Speaker List |
[Click on speaker name to list sessions.]
Kateri Abeyta, IT Manager, Collections & Technology, Denver Public Library |  |
Debbie Abilock, author, speaker, NoodleTools, Inc. |     |
Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc. |      |
Carol Adams, Assistant Director, Library Development and Networking, Library of Virginia | |
Julian Aiken, Access Services Librarian, Yale Law Library | |
Patricia Alderman, Chief, Information Architecture Division, National Defense University Library | |
Cordelia Anderson, Director of Marketing & Communications, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and Accredited in Public Relations, Public Relations Society of America | |
Robyn Andrews, Access Services Assistant, Furman University James B Duke Library | |
Michael Anker, Senior advisor and business architext, Danes' Digital Library (DDL) |   |
Tony Aponte, Science & Engineering Librarian, UCLA Science & Engineering Library |  |
Kari Arfstrom, Executive Director, Flipped Learning Network | |
Marc Aronson, Lecturer, Rutgers University; School of Communication & Information | |
Michael Ashenfelder, Digital Preservation Project Coordinator, Library Of Congress |    |
Ms Mary Auckland O.B.E., Independent Consultant & Trainer | |
Benjamin Barnes, Project Manager / Taxonomist, Access Innovations/Data Harmony | |
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc. |     |
Ben Bizzle, Director of Technology, Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library |     |
Helene Blowers, Community Manager, OCLC |  |
John Blyberg, Assistant Director for Innovation and User Experience, Darien Library |   |
Erik Boekesteijn, founder and director Doklab, Doklab and ShanachieTour |     |
Laura M. Botts, Head of Special Collections, Mercer University Jack Tarver Library |      |
Aaron Bowen, Reference/Subject Librarian, California State University, Chico | |
Heather Braum, Digital and Technical Services Librarian, Northeast Kansas Library System |     |
Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides |     |
Ron Burns, Vice President of Global Software Services, EBSCO Publishing | |
Maureen Cahill, Student Services Librarian, University of Georgia Law Library | |
Pamela Carson, Web Services Librarian, Concordia University Libraries |  |
Blake Carver, Owner, LISHost.org |    |
Dr. Frank Cervone, Managing Partner, Cervone and Associates |    |
Zhimin Chen, Library Systems Manager, Saint Joseph's University | |
Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries |    |
Shari Clayman, Internet Reference Librarian, ASRC Primus (at the Environmental Protection Agency) | |
Mary Catherine Coleman, Lower School Librarian and Library Department Chair, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School |  |
Maurice D. Coleman, Technical Trainer, Harford County Public Library and Host, T is for Training |    |
Susan Considine, Executive Director, The Fayetteville Free Library and ALA LLAMA Division Councilor, NYLA PLS President, NYLA Councilor at Large |     |
John F. Coogan, Systems Librarian, University of Maryland University College | |
Diane Cordell, Consultant and Writer, CyberSmart Education Company |    |
Enid Costley, Children's and Youth Services Consultant, Library of Virginia | |
Kelly Coulter, Vitual Services Manager, Richland Library | |
Erin Crane, Ebooks Librarian, Liberty University | |
Storm Cunningham, CEO, ReCitizen, L3C and Author, ReCivilizing | |
Mary Fran Daley, Doctoral Student, Lehigh University College of Education | |
Len Davidson, Systems Librarian, Catholic University | |
Paul De Villo, Web Services Manager, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library | |
Jim DelRosso, Digital Projects Coordinator, Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library, Cornell University |      |
Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz, Knowledge Manager, Cleveland Public Library |    |
Mike Diaz, Executive Director, Marketing, ProQuest |    |
Jennifer Diffin, Assistant Director, Systems & Access Services, Information and Library Services, University of Maryland University College |    |
Nancy Dowd, Project Lead LibraryAware, EBSCO Publishing and Novelist |     |
Kim Dulin, Co-Director, Harvard Library Innovation Lab | |
Jane Dysart, Principal, Dysart & Jones Associates |      |
Michael Peter Edson, Smithsonian Institution; Open Knowledge Foundation; Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) |   |
