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Magazines > Computers in Libraries > June 2004
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Vol. 23 No. 6 — June 2004
Newsline is compiled by Kathie Felix

Vanderbilt to Digitize TV News Archive

Vanderbilt University announced that it will digitally preserve more than 30,000 videotaped hours of television news programming through a grant awarded to the Vanderbilt Television News Archive by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The $281,154 grant will fund a 2-year project to transfer programming—recorded by the archive and dating back to 1968—from three-quarter-inch U-Matic videotape to MPEG-2 digital video.

The Vanderbilt Television News Archive is unique in its collection of complete news broadcasts of all the major networks, which includes the advertising as well as the news content. "We reproduce the cultural experience that people had in their living rooms when the newscasts first aired," said Marshall Breeding, library technology officer at Vanderbilt and columnist for Computers in Libraries.

The Vanderbilt Television News Archive works in close partnership with the Library of Congress, which will be the permanent repository of the digital content.

Source: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 615/322-7311;

Special Libraries Association Is Relocating

The Special Libraries Association reported plans to relocate its global headquarters from Washington, D.C., to a 15,000-square-foot facility in Virginia, effective May 8­9, 2004. The new address will be 331 So. Patrick St., Alexandria, VA, 22314.

Source: Special Libraries Association, Alexandria, VA, 202/234-4700;

Endeavor Extends Global Footprint

Expanding its library services across Europe, Latin America, and Asia, Endeavor Information Systems opened new offices in Amsterdam, Netherlands; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Singapore. The offices will complement the company's existing operations in Melbourne, London, and Des Plaines, Ill., which focus on the Australia/New Zealand, U.K./Europe, and North American markets, respectively.

Source: Endeavor Information Systems, Des Plaines, IL, 847/296-2200;

EBSCO Reaches Pay-Per-View Milestone

EBSCO announced that the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service (EJS) Enhanced now includes more than 1 million pay-per-view articles. The milestone is attributed in large part to the continual growth of the portfolio of Taylor & Francis titles and the recent addition of Springer-Verlag journals.

Source: EBSCO Information Services, Birmingham, AL, 205/991-6600;

IMLS Plans Health Index Survey

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced that it will release the Heritage Health Index questionnaire to 16,000 archives, historical societies, libraries, museums, and scientific organizations nationwide in July. This survey of the condition and preservation needs of collections will—for the first time—produce a national picture of the state of artistic, historic, and scientific collections held by the full range of institutions that care for them.

The Heritage Health Index will provide baseline information to guide future preservation planning and programs and target urgent needs for increased funding. The results and recommendations that come out of the Index will be publicized and given to key national and state policy makers.

The Heritage Health Index is administered by Heritage Preservation in partnership with IMLS. Major funding for the project comes from IMLS and the Getty Grant Program. Additional support comes from the Bay Foundation, Samuel H. Kress Foundation, Peck Stacpoole Foundation, and Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.

Source: Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington, DC, 202/606-8536;

Your Digital Library

ARTstor Opens Digital Library

ARTstor, a nonprofit initiative founded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, announced that its Digital Library will be available to nonprofit educational and cultural institutions in the U.S., starting this summer. The ARTstor Digital Library includes digital images and related data, the tools to make active use of those images, and an online environment intended to balance the interests of users with those of content providers. ARTstor's Charter Collection will contain approximately 300,000 digital images of visual material from different cultures and disciplines; it is expected to grow by a half-million images by summer 2006. ARTstor was established with the mission to use digital technology to enhance scholarship, teaching, and learning in the arts and associated fields.

Source: ARTstor, New York, 212/838-8400;

Thomson Gale Offers Free MARC Records

MARC records for Literature Resource Center's most-studied authors are now available from Thomson Gale for free download to library OPACs. The records for the 2,600 most-studied authors contain InfoMarks that allow libraries to securely deliver copyright-cleared information to patrons through a cut-and-paste methodology.

