tools
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Scott Brown, Owner, Social Information Group Author, Social Information: Gaining Competitive and Business Advantage Using Social Media Tools

Social tools such as LinkedIn are continually improving their value and adding features to provide unique business and industry information. Newer entrants like Google+ and Pinterest are also emerging and growing rapidly. Brown shares the best of the very latest tools and features available for business and industry information, illustrates how this leading-edge information ties into your research, discusses which tools are worthwhile additions to your research toolkit, describes how to develop a strategy for evaluating and using these tools, and looks at the future of social tools (including how mobile apps fit into social information), so you walk away with a strategy for tracking the next wave of information sources.

C202 – Ebooks on Wall Street
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Suzanne LeBlanc, Research Librarian, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

A Bay Street librarian (the Canadian equivalent of Wall Street) discusses the development of an e-collection for the corporate library based on a recent ebook pilot project. Hear how specialized content in ebook format was discovered and made available to three offices across three countries. By bringing an e-collection online all clients were able to benefit from the library’s resources, enabling clients to continue working on their research even while off globe-trotting. Learn how a special librarian decided when to include ebooks in her collection, what formats would be supported, how circulation was managed, as well as issues and challenges presented by ebook read- ers. Discover how working with multiple vendors through one portal was able to support the unique needs of a special library. Lots of helpful tips in this session!

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
C203 – Library Created Content for Clients
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Kathy Cosgrove, Senior Reference Librarian, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Pamela Campbell, Senior Librarian, Digital Projects, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Leslie Champeny, Assistant Professor, Technology Integration, Defense Language Institute
Nalini Mahajan, Medical Library Director and Webmaster, Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
Scott Wolla, Economic Education Specialist, Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

This session shares the strategies, tools, experiences, and lessons learned from three organizations. The Federal Reserve talks about the various initiatives the library and their partners have to share economic data online with various segments of the public, including award-winning classroom resources for many levels of educators. Cham- peny describes some of the challenges (politics, formats, etc.) of making products for public distribution from proprietary resources. Mahajan discusses the informative website for parents of children with developmental disabilities and chronic diseases, as well as physicians, clinicians, and other users. She also shares the results of their digital marketing strategy.

Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
C204 – In the Cloud
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Amy Affelt, Director, Database Research, Compass Lexecon
Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Explore some cloud applications that libraries and information centers can use without alarming or stepping on the toes of other departments, especially IT and security. Affelt shares how small steps onto the cloud can accomplish several things: market the information center and its services, promote librarians and info pros in the organization as tech-savvy early adopters of cutting-edge technologies, and establish a new enterprise-wide model that will help other departments and possibly the overall organization take a more positive view of cloud computing and become willing to give it a try. Then hear how one solo librarian challenged with a very tight budget and limited IT support went warp speed to the cloud and used technology as a catalyst for change and collaboration, turning the perception of the library from passive warehouse to an active source of information and education.

C205 – Enterprise 2.0 & Info Service Engagement
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM

Creating mobile library applications for corporate library employees presents unique challenges, especially in regards to security, privacy and the protection of the corporate network. This talk details the steps taken to develop and launch a mobile app on the Windows Phone platform and provides advice to other corporate, special, or government libraries to consider as they aim to provide mobile library access to employees. Trends, such as the impact of the consumerization of IT and the proliferation of mobile device usage on special library mobile scenarios, are discussed.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track D – Creative Approaches & Collaborations

We may think of creativity as the spark of an individual, but the reality is that creative initiatives are most often the result of the collision of disparate collaboratives resulting in variant thinking. Hear how different groups are forging different approaches and how libraries are pursuing emerging technologies to wow their customers.

Moderated by Helene Blowers, Community Manager, OCLC
Coffee Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
D201 – Retail & Technology Trends: Service Explosions
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Adam Elsholz, Campus Librarian, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
Brittany Austin, Assistant Librarian, San Francisco Campus, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Student member SLA
Laura ten Pas, Resource Librarian, Gensler
Elise Polglaze, Librarian, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

Retail and libraries alike are feeling the impacts of technology that is changing shopper behavior and connecting consumers to consumers. Retail is responding with innovation and experimentation like virtual fitting rooms, new store formats, and experiential shopping. Join FIDM librarians as they introduce you to the new retail and technology trends of Commerce 3.0 and what these mean for libraries. Learn about their approach to teaching undergrads to critically evaluate information online with an analogy such as the importance of sharing information from high-quality brands, picking out the genuine articles from the knock-offs, and getting the information appropriate for the occasion.