Nicole C. Engard, Vice President of Education, ByWater Solutions |      |
Amanda Etches, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph |     |
Cynthia Etkin, U.S. Government Printing Office | |
Michele Farrell, Senior Library Program Officer, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) | |
Polly-Alida Farrington, Consultant & Trainer, PA Farrington Associates |      |
Susan Faust, Librarian, Lower School, Katherine Delmar Burke School and San Francisco Chronicle | |
Darlene Fichter, GovInfo Librarian, University of Saskatchewan Library |   |
Sean Fitzpatrick, Drupal Developer, LISHost.org |   |
Nathan Flinchum, Community Technology Center Librarian, Public Services, Roanoke Public Libraries | |
Carolyn Foote, Librarian/ District Librarian, Westlake High School/ Eanes ISD |   |
Forrest Foster, Information Commons & Access Services, Head, Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) |    |
Terri Fredericka, Executive Director, InfOhio |   |
Li Fu, Digital Services Librarian, University of Maryland University College |   |
Abbey Gerken, Assistant Library Network Coordinator, ASRC Primus (at the Environmental Protection Agency) | |
Dan Giancaterino, Education Services Manager, Jenkins Law Library |   |
Krista Godfrey, Web Services Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland |     |
Michele Gorman, Deputy Director for Lifelong Learning, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library | |
Anthea Gotto, ProQuest | |
Adrianna Gould, Content Editor, blekko |    |
Jean Graef, Founder, The Montague Institute |   |
Teresa Gray, Public Services Archivist, Vanderbilt University | |
Jason Griffey, Head of Library Information Technology, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Author, Speaker, Tech Geek |    |
Mike Gruenberg, Owner/President, Gruenberg Consulting LLC |   |
Colleen S. Harris, Head of Access Services, University of Tennessee – Chattanooga | |
Dr. Paulette Hasier, Manager, Research Services, Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. and Department of Defense | |
Jamie Hazlitt, Outreach Librarian, William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University |   |
Dr. John H. Heinrichs, Associate Professor, Wayne State University | |
Dave Hesse, Director of Digital Innovation Department, Evolve Project |  |
Casey Hickey, Digital Media Specialist, Campus Technology Services, SUNY Cortland | |
Ran Hock, Principal, Online Strategies | |
Alex R Hodges, Associate Director, Instruction & Curricular Services, American University |     |
Dave Hodgins, Data Coordinator and Web Developer, Library Research Service, Colorado State Library | |
Justin Hoenke, Teen Librarian, Portland Public Library (Maine) |      |
David Hoffman, Co-Chair for the Internet@Schools Track, Information Today, Inc. | |
Linda Hofschire, Research Analyst, Library Research Service, Colorado State Library | |
Olivia Hoge, Branch Manager, Lorain Branch, Cleveland Public Library | |
Sean Hogue, Consultant, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library | |
Amanda Hollister, Systems Librarian, Broome Community College | |
Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Culture, City of Markham and Markham Public Library |  |
Nancy Howe, Public Computing Center Project Librarian, Baldwinsville Public Library | |
Jenny Howland, Makery Facilitator, Lower School K-8, Katherine Delmar Burke School and Fablabs K-12 Google Group, BAISNET, NYCIST |   |
Karen Huffman, Manager, Technology Solutions, Information Systems & Technology, National Geographic Society and Special Libraries Association |    |
Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County |      |
Jill Hurst-Wahl, Director, LIS & School Media Programs, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University |      |
Melissa Jacobs-Israel, Coordinator, Office of Library Services, New York City Department of Education and New York City School Library System |   |
Caroline Jobe, Library Services Coordinator, Village Learning Place | |
Margeaux Johnson, Science & Technology Librarian, Marston Science Library, University of Florida | |
Rebecca Jones, Partner, Dysart & Jones Associates |     |
Candice Kail, Web Services Librarian, Columbia University Libraries | |
Joanna Karpinski, Systems Librarian, National Library of Medicine | |
Mr Bob Kasenchak, Project Coordinator, Access Innovations |   |
