March 21 - 23, 2012
Hilton Washington
Washington, DC
General Conference
— Thursday, March 22, 2012 | | Keynote: Creating Innovative Libraries 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Susan Hildreth, Director, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Innovative libraries create positive user experiences and learning environments by connecting people to information and ideas. Not only do successful and innovative libraries require a deep understanding of their community and creative new practices to embrace the changing context in which they operate, but they need investment by their community partners for research and support. Hear about the latest directions from our knowledgeable keynote speaker. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track A –
EBook Evolution & Revolution
Will tomorrow’s libraries be bookless or just paperless? As ebooks become more and more in demand by the reading public, more and more manageable in library collections, and more and more loanable on mobile devices, what will tomorrow’s libraries look like? And how can we get there quickly and rationally? This 2-day track on ebook proliferation and adoption brings librarians, distributors, and publishers to the same table to discuss technology, trends, and issues with hopes to find solutions that work for all. | Moderated by Chad Mairn, Information Services Librarian, St. Petersburg College
| A201 – Ebook Publishers & Libraries: Win-Win Solutions 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Mr Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting and & former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library Michael Ciccone, Director of Collections, Hamilton Public Library Matt Barnes, VP of Marketing, ebrary
Learn more about publishers’ models and join in the discussion of how libraries and publishers are seeking ways of working together for the benefit of authors, publishers, and libraries within the ebook environment. | A202 – Ebook Trends: Info Pro Perspectives 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Michael Porter, President, Library Renewal and libraryman.com Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library Andy Woodworth, Librarian
It’s happening all around us: Electronic content is accounting for more and more of our library “circulation,” and our budgets are moving to match that reality. Studies and news items about libraries and technology paint picture after picture of nearly exponential growth for econtent access in the coming decade. As that happens, what role will your library really play? What technologies and devices will our library patrons use to access our materials? What needs to happen in your library in order to ensure that it thrives as econtent access infrastructure needs dramatically shift? The current trends are discussed along with a look at the rights that all ebook consumers should enjoy in regard to their digital content. | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| A203 – The Future of Publishing: Challenges & Strategies 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Frank Menchaca, Executive Vice President, Research Solutions, Cengage Scott Wasinger, Senior Director of Sales, eBooks and Audiobooks, EBSCO Publishing
Hear from our panel of publishers about their ebook challenges, strategies and plans for the future. | A204 – Matching Books & Communities 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Chad Mairn, Information Services Librarian, St. Petersburg College Aaron Stanton, CEO, BookLamp.org and & the Book Genome Project
The falling barriers-to-entry of publishing has lead to a flood of new books every year in a variety of formats. Each year, it will become more and more difficult to keep informed on the books coming onto the market, and which will appeal to an individual reader. This is a growing problem for the library of the future. This session will highlight what librarians can do to provide stellar readers’ advisory and will showcase BookLamp.org and the computer-based Book Genome Project for a technology developer’s perspective of what will be possible for reading recommendations in the near future. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| A205 – Ebooks: Public & Academic Library Perspectives 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Susan Lyon, Learning Engagement Manager, Richland County Public Library Tony Tallent, Director of Literacy and Learning, Richland County Public Library Sarah Forbes, Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Toronto Scarborough Paulina M Rousseau, Digital Scholarship Librarian, University of Toronto Scarborough
The first presentation discusses moving digital mountains — making ebooks easier to obtain, easier to talk about, and worth marketing to the community! “eReady Learning Takeovers” were the answer for transforming overly busy lunchtime locations by offering ebook instruction alongside a nice sushi roll or having a side of downloadables with your Portobello taco. The community responded enthusiastically, and in 1 year, the ebook circulation increased 266%. Speakers share how they implemented this initiative by building successful partnerships with local businesses, increasing competencies and interest throughout staffs, and creating a buzz about ebooks. Filled with tips and insights. Forbes discusses ebooks and new portable technologies, such as tablets and e-readers, that have enabled academic libraries to explore new and innovative ways for users to access leisure collections. She discusses how technology can be leveraged to support patron-driven acquisitions that make the library relevant and user-centered, while supporting the mission of the academic library to promote literacy, cognitive development, and critical-thinking skills. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track B –
