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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2004
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Internet Librarian 2004 Starring Info Pros in Content, Context, & Communities

Monterey, CA • November 15-17, 2004
Saturday Preconference Sunday Preconference Sunday Evening:
Communities of Interest
Program Contents Registration IL 2004 Home

Preconference Workshops
Saturday, November 13th
Workshop 1 - Cancelled
Facilitating: Getting a Group to Where They Need to Be
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Rebecca Jones,
Dysart & Jones Associates

Have you been asked to get a group of people together for a project, planning, or to sort through a problem? Have you ever led a meeting that didn’t quite go the way you had envisioned and wondered what went wrong? The term “facilitating” is used in many ways these days, but meeting facilitation truly is a learned skill—critical for groups to work together effectively, whether they are problem-solving, decision making, planning, or simply information gathering. This interactive workshop provides the basic facilitation principals and techniques to help you with your next group meeting and planning process.

Workshop 2
Next-Generation Library Web Sites
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan, & Northern Lights Internet Solutions, & Frank Cervone, Assistant University Librarian, Northwestern University

You’ve done usability testing, you’ve done some redesign, but you still need to make your site more responsive to your customer’s needs. Come and learn about the latest trends and techniques to create more “customer/patron-friendly” Web sites. Leave with a clear understanding of what federated searching and OpenURL resolvers are and how both can improve your Web site; how to enable publishing of customized and personalized content; and the latest in good design and usability research and practice.

Workshop 3
Practical XML & XSLT
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Roy Tennant,
Web and Services Design Manager, eScholarship Initiative, California Digital Library

This workshop turns up the heat on XML for those who are beyond an introduction and ready to learn how to do useful work with XML. Learn the basics about XSLT, the XML transformation engine, and how you can use it today to serve up XML-encoded information to standard Web clients in XHTML and CSS. You will learn about the free software available to do these transformations, see demos of live applications, and come away with an understanding of the power and utility of XML and XSLT. This instructive half-day workshop illustrates the tools and techniques necessary to take advantage of XML in the library world.

Workshop 4
Finding Business Information Online: Super Searcher Strategies
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mary Ellen Bates,
Bates Information Services

This half-day workshop tackles how to find reliable, high-quality information on business and financial topics on the Web. Bates, the author of six online research books, including Super Searchers Cover the World and Mining for Gold on the Internet, looks at issues related to conducting business research online efficiently and cost-effectively, validating sources, using Web-only information resources, and staying current on new business and finance information. The workshop provides practical, innovative ways to mine the Web—both the open Web and the Invisible Web. The focus is on the resources found exclusively on the Web, but it also covers unusual or unique resources from the traditional online services. Learn improved business research skills, ideas on new ways to drill for information, and take home a collection of links to the best business resources on the Web.

Workshop 5
CMS Basics
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
May Chang,
Web Development Librarian, North Carolina State University Libraries
As Web sites grow and content proliferates, many libraries are looking at Content Management Systems (CMS) to better manage their Web site and deliver Web content. This workshop provides a broad view of the CMS field, including features, benefits, and pitfalls, as well as implementation options and strategies. Related issues such as content inventory, information architecture, and content modeling and reuse will also be discussed. Includes an online demonstration of a selection of CMS products and visits to various CMS-backed sites. This workshop is for librarians who are new to this field as well as those considering implementing a CMS.

Workshop 6
Hold the Presses! News Research Revisited
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Randolph Hock,
Principal, Online Strategies

Though the quantity of news and news sources has increased dramatically in recent years, finding the exact news that one needs has actually gotten significantly more complicated. Along with the more traditional newspapers, news network sites, news wires, and radio and television stations, the searcher is also confronted with a wide variety of new news aggregation sites, RSS feeds, blogs, and various hybrids. Hock discusses the options for finding past and current news, addresses news browsing and searching options, examines the range of extremely valuable, yet free alerting services, and shares a variety of techniques and tips.

