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Magazines > Searcher > June 2004
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 6 • June 2004 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Margaret Tarbox provides a short summary of the Public Libraries Association's annual meeting, which took place this year in Seattle.

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Safety First, Part 2 
In the second part of Barbie Keiser's article on online safety resources, she focuses on resources dealing with workplace concerns, such as employee violence, repetitive task injuries, transportation, and other types of employment-related injury.
Page 21
Google Spawn
The Culture Surrounding Google Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
Google isn't just a search engine anymore, it's a phenomenon. Paul Piper looks at a small sampling of the Google-related sites, from the real to the surreal, found on the Web.
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Linking in a Traditional Online World 
Jill Grogg examines the types of internal linking that occur between bibliographic and full-text records within five traditional online vendors: Dialog, CSA, CAS, Ovid, and OCLC.
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It's More Than Just Books (And Always Has Been) 
If you think is really just a synonym for online book buying, this article by Denise Hamilton will remind you to take advantage of a myriad of other products and services available through Amazon.
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Something Old, Something New
Computers in Libraries 2004 
First-time attendee Sheri Lanza found plenty of sessions to hold her interest at this year's CIL conference thanks to speakers such as Mary Ellen Bates, Gary Price, and Ran Hock.
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Managing Your E-Mail Remotely
Advice on Maintaining Your E-Mail Relationship 
Whether you need to check on e-mail from across town, across the country, or across an ocean, Cindy Chick reports there are services that will help to keep your spam under control and your important messages safe and accessible.
Page 50
Skeletons in Online Closets
Background Investigations of Companies and Executives 
Don't have the money to hire your own PI but need to make sure clients' potential business partners are on the up and up? Michelle Frost, expert background investigator, reviews specialized resources available to dig up the information others may not want you to find.
Page 54
Searcher's VoiceClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
bq casts a critical eye on the quality of information available online and makes some suggestions as to how information professionals can help to ensure a higher level of data monitoring.
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The Better Mousetrap Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
In a prequel to this year's Special Libraries conference in Nashville, Matthew McBride looks as what he expects to see addressed in Tennessee in June, including XML, portal integration, and secure access issues.
Page 12
Internet Express 
Are you a type A or type B personality? If you were a country, which one would you be? These are just some of the self-assessment tests, from serious to fun to satirical, Irene McDermott leads you to.
Page 16
More on Lycos Sidesearch; a love letter; "Pioneer" praise
Page 61
Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
Page 63
Index to Advertisers

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