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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2004
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Internet Librarian 2004 Home Starring Info Pros in Content, Context, & Communities

Monterey, CA • November 15-17, 2004
Monterey Conference Center,
Portola Plaza Hotel & Monterey Marriott
Conference Overview Final Program Exhibitor List
Conference Buzz Internet@Schools West Previous IL Conferences

Exhibitor List
The following companies/organizations have already contract to exhibit at Internet Librarian 2004:
3M Library Systems Booth #322

10K Wizard Booth #409

AARP Booth #114

Access Innovations/Data Harmony Booth #414

Advanced Productivity Software Booth #112

AIIP (Association of Independent Information Professionals) Booth #122

ASTM International Booth #218
Click here to learn more.ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world and a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM International's 12,000 standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.
100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 610-832-9585

Basch Subscriptions FNC Booth #410

BurrellesLuce Booth #118

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Booth #212

CoreData Group Booth #213

Cuadra Associates, Inc. Booth #320

ebrary Booth #319
Click here to learn more.ebrary has developed a patented software and content database platform which delivers full-text digital books under a simultaneous, multi-user access model. The platform features the ebrary Reader™, which optimizes online viewing, and InfoTools™, which seamlessly links search queries to additional online resources within library databases and on the Web.
318 Cambridge Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-475-8786

EBSCO Information Services Booth #307
Click here to learn more. EBSCO Information Services, EBSCO Subscription Services, EBSCO Publishing and EBSCO Book Services form the EBSCO Information Services group. EBSCO is a worldwide leader in providing information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services, research database development and production, online access to approximately 150 databases and thousands of e-journals, and online book purchasing.
P.O. Box 1943 Birmingham, AL 35201 205-991-6600

Elsevier Booth #206

EOS International Booth #317

Euromonitor Booth #311

Financial Times (FT) Booth #406

Global Securities Information, Inc. Booth #102
Click here to learn more.Global Securities Information, Inc. (GSI). is a provider of specialty information services to legal and financial professionals involved with corporate finance, securities, mergers and acquisitions. No one is better qualified than GSI to offer the exclusive content, advanced features and expert service to satisfy you most demanding research needs.
419 7th Street NW Washington, DC 20004 800-669-1154

H.W. Wilson Co. Booth #113

IEEE Booth #417

Information Sources, Inc. Booth #222

Innovative Interfaces Booth #404

Inspec® Booth #318
Click here to learn more.Produced by the IEE, Inspec® is the leading English-language bibliographic information service providing access to over 8 million records from the world's scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers, computing, information technology, manufacturing and production engineering.
379 Thornall St. Edison, NJ 08837 732-321-5575

Medical Library Association Booth #120

Mergent Booth #116

MindBranch Booth #217

Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Booth #111

Nerac Booth #411

NewsBank, Inc. Booth #216

Oxford University Press Booth #104

ProQuest Booth #415

Reference USA Booth #306

RefWorks Booth #212

Serials Solutions Booth #416

Sirsi Corporation Booth #312

Softlink America Booth #207

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Booth #220

Swets Information Services Booth #315
Click here to learn more. Swets Information Services, a subsidiary of Royal Swets and Zeitlinger, is a global leader in information and serials management. Our wide range of information and serials management services help optimize resources in today's dynamic and complex electronic environment. With SwetsWise, we offer the premier web-based, modular service for procuring, accessing and managing subscriptions and online information.
160 Ninth AvenueRunnemede, NJ 08078 800-645-6595

TDNet Booth #412

TechBooks Booth #209
Click here to learn more.TechBooks Information Publishing Group provides a full range of data, document, and digital conversion services, including imaging, to publishers, information aggregators, professional societies, financial institutions, libraries, universities, and major corporations. TechBooks IPG has a depth of experience working with HTML, SGML, and XML, including TEI-Lite and EAD, along with a variety of e-Book formats. By combining domestic project management with state-of-the-art offshore production facilities, TechBooks IPG offers high quality output and effective scheduling at competitive rates. Each project is specifically custom-developed.
1930 SouthWest 48th LaneCape Coral, FL

Thomson Gale Booth #405
Click here to learn more.Thomson Gale (, is a business unit of The Thomson Corporation, is a world leader in e-information publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Gale includes such noted publishers as Macmillan Reference USA, Charles Scribner’s Sons, GK Hall & Company, Schirmer Books, Twayne Publishing, Primary Source Microfilm, Graham & Whiteside, The Taft Group, K.G. Saur and Blackbirch Press.
27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-35351-800-877-GALE

Thomson ResearchSOFT Booth #221

U.S. Government Printing Office Booth #103

Valeo Intellectual Property Booth #115

ValueLine, Inc. Booth #411

WebBalanced Technologies Booth #321

Yahoo! [Internet Café Sponsor] Booth #410
Click here to learn more.About Yahoo! Search
Yahoo! Search puts relevant, comprehensive results at a librarian's fingertips with easy access to the deep web and unique search resources. Additionally, My Yahoo! Search beta provides a personal search experience that helps librarians better find, manage and share results. Saved search results can be integrated into My! Yahoo for easy access.
701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 408-349-3300

Reserve your space today!
We expect booth space to sell quickly, so we advise you to reserve your booth without delay by contacting:

David Panara, Exhibit Sales Manager
Phone: 609-654-6266, Ext. 146 —

Mike Zarrello, Exhibit and Advertising Sales Director
Phone: 609-654-6266, Ext. 132 —

Carol Nixon, Exhibits Manager
Phone: 609-654-6266, Ext. 131 —
Exhibit Hall Hours
Monday, November 15
Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 16 9:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 17 9:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Don't miss a thing! Order your copy of the Internet Librarian 2004 CD-ROM today from The Digital Record.
Internet Café
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Monterey Web Sites
Official Web Site, City of Monterey
Monterey Peninsula Online Guide
Monterey Co.Convention & Visitors Bureau
Yahoo! Travel Guide to Monterey

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