D202 – Tomorrow's Digital Library Today
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Paul R. Pival, Public Services Systems Librarian, Libraries & Cultural Resources, University of Calgary
John Brosz, Visualization Research Coordinator, University of Calgary

University of Calgary’s Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL) opened in 2011 as North America’s most technologically advanced library. Sporting an incredible array of cutting-edge technology with touch tables, interactive signage, media walls, multimedia editing suites, and a visualization studio, the TFDL includes some technology never before used in an academic library. While viewing a virtual tour of the technology, take advantage of TFDL’s research and experiences as you plan your library’s next-generation interactive technologies.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
D203 – Innovative, Awesome Services & Spaces!
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Tim Donahue, Instruction Librarian, Montana State University
Jeroen de Boer, domainspecialist new media / project leader FryskLab, Bibliotheekservice Fryslân Board member FabLab Benelux Foundation
Keimpe de Heer MA, Founder/Owner, Extelligentsia

This session features case studies of libraries harnessing technologies to reinvent spaces and customer connections with content and the digital realm. Developed by Stichting Bibliotheken Midden-Frysln and Extelligentsia, SocialMediaCaster (SMC) is an award-winning interactive kiosk with a touchscreen and RFID reader that bridges the physical library collections to the digital realm of social media. When a library visitor holds any library object in front of the kiosk, it is automatically scanned and a query runs on social media platforms. Query results display on a user-friendly touchscreen linking the user to related resources (books, videos, photos, etc.) in the school and public libraries. Hear about SMC’s impact on the community and the library. Then take a look at MSU’s use of emerging technologies to integrate catalog results with floor maps, lead users directly to books they are seeking, and reveal the knowledge organization of library stacks, plus see how QR codes are mobilizing stacks, and Flash is animating subject maps.

Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
D204 – Artificial Intelligence: Transforming Reference
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Deeann Allison, Director, Professor, Computer Operations and Research Services, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lorna M Dawes, Lecturer. Learning Community Librarian, University of Nebraska

Meet “Pixel,” the chatbot at the University of Nebraska– Lincoln Library. Artificial intelligence is enabling Pixel and other types of chatbots to be trained and developed to guide and support students navigating the dense library website and complex databases. See Pixel in action and discuss the future of reference services as libraries incorporate artificial intelligence tools.

D205 – Library as Content Creator
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Donna Feddern, Digital Services Librarian, Escondido Public Library
Beth Jane Toren, Web Services & Reference Librarian, Media Bibliographer, West Virginia University Libraries

Inspired by the idea that libraries could be content creators, the Escondido Public Library decided to enhance its digital collection by capturing and sharing the knowledge of local experts through streaming videos and podcasts. The LibraryYOU project, funded by a California State Library LSTA grant, consists of a website that showcases the collection (, a recording studio, and public training classes encouraging patrons to share their knowledge and learn how to communicate through new digital multimedia formats. LibraryYOU highlights the people who make Escondido special, strengthens the library’s connections with local businesses, and establishes the library as a technology leader in the community. Feddern discusses how libraries of all sizes and budgets can set up their own LibraryYOU program.Then learn from the experience, experiments, and assessments of using Facebook as a tool for discussions in eLearning, distance, and blended education. Toren reports on why students prefer Facebook over Blackboard, their online experiences, and more.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track E – Internet@Schools

For Day 2 of the 2-day, K–12-focused Internet@Schools track, speakers discuss online tools that enrich drama studies, digital citizenship, public library/K–12 connections, live-blogging in the library, and LibGuides.

