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Pre-Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track A:
Ebook Biz & Libraries
Track B:
Transforming Web Presence
Track C:
Navigating, Search, & Discovery
Track D:
Library Issues & Challenges
Track E:
OPENING KEYNOTE — Transforming Knowledge in the Age of the Net
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
David Weinberger, Co-Director Harvard Library Innovation Lab, Harvard University & Author, Too Big To Know; Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder, & Co-Author,Cluetrain Manifesto

An industry watcher and participant for many years, Weinberger gets to the core of the transformations happening around us, especially with respect to the Net. One reviewer commented that this new book discusses “how the economics of data collection, storage, and transmission have profoundly altered not just how we look at expertise and knowledge, but even what we think of as ’facts.’” Last year’s Internet Librarian keynote speaker, John Seely Brown, calls Weinberger, “one of the most important thinkers of the digital age. If you want to understand what it means to live in a world awash in information, Too Big to Know is the guide you’ve been looking for.” Be inspired by Weinberger’s ideas and big-picture perspective. Get new insights to apply to your network, community, and work for a successful and engaged future. Ensure that as internet librarians you are at the core of your customers activities in gathering and creating knowledge.

General Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track A – Ebook Biz & Libraries

This information-packed track brings together librarians, publishers, and innovators to discuss technology, trends, practices, and the business of ebooks that is consuming our thoughts as we navigate the changing landscape.

Moderated by Amy Buckland, eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator, McGill University Library
Coffee Break
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
A101 – Adventures With Econtent & Epublishing
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Hutch Tibbetts, Digital Resources Librarian, IT & Web Services, Douglas County Libraries
Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting & former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library

Four of the “big six” publishers won’t sell ebooks to libraries in the U.S. at all, and two have unsustainable models. Conditions are even worse in Canada. Hear how two libraries set off in their own direction to discover ways to purchase content that their patrons desire, while encouraging publishers to work with libraries. Douglas County has signed contracts with more than a dozen pub- lishers and is working with many more. Learn more about the way libraries are taking control of econtent and providing new ways to discover and utilize their collections.

A102 – Publishers Update
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Scott Wasinger, Senior Director of Sales, eBooks and Audiobooks, EBSCO Publishing
Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
Brian Gurewitz, Director of Content Sales, OverDrive

This session looks at various publishing models and shares the latest thinking and practices by leading publishers.

Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
A103 – Support Strategies: Staff Training & Micropublishing
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Kreg Hasegawa, Librarian, The Seattle Public Library
Chrissy Knoelke, Librarian, Central Library - Public Services, The Seattle Public Library
Walt Crawford, Author, The Librarian’s Guide to Micropublishing

The digital collection, particularly the ebook collection, is the fastest-growing collection at most public libraries. At SPL, audio and ebooks are approximately 10% of the collections budget, and OverDrive circulation increased a dramatic 140% in 2011 to more than 327,000. With a quickly changing environment, the library has committed itself to providing deep and knowledgeable customer service to a wide range of patrons. The technical know-how is not only challenging to patrons but also staff. Hear about the library’s strategies including a redesign of webpages devoted to ebooks and downloads based on usability testing, the in-house creation of “Getting Started” guides; the development of new digital download classes; a pilot project for drop-in workshops at the branches; the use of a digital media blog for staff; and in-depth training for public services staff across the system. Crawford talks about alternatives to traditional publishing to support patron stories: family stories, personal reminiscences, teen poets, local issues, and history to enrich the community’s story, niche topics, and others that deserve permanence. He shows how libraries can help people organize and preserve those stories in book form and, in the process, strengthen community ties and the library’s role in it. Micropublishing, publishing print books in flexible quantities as small as one copy, with no up-front costs for libraries or patrons, is a growing trend. Hear more!