User Experience
Design and user experience reflect the relevancy and importance of whatever we do. This track is filled with ideas and insights for creating easier-to-use and more interesting user experiences within our libraries and communities. | Moderated by Amanda Etches, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph
| B201 – C3: Customer-Centered Classification 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Culture, City of Markham and Markham Public Library
With the decrease in acquisitions of print material and increase in digital content, how can libraries be creative and appealing for their customers? As part of their strategy to improve patron access to collections through merchandising, MPL has created a new organization principal, C3, to emulate a “bookstore” environment. Hear about the concept, user experiences, and productivity increases. | B202 – Visualize It: Information & Operations 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Melissa Kopecky, Director, South Orange Public Library May Chang, Assistant Director, LibraryTechnology, East Carolina University
From infographics to Tumblr, from visual search to operation dashboards, visual information is the hot-new-thing. The way we compile and share information is changing. Kopecky and Porcaro explore how the changing face of information, especially the rapid expansion of the visual, provides opportunities for creating library work environments in which traditional technology training evolves into encouraged exploration, and change becomes the normal, and welcomed, mode of operation. Chang describes how a digital dashboard brings data to life. Displaying library IT operations with real-time snapshots of key performance indicators, this visual dashboard allows them to evaluate data and situations at a glance without the lengthy reports and spreadsheets. They also created a platform-independent, mobile-friendly version with data visualization features. | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| B203 – Designing for Usage Patterns 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Amanda Etches, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph
When creating a new library service (digital or physical), it’s natural to leap straight into the world of concrete implementations. Before you know it, you’ve bought a lot of expensive furniture or technology, but it no longer fits your needs. Etches talks about stepping back one abstraction layer and designing services by examining behavioral and activity patterns. Get some great tips and techniques that you can use in your environment. | B204 – Conducting an Informal Usability Study 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Roy Cummings, Reference Librarian, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Hear how one library is currently redesigning its website and invigorating its web presence. Cummings discusses the informal web usability methods used during the library’s web redesign process. Getting permission from each of a number of stakeholders was not timely, so get some insights and ideas from the creative tactics used to get input and feedback from library patrons to inform design decisions. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| B205 – Better Websites: Agile, Teens & Duct Tape! 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Monica Claassen, Web Developer, Libraries Integrated Technology Department, University of Kansas Libraries Virginia Franklyn, Web Developer, Pikes Peak Library District Timothy Ritz, Research Specialist, Web Designer, Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. and Contractor with US Department of Defense Dr. Paulette Hasier, Manager, Research Services, Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. and Department of Defense
Claassen shares tips for using an agile development approach to design and build a mobile library site in just 2 months. She discusses the tools they used, including Zend Framework, PHP, and JavaScript to build the interface; Basecamp to track progress; and an app to handle hours display for different branch locations. Franklyn shares collaboration steps and missteps experienced by staff working with teens through usability testing, site overhaul, and success. DARPA speakers share their secrets in building a patron-driven library by integrating new functionalities in library websites and portals with makeshift solutions essential in their innovation strategies. Explore examples of how highly effective improvised web solutions can support library staff and users alike. Discuss how user-friendly, open-source tools are providing librarians with boundless creative opportunities to engage with patrons without getting bogged down in expensive, overly complicated projects. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track C –
Services with a Twist
