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Magazines > Information Today > September 2024

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40 years in print!
VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 7 • September 2024
Information Today
The Newsmagazine for Users and Producers of Digital Information Services
Combating Fake News in the U.S. and Global 2024 Leadership Elections
by Amy Affelt
Page 16
Detecting AI-Generated Schoolwork Is Easier Said Than Done
by Kashyap Kompella
Page 20

A Day in the Life
Wearing All the Hats and Doing All the Things

Jenna Mayotte
Interviewed by Justin Hoenke

Page 4

We the People
Homelessness and Information Gaps: The Unconnected
by Amber Boedigheimer

Page 6

Help Desk
An Introduction to PickaxeClick for FREE full-text article.
by Sophia Guevara

Page 8

After Hours
Patreon Helps Creative People Connect With Fans
by Marci Wicker

Page 10

Legal lssues
U.S. Copyright and Infringing Foreign ‘Law’

by Tom Gaylord

Page 22

Database Review
AI Overviews: An AI Chatbot on the Internet’s Front PageClick for FREE full-text article.
by Mick O’Leary

Page 24
Editor’s Note
Vibe CheckClick for FREE full-text article.
by Brandi Scardilli
Page 1

Product News

Page 7

People News

Page 23
Information Today, Inc. Conferences Page 8

Library of the Future Award Winner

Page 11

Report From the Field
Return to ALA
by Brandi Scardilli

Page 12
Insights on Content
It’s News to Me! Some Thoughts on Starting a Newsletter
by David Haden
Page 26
Outside the Box
Internet Safety Basics: Keeping Cyber Thieves at BayClick for FREE full-text article.
by Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig
Page 28
Notes on Digital Transformation
Creating Psychological Safety at Work
by Marianne Kay
Page 29
Let’s Get Strategic
LinkedIn Best PracticesClick for FREE full-text article.
by Linda Pophal
Page 31
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