A104/A105 – Ebook Economics & Trends
2:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Erik Adams, Electronic Resource Librarian, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton
Elizabeth Altman, Web Services Coordinator, California State University, Northridge
Doris Small Helfer, Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities Librarian, Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge
Steve Kutay, Digital Services Librarian, California State University, Northridge
Mary Woodley, Collection Development Coordinator, California State University, Northridge
Gerry McKiernan, Science & Technology Librarian, Iowa State University

Increasingly, libraries are clearing stacks to make way for flexible spaces suited to portable personal technology and replacing print holdings with electronic collections. The session begins with a case study of replacing annually purchased reference books with electronic books, includes an analysis of the economics, review of availability of materials, and a brief look at the difficulties of creating specialized ebooks to fill in gaps. The CSU group share the results of a survey to assess the use of e-reader and tablet devices, their adoption by students and faculty, as well as how frequently and in what environments they are being used for conducting research and completing course assignments. McKiernan looks at the current landscape for digital textbooks; the vendors, platforms and initiatives happening in this space; funding options; predictions; and more!

A106 – Innovation in Ebooks
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Aaron Stanton, CEO, & the Book Genome Project
Michael Porter, President, Library Renewal

What’s next? Join this exciting panel for a look at what’s in the works and what might rock our ebook world in the near future.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
General Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track B – Transforming Web Presence

Get tips, ideas, and insights from our experienced and knowledgeable library webmasters who talk about redesign, implementation, learning about users, usability, and web analytics. Power up your idea engine, and fill up your webmaster toolbox. Find out what users’ expectations and perceptions are of library’s online presence, and take home some best practices to get started.

Moderated by Darlene Fichter, GovInfo Librarian, University of Saskatchewan Library
Coffee Break
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
B101 – Websites at the Next Level
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library and Publisher,

Ever had that feeling there was something missing on your website, or something not quite right ... but you couldn’t put your finger on it? In addition to the seven essential elements, King describes ways to take your library’s web presence to the next level. Leave with lots of insights and ideas to improve your library’s website!

B102 – Building Usable & Accessible Sites
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Krista Godfrey, Web Services Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Danielle Becker, Assistant Professor/Web Librarian, Hunter College Libraries

Library websites are slowly transforming into powerful, and more importantly, easy-to-use tools. In order to develop the latter, it is essential to perform constant and consistent usability testing. Hear how one university is trying to create a culture of thoughtfulness toward users with a web usability team. Learn why usability is important, how it implemented the new team, and directions it is going. Becker discusses usability testing at Hunter College and shares the key findings of its recent mobile technology study of 700-plus users that helped drive the design of a mobile library site and app.

Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
B103 – Using Ethnographic Methods to Know Customers
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Katie Clark, Associate Dean, Public Services and Collection Development, River Campus Libraries

Learn about the results of a multiyear ethnographic study of undergraduates comparing 2011 results with those of 2006. Study methods included retrospective interviews, photo surveys, and mapping diaries to refresh the data. Subteams investigated new questions, including: How do study groups work together? What devices and applications do students use? How do students learn the ropes? Hear the new observations and how these insights are improving library facilities and services in 2012.

B104 – Web Analytics: Using Evidence for Improvement
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM
David Dahl, Information Technology Librarian, Towson University
M Ryan Hess, Web Services Coordinator, DePaul University Library

Dahl champions opening up web usage statistics to everyone in the library. He shares ideas on how to plan for this culture change, tips for overcoming obstacles along the way, and strategies to work with rather than against a more empowered staff. Hess tackles a problem that many libraries face: how to create unified web statistics reports that include the library website, LibGuides, ContentDM, Google Search Appliance, and the library catalog. Learn how to deploy cross-domain Google Analytics code on your platforms, understand the benefits, and gain insights from his organization’s experiments, frustrations, and solutions.

B105 – Drupal Nuggets: Themes, Modules, & Users
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Anne M. Platoff, Web Services Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara
Ian Lessing, Software development manager / Web Programmer, University of California, Santa Barbara
Mai Irie, Computer & Network Technologist, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dillon Moore, Web Initiatives Librarian, Wilfrid Laurier University Library
Joelle Rosen, Business Analyst, Information Technology and Development, Queens Borough Public Library

In this info-packed session, the first presentation shares highlights of a website redesign processes including what works well with Drupal and what needs tuning and tweaking. The group explain the variety of Drupal modules and capabilities that were used to create a user-focused site including innovative help features, better site search, etc. Moore pops the hood on Drupal’s theming system. Take home tips on selecting the right starter theme, and learn about popular layout modules, including Panels and Display Suite. Rosen knows what her library’s customers think about the Drupal powered site—numerous feedback channels let them have a say, and hundreds have taken the opportunity to do so. By really listening to customers, her library identified bugs, things that should not have been missed but somehow were, and got some amazing suggestions.