Services are the lifeblood of libraries. This track features ways libraries are creating unique services that impact their users’ lives in ways only previously imagined. | Moderated by Karen Huffman, Manager, Technology Solutions, Information Systems & Technology, National Geographic Society and Special Libraries Association
| C201 – Who Let the Dog In? Service Innovation! 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Julian Aiken, Access Services Librarian, Yale Law Library Femi Cadmus, Edward Cornell Law Librarian and Associate Dean for Library Services, Cornell University Law Library
In spring 2011, the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale found itself at the center of a media frenzy. The public relations office was fielding daily, often hourly, telephone requests from print, radio, and television journalists across the globe, who were all eager to get the scoop on the latest development at the Yale Law School. The story, featured on National Public Radio, appeared in newspapers from Sydney, Australia, to Taiwan, and, at the height of national interest, was the most emailed article in The New York Times. Happily, the story was a uniquely positive one; sitting at the heart of the media storm was a small, brown, cross-breed terrier called General Montgomery, Monty to his friends, the newly minted Yale Law School therapy dog. Quite a few law libraries now encourage a good deal of “outside the box” thinking, and are encouraged to provide creative services to patrons. Hear how the therapy dog illustrates one innovative library’s approach to fostering innovation in library services. | C202 – Tinkerers: Maker Culture & Libraries 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Fiacre O'Duinn, Librarian, Hamilton Public Library
John Seely Brown told the Internet Librarian 2011 audience that tinkering is essential for learning and this session looks at the maker culture, where people do-it-themselves or tinker! They are coders, fabricators, educators, and activists dedicated to the public sharing of information and knowledge and taking control of technology for themselves. Whether it is hacking gadgets, creating open source hardware and software, or even designing hi-tech apparel, maker spaces in local communities worldwide are helping people connect with technology in new ways. This session provides an introduction to maker culture, explains the essential role librarians can play in this movement, and discusses what it means for our relationship with and understanding of technology. | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| C203 – Artificially Intelligent Virtual Agents Extend Services! 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM David Newyear, Lake Branch Library Manager, Mentor Public Library and Lakeland Community College Michele McNeal, Web Specialist, Akron-Summit County Public Library
Several Ohio libraries are partnering to develop and implement artificially intelligent virtual agents. Targeting both the least and the most proficient computer users, an artificial intelligence agent offers instruction and assistance to users unfamiliar with the library’s services and resources. This presentation looks at artificial intelligence agents in libraries, the process of both creation and customization using AIML, implementation, and user response and demonstrates various implementations of the agents in websites,WebPacs, and information kiosks. | C204 – Creative Computing on Campus: Digital Media Production 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Danielle Whren Johnson, Digital Access Librarian, Loyola/Notre Dame Library Rhonda Moore, Manager, Lyons New Media Centre, Mills Library, McMaster University John Maclachlan, Interim Director of Maps, Data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mills Library, McMaster University
Higher education is shifting from the passive use of audio, video, and graphics in its curricula to incorporating instruction and assignments that involve digital media creation. This session features two case studies: Loyola/Notre Dame Library’s experiences with equipment and software, staffing, training, and marketing, and McMaster University’s creation of Lyons New Media Centre with amenities such as a gaming theatre, editing suites, a 9’x12’ video wall, a dedicated classroom, and a green screen. Hear about the exciting services both are providing. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| C205 – Integrating Tablets & Apps Into the Library 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Vicki Oatis, Head of Children's Services, Norwalk Public Library Kiera Parrott, Head of Children's Services, Darien Library Earl Givens Jr, Digital Resources Librarian, WAW Library, Emporia State University Art Gutierrez, Systems & Technical Services, (Systems Coordinator), WAW Library, Emporia State University
There are so many great uses for tablets and apps! This panel discusses how these libraries are integrating tablets into their programs and services: Norwalk’s integration of tablets for kids, adults, and for staff to help with patron research; Darien’s use of iPads and apps for children’s’ literacy building; and Emporia State’s creation of customizable Android tablets into its library. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track D –
Enterprise Solutions, Practices & Trends