David Hoffman, Co-Chair for the Internet@Schools Track, Information Today, Inc.
Susan Geiger, Librarian, Moreau Catholic High School AISL, BAYNET, BASIL Past President
Coffee Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
E201 – The Play, the Playwright, and Your Scene: Using Google Docs, Sites, and YouTube
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
David Boxer, Director, Information Support Services, The Blake School
Sarah Clark, Research Librarian and Coordinator for the Center for Teaching and Learning, Center for Teaching & Learning at Windward School
Jordan Fox, Upper School Performing Arts Teacher, Windward School

When performing theatrical scenes in high school, students rarely have enough time to learn about the playwright and his or her vision for the play, or to understand the scene they are performing as part of a larger story of the play. Our presenters’ model, “The Play, the Playwright, and Your Scene,” leverages Google Docs, Sites, and YouTube to address this issue. Learn how it provides an opportunity for students to build a deeper and more 3D vision for their characters. Using Google Sites, students research a playwright’s life and work and read a key play. After choosing a scene, students “start a conversation with the playwright,” giving them the opportunity to speak in the voice of the playwright and write an original scene based on what they have learned about his or her life. In a project that combines research with creativity, students showcase their work through rich and detailed perform- ances that you’ll be able to view.

E202 – Digital Citizenship OMG!! Who Posted That?
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Geraldine Maniere, Media Specialist, Wood River High School
Kari Haugen, English Dept Chair, AP Lit & Comp, Wood River High School

Does your school block social networking? Who teaches our youth how to manage their web presence? How many students have access with their personal devices 24/7? Character education, online reputation management, and netiquette do not fit into the time-restricted core class curriculum. As librarians, we need to take this on, including it with library orientation, web surfing, and research lessons. Maniere and Haugen share some fun ways to get a strong message across to students in 10- to 15-minute lessons as well as highlight great websites for students and teachers.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
E203 – Homework: Breaking the Model for 21st-Century Learners
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
Terri Fredericka, Executive Director, InfOhio

There are three big challenges for public libraries in this century that tie in to K–12 education: 1) Understanding the new curriculum, the Common Core standards and output- based education; 2) Aligning public library services, programs, and training with the needs of the new teen; and 3) Building relationships with school districts, schools, and teachers and defining what public libraries can offer them. Abram and Fredericka outline trends in education in North America during the past 10 years and demonstrate how Google Education, subscription products, and textbooks are changing in the face of these trends, highlighting opportunities this brings for public libraries. They also discuss innovative strategies for working with teachers and school boards.

Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
E204 – Live-Blogging in the Library
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Carolyn Foote, Librarian/ District Librarian, Westlake High School/ Eanes ISD

How do we provoke deeper thinking as students move through the research process? See how live-blogging and chat tools can be used to facilitate more student engagement, spark student collaboration, or to crowdsource answers throughout the library research process. Explore specific tools and use them during the session to discuss the challenges and opportunities of using live-blogging.

E205 – Enriching LibGuides for K-12 Learning
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Lauri Vaughan, Upper School Campus Librarian, The Harker School
Sue Smith, Library Director, The Harker School
Meredith Cranston, Upper School Librarian, The Harker School

LibGuides are not just pathfinders on steroids. They provide opportunities to create information-rich collaboration points among teachers, librarians, instructional technologists, and students. Learn how to showcase student work, invite contribution, and establish shared repositories in the LibGuide environment. Bring your inspired experience and hear about ours for grades K–12.

Tuesday Evening Session
Transforming Roles: What Do You Want to Be?
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Moderator: Donna Scheeder, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Congressional Research Service, Library Of Congress
Lisa Carlucci Thomas, Digital Services Librarian, Southern Connecticut State University
Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides
Nicole C. Engard, Vice President of Education, ByWater Solutions
Scott Brown, Owner, Social Information Group Author, Social Information: Gaining Competitive and Business Advantage Using Social Media Tools
Cecily Walker, Web Services Librarian, Vancouver Public Library
Renee Chalut, Community Librarian, West Area, Vancouver Public Library

The transformational power of Internet Librarians relies on the ability of like-minded, technology-oriented peers to find each other, collaborate, engage in critical discussion, address current challenges, and work together in the profession at large to meet the changing needs of libraries. With the ever-forward drive of new technologies and unique circumstances of each organization, the role of librarians varies widely and evolves rapidly. Three leading experts in the field of library systems and technology and three from information services present key themes and lead an active discussion with audience members about the changing role of information and systems librarians today, what it means for the future, and the risks, rewards, and realities of the journey

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