B106 – LibGuides: User Perceptions, Expectations, & Satisfaction
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Roy Degler, Associate Professor, Digital Library Services, Oklahoma State University
Virginia Gravina, Oklahoma State University
Fred Matofari, Oklahoma State University
Kathleen Kelsey, Oklahoma State University
Aaron Bowen, Reference/Subject Librarian, California State University, Chico

Hear OSU library users’ expectations and impressions of LibGuides as a tool for accessing information, what external evaluators discovered about LibGuides, and suggestions for improvements from users. Then learn how CSU created course-level LibGuides within Blackboard and the results of a study of users examining effectiveness and use. Find out about shells and the specific technique of LibGuides placement in Blackboard Vista.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
General Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track C – Navigating, Search, & Discovery

Despite the many available tools and techniques, finding the right quality and relevant information is still a challenge for Internet Librarians and their clients. This track shares the latest from our experts and practitioners and ensures you will take home lots of tips and tricks for navigating, searching, and discovering the information you need and want!

Moderated by Richard Geiger, Information & News Consultant
Coffee Break
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
C101 – Super Searcher Secrets
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.

You think you’ve heard it all, but Bates continues to surprise and impress with new strategies, techniques, and tips for getting the most out of web research. Our well-known super searcher, who has many books to her name and hosts Searchers Academy, provides an up-to-the-minute and jam-packed-with-valuable-tools-and-tips talk about searching the web more effectively. Always with lots of new and exciting secrets, this session is not to be missed!

C102 – Google Search Secrets: 50 Tips!
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Greg Notess, Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian, Montana State University

As Google moves into new areas, from Google+ to Android to Google Drive, search remains its core business. Join our experienced and popular speaker for a fast-paced tour of some of Google’s current crop of search techniques, commands, and tricks, from the well-known to the rarely used. Explore Google search secrets in Google’s various databases and services.

Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
C103 – Optimizing Search With Your Right Brain
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Tasha Bergson-Michleson, Instructional and Programming Librarian, Castilleja School
Diane Sands, Collection Development Librarian, California Academy of Sciences

Inquiry and question functions are found in the analytical left brain. But often the right brain knows things the left brain cannot see. Come explore both sides of your brain, and learn how to optimize your search terms by using the creative, intuitive right brain. Our speakers walk you through this innovative technique designed to enhance your search capabilities.

C104 – Search Engine Update
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM
Gary Price, Co-Founder, INFODocket & FullTextReports
Tamas Doszkocs Ph.D., Computer Scientist, President, WebLib
Stephen Burns, Director, Marketing, blekko
Sam Molyneux, CEO & Co-Founder, SCIENCESCAPE

Our expert searcher and industry watcher, Gary Price, interviews speakers about new and exciting search engines. Hear the latest about OntoFind’s semantic search and knowledge discovery system and Blekko’s spam-free search engine. Learn how to use these technologies in your environment.

C105 – Discovery Systems
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Bob Fernekes, Information Services Librarian, Zach S. Henderson Library, Georgia Southern University
Alison Steinberg Gurganus, Online Services & Instruction Librarian, San Diego Mesa College
Athena Hoeppner, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Central Florida Libraries

This session includes three case studies sharing experiences, lessons learned, and insights about discovery systems. Fernekes discusses the research, design, and search strategies of mobile and desktop discovery using EBSCO Discovery Service including both student and faculty perceptions. Gurganus shares the decisions and customizations made to give students the discovery systems they wanted integrated into their website. Hoeppner shares quantitative and qualitative measures, giving insight into whether web scale discovery systems will supplant Google Scholar as the primary search engine used by grad students and faculty for extra disciplinary searching.