There’s no shortage of information- and knowledge-related problems in today’s organizations. From huge global agencies to small companies, this track looks at the progress in training, best practices, benchmarking and moving ideas forward. | Moderated by Richard Geiger, Information & News Consultant
| D201 – Getting to Yes After CIL 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Nzinga Holley-Harris, Librarian, Department of Justice Andrew Shuping, Interlibrary Loan Librarian & Public Services Librarian, Mercer University
Have you ever returned home from Computers in Libraries excited about the new tools and tips that you learned about only to be told, “No!” before you get started? This session presents strategies the FBI Library used to build a relationship with the IT department and get buy-in from the library director to move forward with new technology projects. It then looks at how an academic library has been gaining the administration’s go-ahead and library staff’s agreement to try new ideas. | D202 – Library-Based Online Training Programs 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Deborah Balsamo, National Program Manager, EPA National Library Network, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Teri DeVoe, EPA Library Network Coordinator, ASRC Primus Julie Hillskemper, Technical Librarian, Sandia National Laboratories
EPA National Library Network’s webinar-driven National Training Program reaches hundreds of staff at their desks in more than 20 EPA locations across the U.S. Created in direct response to a 2009 Information Needs Assessment, the program showcases locally developed library training in a “class of the month.” Webinar set-up, promotion, technical troubleshooting, and reporting are centralized at the network level, and promotion and webinar technology is integrated with email and online calendars, so each class is virtually paper-free. At Sandia, a webinar calendar of database vendor events and short video tutorials keep researchers up-to-date on new resources and library services. Screencasting and calendar tools are used in everyday user education as well as virtual reference services. Get lots of ideas for your environment from these speakers! | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| D203 – Discovering Innovative Practices Through Benchmarking 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Karen White, Senior Librarian & Team Lead, USAID Knowledge Services Center, LAC Group on assignment at USAID Karen Krugman, Chief, Research Library & Archives, Export-Import Bank of the United States Kristin Vajs, Chief Librarian, Research Library, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Benchmarking against other libraries is an excellent way to discover innovative practices for your library. Three federal librarians who have recently conducted benchmarking projects discuss: advantages of benchmarking for libraries; how to choose benchmarking partners, write questions, structure the conversation during the meetings, and identify best practices;. best practice findings from three recent benchmarking projects; which innovative practices the federal libraries decided to adopt; and how the new practices worked out. | D204 – eLibraryUSA & Reaching Out to Pull In 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Chris Zammarelli, Contract Librarian, ATSG, LLC/U.S. Dept. of State Sheila Weir, Applied Technology Officer, U.S. Department of State Bridget Burns, Acquisitions, Collections, and Outreach Team Lead, LAC Group on assignment at the NASA Goddard Library
These government libraries are going beyond the usual to meet users where they are. eLibraryUSA is an effort by the U.S. Dept. of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs to provide patrons of U.S. Embassy Information Resource Centers around the world with information access that’s the norm at U.S. public libraries and universities. Zammerelli and Weir discuss the technical, licensing and administrative issues and solutions in a global project management. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center is a world-recognized center of innovation and discovery. Burns shares her experiences organizing various types of community outreach: mobile librarian services, symposia, online and digital promotion efforts, and community events. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| D205 – Impact and Productivity Measurements in Changing Research Environments 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM James King, Information Architect, NIH Library, National Institutes of Health and Past President, DC Chapter of SLA Ann Kushmerick, Manager of Research Evaluation and Bibliometric Data, Intellectual Property and Science, Thomson Reuters
Large-scale indexes such as Thomson-Reuter’s Web of Science, Elsevier’s Scopus, and the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed give information professionals an ideal position to develop a set of valuable services that define and defend the organization’s value. To do this effectively requires an understanding of the scientific and business needs of their organization, an agreement on the organization’s preferred measures of success, a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the various measures available, and of how the metrics are best applied. Get some tips on how to do this in your organization. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track E –