Dick Kaser, Vice President of Content, Information Today |    |
Ms. Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc. |   |
Sara Kelley-Mudie, Library Director and Educational Technology Facilitator, The Forman School | |
Lois Kilkka, Deputy Director for Library Experiences, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library | |
David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library and and Publisher, davidleeking.com |      |
James King, Information Architect, NIH Library, National Institutes of Health and Past President, DC Chapter of SLA |    |
Karen Kliegman, School Librarian-Educational Technology Specialist, Searingtown School and Herricks UFSD |    |
Jennifer Koerber, Web Services Librarian, Boston Public Library |     |
Jennifer Kronenbitter, Assistant Director of Libraries, SUNY Cortland | |
Karen Krugman, Chief, Research Library & Archives, Export-Import Bank of the United States | |
Bonnie Lafazan, Library Director, Berkeley College, Woodbridge campus |    |
Christopher Lawton, Program Assistant, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University | |
Brent Leary, Partner, CRM Essentials | |
Anne Ledford, Middle School Library Media Specialist, Stuart-Hobson Middle School | |
Rudy Leon, Outreach & Instruction Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno |   |
Jeen-Su Lim, Professor of Marketing and e-Commerce, The University of Toledo | |
Michelle Liu, Assistant Professor of Information Technology, Marymount University | |
Mary Ann Lorkowski, Business Analyst, Technology, Booz Allen Hamilton | |
Patricia Loverich, Youth Services Technology Librarian, Arlington Public Library | |
Sarah Ludwig, Dean of Digital and Library Services, The Ethel Walker School |  |
CJ Lynce, TechCentral Manager, Cleveland Public Library |  |
Daniel C. Mack, Interim Director, Collection Management and Special Collections, University of Maryland Libraries | |
Chad Mairn, Information Services Librarian, St. Petersburg College |      |
Colleen Major, Electronic Resources Librarian, Columbia University Libraries | |
Paige Mano, Academic Librarian - Social Media Coordinator, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Library |      |
Joel Marchesoni, Technical Support Analyst, Hunter Library, Western Carolina University |    |
Katie Maricic, Reference/Instruction Librarian, Berkeley College, Woodbridge campus | |
Nina McHale, Web Developer, Digital Services, Arapahoe Library District |     |
Sheli McHugh, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library |     |
Joe McKendrick, Principal Researcher, Unisphere Research, A Division of Information Today, Inc. | |
Michael Miyazaki, Document Training Specialist, American Psychological Association | |
Michele Mizejewski, Web Initiatives Librarian, University of California, San Francisco and Simmons GSLIS Alumni Board |   |
Sam Molyneux, CEO & Co-Founder, SCIENCESCAPE |   |
Matt Montgomery, Technical Services Librarian, Mechanics' Institute |   |
Claire Moore, Assistant Head of Children's Services, Darien Library | |
Wendy Moore, Acquisitions Librarian, University of Georgia Law Library | |
Bernie Morrissey, Middle School Librarian, The Harker School | |
Leo Mullen, CEO, NavigationArts | |
Joe Murphy, Library Directions & Tech Trends Analyst. Director Library Futures., Library Future and Innovative Interfaces, Yale Uni |      |
Ms. Robin Neidorf, Director of Research, Free Pint Limited |   |
Greg Notess, Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian, Montana State University |      |
Patrick Nunez Rauber, Assistant Professor, Instruction Librarian, Broward College | |
Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, Online Searcher magazine |    |
Randy Oldham, Web Development Librarian, University of Guelph | |
Chris Olson, Principal, Chris Olson & Associates |    |
Cynthia Mari Orozco, Languages & Linguistics Librarian, California State University, Long Beach |    |
Marcy Phelps, President, Phelps Research Inc. and Author, Research on Main Street: Using the Web to Find Local Business and Market Information |     |
Brian Pichman, Director of Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project |     |
Nico Piro, Young Adult Librarian, Arlington Public Library | |
Margaret Portier, Director of Innovative Family Services, Fayetteville Free Library |    |
Gary Price, Co-Founder, INFODocket & FullTextReports | |
