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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2004
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Internet Librarian 2004 Home Starring Info Pros in Content, Context, & Communities

Monterey, CA • November 15-17, 2004
Monterey Conference Center,
Portola Plaza Hotel & Monterey Marriott
Conference Overview Final Program Exhibitor List
Conference Buzz Internet@Schools West Previous IL Conferences

Conference Overview


Jane Dysart
Dysart & Jones
NOTHIN’ BUT NET @ Internet Librarian 2004
Starring Info Pros in Content, Context, & Communities

We are pleased to present the eighth annual Internet Librarian conference and exhibition—the ONLY conference designed for information professionals who are using, developing, and embracing Net and Web-based strategies in their roles as information searchers, Webmasters and Web managers, content evaluators and organizers, product developers, and more. As the premier tools for information managers and librarians, Net technologies are the focus of this conference. It provides an active forum for our excellent speakers to explore the exciting range of issues and challenges facing information professionals today as well as an opportunity for you to network with other leading-edge Internet librarians.

The Internet is our backbone and it continues to provide us with opportunities to streamline our operations, improve and enhance our customer relationships, develop new applications, and more. Keeping up with the new tools and techniques is always a challenge but Internet Librarian 2004 definitely meets that challenge, especially with the Info Pros Stars featured in our program. Our 8th annual Internet Librarian conference is a mixture of leading-edge ideas, tools, expert speakers, practical tips and exciting new events—all focused on information professionals and Internet-related technologies.

IL 2004 features four keynote sessions; 100 plus dynamic speakers in four simultaneous tracks plus two days of Internet@Schools West, many in-depth learning events and workshops, a fun and informative evening session, cybertours, and communities of interest. We look forward to seeing you in Monterey in November!

The Internet Librarian 2004 exhibition features leading edge companies, offering visitors a choice of products covering all aspects of Internet technologies, including content providers, online services, software, document and Web delivery systems, search engines, and more. If you’re looking for Net solutions, evaluating competing systems, keeping up-to- date with the newest Net products and developments, be sure to visit the Internet Librarian 2004 exhibition.

Sunday Communities of Interest
Meet your colleagues on Sunday, November 14th following a day of workshops for debriefing or connecting with others in your interest group before conference sessions begin. Grab a drink or soda and head for some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some outstanding conference speakers and moderators. Topics include: Web Design, Development & Tools; Searching & Search Engines; E-Resources & Digital Libraries; Blogging; & Trainers.

Grand Opening Reception
Information Today, Inc. (ITI) invites all conference
registrants and exhibitors to a special Exhibit Hall opening reception on Monday, November 15th from 5-7 p.m. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample lots of tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

AIIP Technology Award
Information Today, Inc. is pleased to announce that the
Association of Independent Information Professionals
(AIIP) will present the sixth annual AIIP Technology
Award during the Tuesday keynote session of Internet
Librarian 2004. The award recognizes innovative products
that enhance the working environment of the independent
information professional.

Don’t miss a thing! All sessions are being recorded and
are for sale at the conference. To order your CD-ROM
at a special attendee savings, visit the Digital Record
table located in the registration area for more information,
or visit their Web site at

Coffee and Danish Hour
Coffee and danish are provided for attendees Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. outside the San Carlos Ballroom (before the Keynotes). Complimentary coffee will be available in the Exhibit Hall Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9:45 a.m. The afternoon break on Tuesday is at 2:30 p.m. and the afternoon break on Wednesday is at 3:00 p.m.

Internet Cafe
Check your e-mail during regular exhibit hours at the Internet cafe in the Exhibit Hall sponsored by Yahoo! Search.

Informal Dine Arounds
Wonderful food and dining expeditions to the superb restaurants in the Monterey area are planned. So join your colleagues for an evening of terrific conversation, great food and lots of fun you won’t soon forget!

Free Cybertours!
Our popular information-rich cybertours are again featured in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday—only more this year. A wide range of topics include: toolbar tips, data visualization, delivering audio, link resolver primer, publishing ebooks, favlets & bookmarklets, becoming a search trainer, creating digital tours, staying current, and more.

Click here for more details
  Tuesday Evening Program

Dancing with the Devil: Traditional Library Vendors Open to Leading Web Search Engines

Organized by Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher Magazine

Click here for more details.

Two Days of Workshops!!
Preconference workshops on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, November 13th & 14th, cover a wide range of topics including our popular full day Searchers Academy and Web Managers Academy, as well as many half-day
workshop topics: Raising Money; Current Awareness Delivery Options; Facilitating; Harvesting Metadata; XML & XSLT; Next Generation Web Sites; Content Management Systems; RSS; Learning Needs & Making Learning Stick; Multimedia, Business & News Online; Tools for the Wild Wild Web; Internet Policies; and more.

Click here
for more details.

Internet Librarians’ Open Access Forum (Monterey)New!
ITI is asking for input from the world’s library community. This session follows on the heels of our Open Access Forum in London in October and includes a recap of that event. The forum has top-notch speakers, lots of opinions and ideas, and an opportunity to share your views. Open to the general public as well as conference attendees.

Click here for more details.


D. Scott Brandt

Purdue University Libraries
Stephen Cohen
Rivkin Radler, LLP
Darlene Fichter
University of Saskatchewan
Richard Geiger
San Francisco Chronicle
Jenny Levine
The Shifted Librarian
Micki McIntrye
UMDNJ HealthyNJ Librarian
Marydee Ojala
Editor, ONLINE Magazine
Barbara Quint
Editor-in-Chief, Searcher
Donna Scheeder
Law Library of Congress
Michael Stephens
St. Joseph County Public Library

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