C106 – From Overload to "Big Data"
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Amy Affelt, Director, Database Research, Compass Lexecon

Big Data has replaced “information overload” as the catch phrase of the moment, and the accompanying commentary is often presented in a way that creates concern and uncertainty among professionals working in myriad industries. Luckily, Big Data presents a huge opportunity for librarians to latch on to the buzz surrounding this phenomena to market their skills and go beyond current service levels to first curate high-quality data, and then parse through, analyze, and massage it to create knowledge products that are tremendously valuable to our organizations. This session explores Big Data opportunities across industries as varied as shipping, retail, and economic consulting, and showcases deliverables that info pros can create in order to position themselves as solutions, antidotes, and experts in harnessing Big Data to drive critical organization decision-making.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
General Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track D – Library Issues & Challenges

This discussion stream with a roomful of colleagues at roundtables focuses on a series of topics of interest to innovative librarians. From benchmarks and indicators to open source trends to hot topics and the next big thing, lively discussions will definitely ensue! Join us.

Jennifer Koerber, Web Services Librarian, Boston Public Library
Michael P Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Technology & Access Services, Nebraska Library Commission
Coffee Break
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
D101 – Public Access & Library Tech Benchmarks
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Samantha Becker, Research Project Manager, University of Washington Information School

This session highlights a set of benchmarks and indicators for measuring the success of and encouraging excellence in public access technology services in public libraries across the country. It then discusses the test of these benchmarks and indicators with libraries across the country to determine whether certain library characteristics, such as population size, staffing levels, or per-capita funding, drive indicator performance, and patron out- comes for further revisions to the framework, assessment protocols, and advocacy tools. An interactive discussion of what inputs and activities matter most for achieving quality public access resources rounds out the session.

D102 – Open Source Trends & Issues
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides
Nicole C. Engard, Vice President of Education, ByWater Solutions

Libraries have a natural affinity with open source software, and many have implemented it for their strategic automation infrastructure, including ILS and discovery systems. Come hear our speakers’ perspectives on the current and emerging trends of open source in the industry relative to proprietary products and how it fares relative to broader trends such as comprehensive resource management, cloud computing, and new-generation discovery. Discuss the trends and issues with your colleagues following our speakers’ insights.

Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
D103 – Engaging & Inspiring Staff
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Lisa Hardy, Manager, West Sector, Calgary Public Library
Genevieve Luthy, Virtual Library Manager, Calgary Public Library
Michelle Boule, Geek Librarian

Computers in Libraries keynote speaker Michael Edson urged us to “think big, start small, move fast.” It can be easier to move fast with a staff that is ready, willing, and inspired to change. Speakers share ideas and tips gained from their experiences, including crowdsourcing to demonstrate the transformative power of a focused group to overcome any challenge. Then the audience share more ideas with each other.

D104 – Dig Deeper: Hot Topic Discussions
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM

This session focuses on the new and emerging topics, technologies and issues coming to the fore early in 2013. It approaches each topic from a variety of discussion entry points related to libraries, not just a single perspective. Feel free to suggest topics you’d like to discuss!

D105 – Starting a New Library in the Google Age
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Ronald Snijder, Project Manager Digital Publications / Technical coordinator OAPEN, Amsterdam University Press / OAPEN Foundation

The Open Access Publishing in European Networks/ OAPEN Library was officially launched at the Frankfurt Book Fair last October. It includes several academic publishers that developed an open access business model for monographs in humanities and social sciences, combined with the creation of the online library. Based on his experience, our speaker leads an interactive discussion of creating a new online library in the Google age.

D106 – The Next Big Thing
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library
Brian Pichman, Director of Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project
Dave Hesse, Director of Digital Innovation Department, Evolve Project
Ben Bizzle, Director of Technology, Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library

Sometimes, it can be most helpful just to hear what libraries are thinking of doing next, as well as visions of the next BIG thing. A small panel of BIG thinkers share brief thoughts on what the BIG things for libraries will be in the next few years, then participants share their institutions’ plans for next week, next month, and next year. Have your notepad or mobile device of choice ready to jot down potential collaborators.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
General Conference — Monday, October 22, 2012
Track E – Internet@Schools

Educator-librarians take note: Day 1 of the 2-day, K–12-focused Internet@Schools track brings you loads of expertise on pressing iPads and other mobile learning devices into service, new looks at the LMS/tech coordinator connection, teaching research, and promoting reading.

