in School Libraries • Friday, March 16th
As a specialized
conference within a conference, Computers in School Libraries 2001
brings together a series of programs focused on technology and its impact
on the practices and practical concerns of librarians and school media
specialists in the K-12 education system. Organized by Ferdi Serim, Editor,
MultiMedia Schools, the conference offers participants philosophical reflection,
practical how-to tips, and information about the newest products and services
designed for the K-12 market. Attendees can also attend sessions at Computers
in Libraries 2001.
10:30 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
Maximizing Multiple Intelligences
Through Multimedia
Graham Martin,
Germantown Academy
Carter Burnnett,
Whatever Publications
As educators,
we spend endless hours developing lessons and crafting activities, all
of which must integrate technology, comply with new curricular standards,
and be effective and meaningful for our students. Howard Gardner in his
theory of Multiple Intelligences provides insight into the way students
assimilate information. An electronic portfolio can be an instrument to
both establish baselines as well as measure growth in all of the intelligence
sets that Gardner has identified. At its simplest, a portfolio is a repository
of work or interactions of a particular student during the year. Therefore,
this means of assessing growth and reporting has to be an integral part
of the curriculum and not an “add-on.” Learn how to look at the electronic
portfolio as a malleable resource so it can better reflect the students’
development and provide a cumulative showcase.
11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m.
What IT Takes to Make the
Reference Shelf
Jean Reese,
Associate Director,Education Library, Vanderbilt University
Jean Reese's Reference
Shelf column in MultiMedia Schools magazine is a must-read for subscribers
seeking the latest and best materials to enhance their collections. From
her vantage point, surveying a flood of media and materials, she shares
her insights about what criteria can help shape decisions about what to
get, what to keep, and how these decisions have changed with the advent
of teaching in a digital age. See what's outstanding, and why, and learn
how to keep standards high in a time of accelerating change.
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. -
2:45 p.m.
Turning Data into Dollars:
The Baltimore Library Renaissance Story
Della Curtis,
Coordinator, Office of Library Information Services, Baltimore County Public
For the next 3
years, the Baltimore County Public School Libraries have a budget of $10.529
million to buy new library books for the 50 secondary schools in the district.
How did they do it? It wasn't as hard as you might think. Creating a library
renaissance was not an overnight task. It was one big “research” assignment,
which began by clearly defining the problems; asking essential questions;
gathering data, research, and resources; synthesizing information; massaging
data; communicating with decision-makers and stakeholders; and reflecting
every step of the way. Learn how you can apply the Baltimore experience
to your own situation in action-oriented detail.
3:00 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
Influencing Change and Student
Learning Through Staff Development
Mary Alice
Anderson, Lead Media Specialist, Winona Middle School
Proactive involvement
in staff development is perhaps the most important part of our many-faceted
jobs. Through involvement in staff development, media specialists will
impact change in their schools, facilitate prudent use of resources and
have a positive impact on student learning. Examples of effective staff
development and research about staff development, teachers and technology
will be shared.
3:45 p.m. -
4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to
Visit the Exhibits
4:15 p.m. -
5:00 p.m.
Researchers to Ringleaders
Dillard, Temple University
Ellis, Educational Cyber Playground
Internet’s rapid, two-way communication has facilitated direct communication
with experts in ways not dreamed of before the computer became part of
information retrieval. Discussion groups are an important example of the
communication capabilities of the Internet because good discussion groups
attract the membership of experts and specialists in their fields. They
read the group’s messages to keep up with what is being said by other members
of the discussion group, but also make valuable comments and offer useful
advice to others in the discussion group. The panel’s own experiences with
the Diversity University Collaboratory, an electronic mailing list, and
the Educational CyberPlayGround, an Internet portal, illustrate this revolution
of online-research opportunities.
in School Libraries • Saturday, March 17th
a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
I Can
Do This: A Teaching Faculty Guide to Technology in the Classroom
M. Getchell, Jr., Director of the Arnold Bernhard Library, Quinnipiac University
McDonnell, MIS/New Technologies, Yale University
years ago, former Quinnipiac colleagues, friends, and fathers of elementary
school children — Larry McDonnell and Charles Getchell — began work on
a text designed to assist teachers, librarians, and technologists in grades
K-12 with integrating technology into their classrooms and media centers.
There is substantial literature on pedagogy, high-end technology, and use
of the Internet, but there was no straight-forward, well-rounded text that
combined useful background information on technology with practical discussions
and case studies on using email, PowerPoint, basic HTML, and the internet
in the classroom. Presenters examine technology needs in the K-12 sector,
share some of their strategies and approaches in the developing the idea
that became a book, and values of librarians and technologists in higher-education
partnering with their counterparts in elementary and secondary education.
a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Dunnit? And Other Web-Based Activities
Joseph & Linda Resch, Columbus Public Schools
many times have you hit a deadend on the Web? Cute games, shallow lessons,
and biased information are in abundance. Where’s the depth? Learn how to
use the Web as a tool for curriculum integration with engaging and thought-provoking
activities in math, science, social studies, and language arts. Join us
for 45 minutes of fun and learning.
a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Gateway to Educational Materials:
Dublin Core Metadata to Improve Access to Internet Resources
are thousands of lesson plans, curriculum units and other educational materials
distributed on Web sites across the Internet. In many instances, these
valuable resources are difficult for most teachers to find in an efficient
and effective manner. The goal of the Gateway to Educational Materials
(GEM) is to solve this resource discovery problem and to provide “The Gateway”
to quality collections of educational resources. GEM records (the individual
packets of metadata which describe and point to an object, much like a
catalog card) are collected together at a central location, forming The
Gateway. When teachers connect to The Gateway, they are able to access
the Internet-based educational resources of participating GEM Consortium
members. When they use The Gateway database, rather than an Internet search
engine, teachers are able to locate resources they need quickly and efficiently.
a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Won’t My Mouse Work?
Clayton, Media and Reference Librarian, Finger Lakes Community College
won’t my mouse work?” is the first thing students say when they sit down
at the terminals in the computerized classroom located in the library.
When they learn that the computers are networked so that the librarian’s
terminal can control the other terminals, they are curious and become more
interested in the presentation. This provides an opportunity to introduce
and explain the electronic resources provided by the library. This type
of presentation is particularly effective with the “non-traditional” students
who make up a large part of the community college enrollment (older students,
returning students, students who have earned their GED). This session will
show how a library instruction class is conducted in a computerized classroom,
and why it is an excellent teaching tool for the non- traditional student.
p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Information Power and Library
Media Program Standards
Jane Prestebak,
Librarian, Spring Lake Park High School
The new Information
Power standards have influenced the development of standards and evaluation
tools on national and state levels. Rather than focusing on program checklists
that define services, evaluation tools improve student achievement by centering
on information-literacy goals. Examples of evaluation tools including AASL
publications, NSSE (association of regional accreditation organizations),
and newly developed state standards will be presented and compared.