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Magazines > Information Today > September 2024

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Information Today
Vol. 41 No. 7 — September 2024
Vibe Check
by Brandi Scardilli

As I write this, San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) is hosting Comic-Con International. I’ve never attended, but I’m glued to my phone for the duration of the con each year, following along with every YouTube channel and Instagram feed that has a presence there. Maybe it’s silly, but I was excited to walk the halls of SDCC in person when I attended ALA Annual at the end of June. I like to experience the vibes of places I’ve only ever seen via a screen. You can read my conference coverage starting on page 11 and Marydee Ojala’s at

Something else going on as I write this is that Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. Amy Affelt writes about the soon-to-be-very-important issue of fake news and elections on page 16.

Information Today’s  authors continue to grapple with different aspects of AI. I wrote an article on AI and the environment for NewsBreaks at On page 20, Kashyap Kompella discusses detecting AI-generated coursework as back-to-school days approach. Sophia Guevara demonstrates Pickaxe on page 8, and Mick O’Leary reviews Google’s AI Overviews on page 24.

Happy reading,

Brandi Scardilli

Brandi Scardilli is Editor of Information Today and Newsbreaks. Send your comments about this article to
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