To download the Literature Resource Center most-studied authors MARC records, access, click on "Title Lists," click on "MARC 856 and ASCII Records with InfoMarks," navigate to Literature Resource Center, and download the MARC records and upload them into your catalog.

Source: Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 800/877-4253;

netLibrary Launches eBook of the Month

OCLC announced the start of its netLibrary divison's eBook of the Month campaign. The project will provide participating libraries and their patrons with access to contemporary best-sellers at no charge. Each month, netLibrary, together with leading publishers, will select a new featured title and provide unlimited access to the eBook through the home pages of the more than 8,700 public, academic, and special libraries that offer netLibrary eBooks. In many cases, the selected titles will support industrywide literacy and awareness initiatives, such as Women's History Month and National Poetry Month.

Source: OCLC, Inc., Dublin, OH, 800/848-5878, 614/764-6000;


EMI Signs with Classical International

EMI and Classical International announced a licensing agreement to provide EMI Classics recordings to libraries via the Classical Music Library service. Under the agreement, recordings from EMI Classics will be made available for streaming to libraries that subscribe to Classical Music Library. The EMI recordings will increase the size of the Classical Music Library collection to more than 30,000 tracks in the first phase of the project. This is the first agreement to offer digital recordings from a major record label to libraries.

Source: Classical International, Ltd., New York, 800/859-9306;

EBSCO and Sirsi Simplify Serials Invoicing

EBSCO Information Services announced that it is partnering with Sirsi to provide the invoice data and format specifications that allow libraries using the Sirsi Unicorn Library Management System to receive and load X12 serials invoices from EBSCO. An interface between the two systems allows X12 invoice files to be transmitted to the customer via FTP and to be loaded by the library directly into the Sirsi Unicorn system. EBSCO regional offices can provide information on the new service.

Source: EBSCO Information Services, Birmingham, AL, 205/991-6600;


Elsevier Launches Scopus Trials

Elsevier announced the final testing and user trials of the first fully functioning version of Scopus, the full-text linking abstracting-and-indexing (A&I) database. A full commercial release is expected in the fourth quarter of 2004.

Scopus is the result of a 2-year collaboration with librarians and researchers at more than 20 institutions. Elsevier claims that it features the biggest A&I database of scientific literature ever assembled, covering titles from more than 4,000 STM publishers. In addition, Scopus has the ability to search the scientific Web using the science-only Internet search engine, Scirus.

Source: Elsevier, Inc., San Diego, 619/231-6616;

Dialog Launches New Aerobase Database

Dialog announced the release of a new database containing scientific and technical research related to the global aerospace industry. The new Aerobase database includes references, abstracts, and controlled-vocabulary indexing of scientific and technical journal articles, preprints, conference proceedings, books, theses, and unpublished literature related to the aerospace and aeronautical industries and dating back to 1999. At its launch, the database contained more than 20,000 documents; more will be added monthly. The first additions will include international journals and conference literature.

Source: The Dialog Corporation, Cary, NC, 800/334-2564;

EBSCO Adds Features to LinkSource

EBSCO announced that LinkSource now offers several new features, including more customization options, an expanded knowledgebase of more than 550 database definitions and 100 link templates, and automatic processing of A-to-Z export files. Additional new features include the ability to prioritize access to full-text content, the option to take the end user directly to the article if full text is included on the LinkSource menu, additional customization of the LinkSource menu, the ability to customize text messages to be displayed when an end user follows a link to full text, additional functions to support linking based on a second criterion if the first is not met, and access to the citation manager.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 800/653-2726;

FIZ Karlsruhe Adds Patent Database

FIZ Karlsruhe loaded FRANCEPAT on STN International, adding more than 1 million records of French patents and patent applications published by the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, as well as 400,700 images, to STN's existing French patent data. Updated weekly, the new database comprises all patents published in France since 1966, special pharmaceutical patents published from 1961 through 1978, and Complementary Protection Certificates from 1969 to present. All records are in French, but English descriptors are available for records from 1987 onward.