Workshop 7
Current Awareness Delivery Options
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gary Price,
Co-Author, The Invisible Web, Creator of and News Editor, Search Engine Watch
Genie Tyburski, Web Manager, The Virtual Chase, Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP

Electronic current awareness services are critical for users of all types of libraries and information services. This practical half-day workshop provides an overview of the many options for delivering specialized current information. Nationally known experts Price & Tyburski examine current awareness needs and choices from start to finish, look at strategies, tools, and resources for gathering new information, and investigate delivery technologies. Learn about the pros and cons of initiating such services via e-mail and Web-based newsletters, Weblogs, k-logs, and RSS/XML newsfeeds. Get up-to-speed on the latest techniques and thinking on this crucial topic.

Workshop 8 - Cancelled
Multimedia on the Internet—Starring Info Pros
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gregory Mitchell,
Assistant Director, &
Rick Peralez,
Computer Services Specialist, University of Texas Pan American Library

This is a hands-on learning opportunity for those interested in multimedia—the wave of the future. With today’s hardware and software, it is possible to incorporate full video and audio into Web pages, slide presentations and other electronic documents, as well as into standalone video productions. This introductory-level workshop explores the concepts behind multimedia production; discusses relevant hardware, software and delivery methods; and applies production techniques in a structured exercise. Participants leave the workshop with their first multimedia project completed and mounted on a Web site.
Preconference Workshops
Sunday, November 14th
Workshop 9
Searchers Academy
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
MODERATOR: Donna Scheeder,
Law Library of Congress
FACULTY: Gary Price,
Co-Author, The Invisible Web, Publisher,, and News Editor, Search Engine Watch
Chris Sherman,
Co-Author, The Invisible Web, & Associate Editor, Search Engine Watch
Greg Notess, Publisher, Search Engine Showdown
Marydee Ojala,
Editor, ONLINE Magazine

Want to sharpen your skills? Learn from the experts? Join search veterans, authors, and columnists from Searcher and ONLINE magazines to learn the latest strategies and techniques for searching online. This day-long event introduces you to the experts, who share their searching secrets and expertise as they focus on the most current practices in the field. Participants should have basic experience with Web searching, but even searchers with extensive Internet background will find tips to polish and advance their skills. Academy topics include:
Search Engine Mechanics: Pop the hood and look into the mechanics of all types of search engines with our search engine grease monkey.
Searching the Invisible Web: Find out how to find the hidden troves of deep information on the Web and what formerly invisible information has now become searchable.
Cool Search Tools: Identify the best of the best Web resources.
Choosing the Right Search Engine: Learn when to use which engine and when to use the invisible Web, plus the value of advanced search features.
Ask an Expert: Hear an interactive discussion including favorite tips, target Web sources, and advanced techniques from the faculty and have a chance to follow up with questions to the faculty.

Workshop 10
Web Managers Academy
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
MODERATOR: Darlene Fichter,
Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan, & President, Northern Lights Internet Solutions
FACULTY: Frank Cervone,
Assistant University Librarian for Information Technology, Northwestern University
Marshall Breeding,
Library Technology Officer, Vanderbilt University
Jeff Wisniewski,
Web Services Librarian, University of Pittsburgh

Web development is challenging. A range of technical and management skills are required to develop a great Web site. No matter what type of library or information service you manage and support, this full-day workshop provides a good foundation in these areas:
• Developing or redesigning a site
• Key checkpoints in a Web project life cycle
• Developing a solid and sustainable site architecture
• Demystifying Web site standards and jargon
• Solid tips for creating usable Web designs
This information-packed full-day seminar hits the high points of strategic and practical milestones in the planning process for Web development. Learn about new and popular tools and technologies and examine Web standards, design considerations, and usability. Look at the mechanics common to all Web sites, plus user testing, visual design, and cool new tools. Taught by experienced experts, this workshop is a good, 1-day crash course for Web development managers at all levels.