21st Century Library Systems & Operations
Integrated, easy-to-use and maintain systems and integrated platforms are what we all want for our communities who now do business and communicate in our physical and digital spaces, and often from mobile devices. Hear our speakers talk about cloud computing for libraries, IT security, open sources trends and migration, Google Plus, as well as the changing roles of systems librarians. | Moderated by Jill Hurst-Wahl, Director, LIS & School Media Programs, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
| E201 – From Ground to Cloud 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Cloud computing is one of the most important technology trends of the times. The phase of client/server computing is fading into obsolescence, replaced by entirely web-based systems, increasingly deployed through SaaS. Libraries and other technology-oriented organizations now have options through infrastructure-as-a-service offerings such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud and Simple Storage Service to ramp up computing capabilities quickly, enjoy free access for smaller projects, and take advantage of usage- based subscription models for larger-scale production projects. Breeding expands on these topics and provides a basic explanation of cloud computing that focuses on real advantages and disadvantages for libraries. Hulser illustrates the advantages with a case study of going from manual library operations to 21st-century information management and access using a cloud-based ILS. | E202 – IT Security for Libraries 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Blake Carver, Owner, LISHost.org
Most any library can be a target, so join our expert and get some ideas on how to make your library and your home more secure. Carver covers privacy, as it is closely related to security, and should be taken seriously. He shares many ways to stay safe online, how to secure your browser, PC, and other devices you and your patrons use every day. He also tackles some common security myths, talks about secure passwords and network security, as well as hardware and PC security. Carver discusses security issues that you’ll find in your library as well as tricks sysadmins can do with servers to make things safer for you, and that you’ll never see as an end user. | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| E203 – Open Source Trends & Migration 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides Irene E. McDermott, Reference Librarian/Systems Manager, Crowell Public Library
Libraries have a natural affinity with open source software, and many have implemented it for their strategic automation infrastructure, including ILS and discovery systems. In his analysis of the library automation industry, Breeding tracks the pace of adoption of open source library automation. Come hear his perspectives on the current and emerging trends of open source in the industry relative to proprietary products and how it fares relative to broader trends such as comprehensive resource management, cloud computing, and new-generation discovery. McDermott provides a case study based on a directive from City Hall: Ditch the $60,000 ILS and migrate to an open source system — in the next 3 months. After the contract was signed with Lib Lime, California’s Crowell Public Library did in 6 weeks what usually takes half a year, going live with Koha, an integrated library system essentially written by volunteers. Hear about the perils and the joys of embracing a new ILS technology that is almost ready for prime time. | E204 – Google Plus? Or Minus? 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Julie Strange, Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland Joel Shields, Systems Librarian, Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) J. Shore, Systems Librarian for MEDLINE, National Library of Medicine Patricia F. Anderson, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Taubman Health Sciences Libraries
The worlds of social media and technology are changing faster than we can blink. Join four tech-savvy info pros as they discuss how Google+ will change the landscape (and indeed how it had more than 25 million users in several months after its launch last June), what it means for libraries, how you can harness its power and tools to use it for yourself and your organization, and how it changes the privacy game. This panel also discusses the impact of “yet another” tool and how and why your library should get involved. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| E205 – Changing Role of Systems Librarians 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides Nicole C. Engard, Vice President of Education, ByWater Solutions Edward Iglesias, Systems Librarian, ERIS, Central Connecticut State University Lisa Carlucci Thomas, Digital Services Librarian, Southern Connecticut State University
This panel of authors and practitioners discusses the changing role of systems librarians. | General Conference — Thursday, March 22, 2012
Track F –
Educator-librarians take note!: Day 1 of the 2-day, K–12-focused Internet@Schools track brings you experts on digital literacy, ebooks, iPads and mobile devices, plus a lively panel discussion on internet safety and security. Don’t miss it. | Moderators: David Hoffman, Co-Chair for the Internet@Schools Track, Information Today, Inc. Susan Geiger, Librarian, Moreau Catholic High School and AISL, BAYNET, BASIL Past President
