Drowning in PC Management:
Could a Linux Solution Save Us?
Short on funding and IT staff, a Western Canada
library struggled to provide adequate public computing
resources. Staff turned to a Linux-based solution
that supports up to 10 users from a single computer,
and blends Web browsing and productivity applications
with session management, Internet filtering, and
user authentication.
by Kathleen A. Peters |
6 |
Accessing PCs Remotely
Across a Rural County Library System
Systems administrators for a rural Oregon library
system explain how a DameWare deployment enables
them to sit at their own desks and fix PCs at far-away
branches. They can view a screen for a phone-based
walk-through, tweak registry files in stealth mode,
and even log on and troubleshoot a remotely located
machine in the end user's absence.
by Carol McGeehon and Don Millar |
Page 10 |
Installing and Managing PC Time-Control Software
Employees of a West Virginia library system
were tired of intervening in frequent patron
fights over the public access PCs. Implementing
time-control software for an automated session
reservation/management service reduced the conflict.
by Jennifer Dawson |
Page 18 |
An Overview of Public
Access Computer Software Management Tools for
Libraries![[Full Text]](../../ft.gif)
An IT decision maker gives an overview of public
access PC software that's useful in controlling session
length and scheduling, Internet access, print output,
security, and the latest headaches: spyware and adware.
by Richard Wayne |
Page 24 |
The View from the Top
Left Corner
Managing Minions and Milestones![[Full Text]](../../ft.gif)
by Michael Schuyler |
Page 32 |
Online Treasures
Managing Public Access Computers and the People
Who Use Them
by Janet L. Balas |
Page 35 |
Coming Full Circle
The Atkins Diet for Library Computing
by Andrew K. Pace |
Page 38 |
The Systems Librarian
Platform Evolution: From Dumb Terminals to
PCs to the Web and Beyond
by Marshall Breeding |
Page 42 |
Editor's Notes
Managing Technology
and Its Consequences ![[Full Text]](../../ft.gif)
by Kathy Dempsey |
Page 4 |
Page 46 |
Newsline Reports
People from Around the World Gather in D.C. for CIL Conference
by Kathy Dempsey and Adrienne Edwards |
Page 53 |
ask techman
by D. Scott Brandt |
Page 57 |
Noted & Quoted |
Page 58 |
to Write for CIL |
Page 41 |
Library Tech Connection |
Page 63 |
to Advertisers |
Page 64 |