Heather Braum currently serves as the digital and technical services librarian in Lawrence, KS for the Northeast Kansas Regional Library System, which supports public, school, and academic libraries in a 14-county region. She is currently a part of the NExpress Shared Catalog (Koha) team and also dabbles in cataloging, interlibrary loan, continuing education, collection development, systems librarianship, web development, and digital content selection. With lifelong passions for learning and sharing, Heather has presented at numerous regional, state, and national workshops and conferences on a wide variety of topics including innovation, social media, open source software, lifelong learning, online security, information overload, and open education resources. She was the 2010 Kansas Library Association New Professional of the Year. She's active on Twitter, blogs at www.heatherbraum.info, and loves KU Jayhawks basketball and her two cats. |