| F201 – Embedding Digital Literacy into the Curriculum 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Sarah Ludwig, Dean of Digital and Library Services, The Ethel Walker School
School librarians know the importance of teaching students digital literacy skills, but how can we partner with classroom teachers to ensure that these skills are addressed in all disciplines, not just library instruction? This presentation is chock-full of practical ideas for integrating the fundamentals of digital literacy into your school’s curriculum. Tips for working with faculty, project samples, and helpful resources are showcased. Tools include Glogster, Scratch, wikis, blogs, Audacity, Voki, Creative Commons, and more. | F202 – The Ebook Market for K-12 Schools 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Lauri Vaughan, Upper School Campus Librarian, The Harker School
The ebook market is driven by a single-user purchase model, but publishers and aggregators are scrambling to grab market share in the public library sector. Further downstream are school library markets. In their fight for dominance, vendors are discovering the unique needs of these related but significantly different users. The result: a boundless number of purchase models from myriad aggregators and publishers. Lauri Vaughan, a high school librarian and vice president of the Bay Area Independent School Librarian Association, presents a summary of months of tracking the big and little players in the field. | Lunch Break - A chance to visit the exhibits 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
| F203 – There's an App for That: iPads in School Libraries 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Carolyn Foote, Librarian/ District Librarian, Westlake High School/ Eanes ISD
This session describes the impact of a 1:1 campuswide iPad rollout at Foote’s high school and how it affects the school, research, and library services in particular. What are the lessons mobile has to teach us about the future of research in schools? How do we create library services that are a vital “app” on the student’s desktop, as ed tech pundit Joyce Valenza terms it? | F204 – BYOD = Learning in Their Hands: Teaching Students to Use Personal Devices for Learning 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM Dawn Nelson, Instructional Media and Technology Coordinator, Osseo Area Schools and Information and Technology Educators of Minnesota (ITEM)
Three years ago, a few classrooms in three Osseo Area Schools in Minnesota piloted Project Copernicus, which allowed students to use their own technology in school. Since then, the project has expanded to 12 schools and more than 70 classrooms. It is facilitated by wireless access in every learning space, and schools have purchased sets of NOOKS, iPod touches, and iPads. When that is combined with Google Apps for Education to provide access to shared documents, opportunities for collaboration expand dramatically. This session describes some of the projects these schools have done with mobile devices and Google Apps. Nelson presents steps to implement mobile devices and/or student-provided technology and describes ways to integrate those devices as seamless parts of student learning. | Coffee in the exhibit hall 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
| F205 – Making the World Safe for Digital Exchange: Best Practice Guidelines 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Lynette Owens, Director, Internet Safety for Kids & Families, Trend Micro Mike Lorion, Vice President & General Manager, Education Division, Common Sense Media Larry Magid, Co-Director, ConnectSafely.org
As the internet continues to grow as a force in people’s lives, the public is becoming increasingly concerned about the risks associated with its ubiquitous use. Compliance issues such as CIPA bring an added level of responsibility to libraries and schools to ensure the online safety and security of the students they serve. In this session, participants discuss the current state of internet risks and the need for a comprehensive solution that combines awareness and education with technology, common sense, and critical thinking. The panelists provide a case-study review of their organizations’ collaborative initiatives to educate and increase public awareness and outline ways that others can join in this effort. | Thursday Evening
| Battle Decks: Dead & Innovative Tech 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Janie L Hermann, Public Programming Librarian, Princeton Public Library
Join our evening of fun and music featuring our second “Battle Decks Spectacular!” Also known as “PowerPoint Karaoke,” our willing participants make a coherent presentation based on hand-selected, seemingly unrelated slides that they see for the first time live on stage. After a musical interlude, the participants face judgment, with the winner to be determined based on overall awesomeness. Hilarity, along with some learning, is guaranteed for all! And continue the fun at our after-Battle Decks Karaoke party in remembrance of our CIL days in Crystal City! |
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