Workshop 11
Weblogs/RSS 101
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jenny Levine,
Internet Development Specialist, Suburban Library System
Steven M. Cohen,
Assistant Librarian, Rivkin Radler, LLP

Weblogs have exceeded all expectations for use in the library world, and RSS is sure to do the same. In this hands-on session, users not only learn the ins and outs of using Weblog software (i.e., Blogger, Radio, and Movable Type) and how to read RSS feeds via a news aggregator (i.e., Radio, Newzcrawler, and Syndirella), but have the opportunity to actually work with the products discussed!! The instructors discuss how to set up a blog, review the positive and negative aspects of each blogging tool, and show how to set up and use news aggregators in the easiest way possible.

Workshop 12
Harvesting Metadata Using OAI-PMH
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Roy Tennant,
Web and Services Design Manager, eScholarship Initiative, California Digital Library

Over 3 million digital objects (research papers, historical photographs, digital maps, etc.) are available for anyone to use from open access repositories.
Many of these repositories comply with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). This workshop shows you how to use free software to create your own searchable collection of these useful online resources. Also covered are practical tips and cautions about harvesting metadata, as well as future trends.

Workshop 13
Understanding Your Learners’ Needs
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rita Vine,

This workshop is all about getting closer to your learners—understanding their motivation for attending a library workshop, keeping their attention, and meeting their real needs and wants. It introduces you to simple and easy-to-implement methods for getting inside your learner’s head and quickly sizing up their real goals before you plan your content and activities. It covers the basics of adult learning styles and how they affect classroom behavior; tips and tricks to reach out more effectively to your learners during actual class time; and practiced techniques for more effectively understanding the learning group. This workshop is complementary to workshop 19, “Making Learning Stick,” which covers content and activity planning.

Workshop 14 - Cancelled
Raising Money
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Steve Coffman,
author of Saving Ourselves
Rebecca Jones,
Dysart & Jones Associates

Nothing happens without money, even in libraries. The problem is, traditional funding sources for libraries have begun to dry up in recent years. There have been significant cuts in tax funding for public libraries, academic libraries are getting a decreasing share of the university budget, and corporate librarians have to fight harder than ever for every dollar they wrest from management. This half-day workshop, taught by some of the top names in the new funding strategies movement, teaches you how to start looking for nontraditional funding sources, including sponsorship, earned income, membership and philanthropy, long-used by public broadcasting, museums, and others to help fund that special project you want to get started, or to improve the funding for your library as a whole. So whether you are a librarian with a new project or idea to try out, or a library director looking for ways to increase your funding, you owe it to yourself to check out “Raising Money” because without money, it’s just an idea.

Workshop 15
Federated Searching
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Mary Beth Minick,
Associate Librarian, &
Kathleen Hanna, Assistant Librarian, IUPUI University Library

This workshop explores the implementation of a federated search engine project in a medium-sized academic library. Presenters, one liaising with library staff as well as evaluating customization of the front end interface, and the other engaged on the technical side, discuss the process from selection of a federated search product through initial launch, including:
• What to consider when evaluating federated search products
• Identifying and incorporating stakeholders’ needs
• Pitfalls and challenges to expect in implementation
• Uses for federated search products beyond searching

Workshop 16 - Cancelled
Tools for Taming the Wild, Wild Web
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jayne Hitchcock,
President of W.H.O.A. (Working to Halt Online Abuse), & author, Net Crimes & Misdemeanors

This workshop covers the difference between spam and online harassment, scams, or fraud and how to help a patron, student, co-worker, or others if they are being harassed online or are the victim of an online scam or fraud. It shares sample cases, as well as safety tips and tools. It describes how to set up online usage policies, sign in/sign out procedures, discusses privacy risks using RFIDs in books, and much more.

Workshop 17
Weblogs/RSS 201
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jenny Levine,
Internet Development Specialist, Suburban Library System
Steven M. Cohen,
Assistant Librarian, Rivkin Radler, LLP

This workshop focuses on the more advanced features of Weblogs and RSS. Topics include how to get the most out of Weblogs and RSS (marketing, creating a user community), resources for a more customized approach to RSS, and ways in which both can be implemented into the library environment. It provides opportunities for peer discussions as well as working with the advanced features of tools discussed.