Source: FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 011-49-7247-808-555;

Dialog Provides CBS MarketWatch Content

Dialog announced that real-time financial and business news and analysis produced by CBS MarketWatch is now available through four of its services: Dialog NewsRoom, Dialog NewsEdge, Dialog NewsEdge Live, and NewsEdge Insight. The CBS MarketWatch content includes a daily news feed of MarketPulse Bulletins, detailed reports on publicly traded companies, and columns and features covering topics such as breaking market news and personal finance topics. Approximately 1,000 business and financial news items from CBS MarketWatch are added to the Dialog services every business day. Most are available on a 15-minute delayed basis; Dialog customers may opt for real-time delivery at an additional charge. An archive of CBS MarketWatch articles and reports dating back to 1997 is available through Dialog NewsRoom.

Source: The Dialog Corporation, Cary, NC, 800/334-2564;

Dekker Debuts Nanotechnology Resources

Marcel Dekker announced the release of the Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in five print volumes and as an online database. The encyclopedia covers innovations in the nanosciences, including materials, devices, and system architectures; the properties, performance, and engineering of materials on the nanometer scale; new tools and methods for simulation, computation, measurement, and imaging; and the fundamental principles, theories, and methodologies of nanosystem design. A purchase includes quarterly updates, links to bibliographic citations, full-color illustrations, and customized content views for the life of the edition.

Source: Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 212/696-9000;

EBSCO Adds Columbia Granger Poetry

EBSCO announced the availability of the Columbia Granger Poetry Database on EBSCOhost. The database, first published in 1904 and now in its 12th edition, contains more than 400,000 poem citations and more than 50,000 full-text poems. It also includes bibliographic information for more than 1,800 anthologies, 1,100 commentaries, and 500 comprehensive biographies, as well as a glossary of detailed definitions for more than 200 poetry-specific terms.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 800/653-2726;

Thomson Gale Adds New Database Features

Thomson Gale announced updates and additions to the online databases Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, Custom Journals (including InfoTrac Religion & Philosophy and Military and Intelligence Database), and What Do I Read Next?

Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, an online tool that explores social issues for high school and undergraduate students, adds three new features. The updates include nearly 200 biographies of activists and reformers related to social issues, cross-searches against a customer's Student Resource Center subscription, and improved statistical reporting for Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center and the Opposing Viewpoints/Student Resource Center cross-search.

Two new databases have been created from the Custom Journals interface: InfoTrac Religion & Philosophy and Military and Intelligence Database. Both feature a Journal Search, Table of Contents display of Journal Search results, and a new e-mail format (Z39.80) allowing users to incorporate material into bibliographic management packages.

The readers' advisory tool, What Do I Read Next?, now includes more than 100,000 highly recommended fiction and nonfiction titles for adults, young adults, and children; more than 60,000 plot summaries; award information from 562 major book and literary awards; 1,109 series entries; and 1,062 recommended reading lists.

Source: Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 800/877-4253;


Dialog Expands eLinks

Dialog announced that it has expanded its Dialog eLinks service to streamline access from its Dialog and Dialog DataStar services to a subscribing organization's collection of electronic journals and other research documents. The services' previous linking tools have now been combined into a single offering with additional functions. The new features include an upgraded common subscription manager interface and improved capabilities for searching and locating journal titles, adding journal subscriptions by volume and issue, accommodating partial-year subscriptions, and managing multiple subscription ranges for a journal title. Additional enhancements include the ability to link via the OpenURL Framework, improved capability to upload and download subscription information from spreadsheets, and new usage tracking and reporting tools.

Dialog also announced that it has added 32 databases to the roster of those enabled with Dialog eLinks, increasing the number of Dialog databases with e-linking to 60. A total of 147 publishers now make their materials available for linking, representing more than 11,200 journals, conference proceedings, and other research sources.