Steven Putt, Librarian, Wayne State University | |
Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet Project and Author of the book "Networked: The New Social Operating System" | |
Daniel W. Rasmus, Owner/Principal Analyst, danielwrasmus.com and & Author, Listening to the Future and Management by Design |    |
Tim Ribaric, Digital Services Librarian, Brock University |   |
Juanita Richardson, Dysart & Jones Associates | |
Mr Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting and & former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library | |
Emily Robinson, Instructional Services librarian, Northern Virginia Community College | |
Mrs. Hailey Ruoff, Assistant Director, Instructional Technologies and Design Services, Memorial Library, SUNY Cortland | |
Merete Sanderhoff, Researcher/Project manager, Collections and Research, Statens Museum for Kunst |     |
Jessica L Sanders, Research Specialist, ARTI (DoD Contractor) | |
John Sarnowski, Director, ResCarta Foundation |  |
Michael P Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Technology & Access Services, Nebraska Library Commission |      |
Casey Schacher, Resource Discovery Librarian, University of Wiscosin - Madison, Memorial Library | |
Aaron Schmidt, Principal, Influx Library User Experience and & Publisher, walkingpaper.org |  |
Krista Schmidt, Research and Instruction Librarian/Science Liaison, Hunter Library, Western Carolina University | |
Kelly Seifert, Lead Planning Specialist, U.S. Government Printing Office | |
Pat Semple, Upper School Librarian, Bullis School and Metropolitan Washington Independent School Librarians Association | |
Crystal Shiffert, Reference librarian, Monroe County Library System | |
Kelly Shipp, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Maryland Baltimore County | |
David Shumaker, Clinical Associate Professor, School of Library & Information Science, Catholic University of America |    |
Katherine Simpson, Associate Director for Organizational Development, American University Library | |
Brian Smith, Applications & Web Developer, Reaching Across Illinois Library System |  |
Jeremy Snell, Web & Electronic Services Librarian, Mechanics' Institute |     |
Andrea Snyder, Job & Career Information Center Manager, Enoch Pratt Free Library |   |
Lori Snyder, E-Resources Cataloging Librarian, Liberty University | |
Jill Sodt, Learning Resources Center Coordinator, Black Hawk College, East Campus | |
Tim Spalding, CEO, LibraryThing | |
Aaron Stanton, CEO, BookLamp.org and & the Book Genome Project | |
David Stern, Associate Dean for Public Services, Illinois State University |   |
Julie Strange, Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland | |
Gwyneth Stupar, Adult Services Librarian, Barrington Area Library | |
Patrick "PC" Sweeney, Branch Manager, San Mateo County Library |      |
Lawrence Swiader, Senior Director, Digital Media, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy | |
Curt W. Tagtmeier, Reference Librarian/ Independent Consultant | |
Kate Theimer, ArchivesNext.com | |
Hutch Tibbetts, Digital Resources Librarian, IT & Web Services, Douglas County Libraries |   |
Rhonda Trueman, Access Services Librarian, Learning Resources Center, Northwest Florida State College | |
Douglas Uhlmann, Head, John F. Gummere Library, William Penn Charter School | |
Kristin Vajs, Chief Librarian, Research Library, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | |
Kim Vassiliadis, Head, User Experience, UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries |  |
Carol A. Watson, Director, University of Georgia Law Library |   |
Iain Watt, Chief, Dag Hammarskjöld Library, United Nations | |
Patricia West, Assistant Director, Research Services, American University Library | |
Gary W. White PhD, Associate Dean, Public Services, University of Maryland Libraries | |
Dr. Hollie White, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Goodson Law Library, Duke University | |
Karen White, Senior Librarian & Team Lead, USAID Knowledge Services Center, LAC Group on assignment at USAID | |
Leah L White, Reader Services Librarian, Northbrook Public Library |     |
Jeff Wisniewski, Web Services Librarian, University of Pittsburgh |   |
Mason Yang, Electronic Services Librarian, Library and Learning Services, Marymount University | |
Kristen Yarmey, Digital Services Librarian, The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library |    |