David Hoffman, Co-Chair for the Internet@Schools Track, Information Today, Inc.
Susan Geiger, Librarian, Moreau Catholic High School AISL, BAYNET, BASIL Past President
Coffee Break
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
E101 – Learning Spaces and iPads - A Paradigm Shift for Education
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Don Orth, Director of Technology, Hillbrook School

Increased mobility enabled by personal, powerful, portable technology is forcing schools to rethink how learning spaces can best support new approaches to learning. To accommodate the shift to mobile learning, Hillbrook School, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, is now 2 years into a 1:1 iPad program and is developing an agile, experimental learning space called the iLab. Two partner firms—Bretford and HERO, Inc.—are collaborating with Hillbrook to design, plan, build, and assess the iLab. As the school and its partners pursue this project, they are gathering evidence on how best to support agility, learning, and mobility in the digital age. Come listen and learn how the iLab project is informing decisions that will change and improve all Hillbrook learning spaces.

E102 – Learning in Their Hands- Portable Devices and BYOD
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Dawn Nelson, Instructional Media and Technology Coordinator, Osseo Area Schools Information and Technology Educators of Minnesota (ITEM)

Access to information is the true power of the internet, providing resources for teachers and students alike for both teaching and learning. But often it is hindered by the logistics of getting to computers. One way that schools are addressing that issue is to allow students to bring their own technology to use for learning. Of course, with those devices come some challenges. In the third year of Project Copernicus, a BYOD project in her Osseo, Minnesota, area schools, Nelson has identified staff development as one of the major hindrances. This session briefly covers the development of Project Copernicus and then focuses specifically on ways to prepare teachers to successfully incorporate student devices into their classrooms.

Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
E103 – School Librarian/Tech Specialist Collaboration-How We Can All Get Along
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Mary Ann Bell, Professor of Library Science/, Sam Houston State University
Holly Weimar, Associate Professor/Chair, Department of Library Science, Sam Houston State University

Drawing on ideas in their soon-to-be-published book School Librarians and the Technology Department: A Practical Guide to Successful Collaboration, Bell and Weimar share ways to promote positive relationships between school librarians and technology professionals. They offer prac- tical tips and ideas for establishing collaboration and communication and also for mending fences as needed. Attendees should come away with some specific ways to build bridges between these two departments.

E104 – A Rose Is a Rose, or Promoting Reading in All Formats
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM
Susan Geiger, Librarian, Moreau Catholic High School AISL, BAYNET, BASIL Past President
Anne Arriaga, Head Librarian, Moreau Catholic High School

iPad, e-reader or book! It’s all reading, and we still face the issue of motivating readers. Join Geiger and Arriaga as they share new tools to connect readers and books, promote your collections in all formats, and create a vibrant reading community within your school. The pair highlight ways to leverage technology to accomplish this goal, including book discovery tools, QR codes, and social networking. They also share how they reconfigured their physical space and formed partnerships with students to launch an annual read-a-thon.

E105 – Research Tools on the iPad
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Renee Ramig, Director of Technology, Seven Hills School

As more companies make the decision to stop printing their reference materials, there is more need to find ways for students to access these materials electronically. In this session, Ramig discusses logistics of using iPads in school libraries in both 1:1 programs and in a shared environment. A variety of apps that focus on research are explored.

E106 – Really, Really Basic Search: What We Need to Be Teaching About Finding Quality Sources Online
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Tasha Bergson-Michleson, Instructional and Programming Librarian, Castilleja School

Set aside advanced search for the moment. If you want students to find quality sources when they use popular search engines, you need to reexamine what they know about the basics. Why does typing in a full question make you more likely to get Q&A sites? How does the search process teach you better search terms? What do you gain by reading your results before clicking? Join Bergson-Michelson as she helps dispel myths and clears up common misunderstandings about what happens when you search online.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

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