Workshop 18
Managing for Success: Web Sites, Portals, or Internets
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tom Reamy, KAPS Group

This workshop focuses on the key principles and actions required to ensure the ongoing success of your Web-based products and services. A lot of thought and hard work went into getting the site, portal, or intranet launched. How will you make sure the target audiences are getting what they need, the team is able to maintain the quality, and your work will be funded next year? This half-day workshop provides participants with a framework and tools to assist them in establishing a governance structure, a realistic team structure, a communication plan, and a measurement plan.

Workshop 19
Make Learning Stick: Creating 5-Star, User-Centered Training & Instruction
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Michael Stephens,
Technology Training and Web Development, St. Joseph County Public Library
D. Scott Brandt,
Professor & Technology Training Librarian, Purdue University, & Columnist for Computers in Libraries

Once you have assessed and identified user needs, you’re ready to build a lesson plan or course module to guide the learning. This update of the popular workshop, “Teaching the Internet in 60 Minutes,” is taught by a dynamic duo representing both academic and public library backgrounds. It uses a building-block approach to create effective, user-centered learning that focuses on measurable outcomes. You will learn how to:
• Categorize learning objectives into five categories of performance.
• Ensure learner outcomes can be demonstrated and measured.
• Focus learning into performance steps that are complete and achievable.
• Select teaching strategies that match objectives for fun and interesting learning.
• Apply two methods to demonstrate and reinforce learning.
Illustrating with many examples from successful Internet-related modules taught in both academic and public library settings, speakers show modules on browser and e-mail management, searching, and digital reference. With theory made practical, in-class practice using these techniques, and demonstrations of real-world training/instruction, this workshop is fast-paced and highly interactive! (Can be combined with workshop 13, “Understanding Your Learners Needs,” for a complete immersion in training and instruction theories and techniques.)

Workshop 20
Where the Funds Are: Going from Ideas to a Competitive Grant
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Elaina Norlin,
Senior Program Officer, Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

IMLS awards over $200 million in grants per year, funding continuing education, recruitment, digital projects, preservation, research, museum-library
collaborations, and much more. With dismal budgets, limited resources, and staff, writing a grant appears to be a sensible and smart solution. But how can one get started? What is actually involved in going from a “great idea” to producing a fundable library national model? This interactive, hands-on workshop helps participants flush out their grant ideas and create a template to take back to their libraries.

Workshop 21
Power Browser Tips & Tools
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Greg Notess,
Reference Librarian, Montana State University & Publisher, Search Engine Showdown

Speed up searching and Web browsing by becoming a power browser user. This workshop covers the hidden tricks and shortcuts available when using Internet Explorer and/or Netscape. Learn tricks and techniques, including bookmarklets, entering addresses shortcuts, preferences and settings, keyboard shortcuts, and toolbars, and discover how to make the most of your browser.

Workshop 22 - Cancelled
Internet Access: Policy Issues for Librarians
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Michael Sauers, Internet Trainer, BCR

If your library offers Internet access to clients, you know that a wide range of problems can arise. This workshop is designed to discuss the latest issues that need to be addressed and to offer assistance in drafting or revising your library’s Internet policy to keep up with the changing times and technologies. Participants will:

  • Review existing Internet policies.
  • Assess what policy items should be considered for differenttypes of libraries.
  • Relate policy items to current Internet-related issues that may include filtering, copyright, intellectual property, and hacking.

Sunday Evening - Communities of Interest
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Third Floor Meeting Rooms, Portola Plaza
Meet your colleagues following a day of workshops for debriefing or connecting with others in your interest group before conference sessions begin. Grab a drink or soda and head for some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some outstanding conference speakers and moderators.

A cash bar will be available. Open to all conference attendees.

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