Source: The Dialog Corporation, Cary, NC, 800/334-2564;

Dialog Offers Free Cost Recovery

Dialog introduced Dialog BillBack, a free, Internet-based cost-recovery service that leverages Dialog's Profound and NewsRoom services to monitor online research billing and to generate usage reports for client invoicing and internal budgeting. The BillBack service will be available for Dialog's updated Intelliscope, Company Profiles, and NewsEdge services, slated to debut later this year.

Source: The Dialog Corporation, Cary, NC, 800/334-2564;

Library of Congress Adds AACR2 to Cataloging Tool

The Library of Congress announced an agreement that will add the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2) ( to the Web edition of Cataloger's Desktop, the cataloging tool from LOC's Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) ( The agreement was signed by representatives of the Library of Congress and the American Library Association, on behalf of the co-publishers of AACR—the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. AACR2 has been in the CD-ROM version of Cataloger's Desktop for many years.

Source: Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 202/707-5000;

MS Task Pane Offers West Legal Directory

FindLaw announced that Microsoft has incorporated the West Legal Directory of lawyers and law firms into its new research task pane. The feature allows customers to search for information and import it into their work directly from Microsoft Office 2003 applications such as Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. The link gives Office 2003 users desktop access to contact information for more than 1 million attorneys and law firms, searchable by practice area and jurisdiction.

Source: FindLaw, Mountain View, CA, 650/940-4300;

EBSCO Offers Electronic Journals Service Site in French

EBSCO Information Services introduced a French-language version of its EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service administrative Web site. French translation is now available for both the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service and the EJS Enhanced service.

Source: EBSCO Information Services, Birmingham, AL, 205/991-6600;

Innovative Interfaces Streams Movie Trailers

Innovative Interfaces announced that Millennium library patrons can now view streaming movie trailers for videocassettes and DVDs in their library's collection directly through the Web OPAC. Using the Web-linking feature of WebBridge and a Video Detective subscription, libraries can configure WebBridge to link to the movie archive through title and ISBN number. Patrons searching for films such as Casablanca will see a WebBridge dialog box leading to a 2-minute Casablanca trailer. Video Detective offers 15,000 trailers and handles all of the encoding, hosting, data matching, updating, and streaming.

Source: Innovative Interfaces, Inc., Emeryville, CA, 510/655-6200;

Factiva Launches Its New iWorker Search Platform

Factiva unveiled its iWorker Search Technology, a new product platform that joins Factiva's collection of global news and business information with its algorithm-based search capabilities. The system matches simple keyword searches to filtering technology embedded within Factiva's proprietary taxonomy, which streamlines and personalizes results through application of company, region, industry, language, and subject codes. The new platform will be available in the company's, Individual Subscription, Factiva Search Module, and Factiva Search Module in Microsoft Office 2003 offerings.

Source: Factiva, New York, 609/627-2000;


Libramation Products SIP2-Certified by Sirsi

Sirsi announced that Libramation is the newest hardware vendor to successfully complete the Sirsi SIP2 Certification Program. Libramation's self-check unit, Mark 3 Easy-Check, and the company's return-and-sort combination of ACT-R and ACT-S are fully integrated with Sirsi products to authenticate patron and circulation databases. Mark 3 Easy-Check allows patrons to check out materials themselves, access their accounts, review materials presently borrowed, and renew lending periods. ACT-R and ACT-S allow patrons to independently return materials, automatically updating circulation data and reactivating security strips. Libramation ( is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with a satellite office in Oakland, Calif.

Source: Sirsi Corp., St. Louis, 800/325-0888;

EBSCO Earns Ariba Ready Status for Online Transactions

EBSCO Information Services announced that it has become the first book vendor to successfully complete the requirements for the Ariba Ready designation for online transactions with buyers. EBSCO MarketPlace, EBSCO's Web-based service, has been developed for the Ariba Supplier Network. EBSCO supports Ariba PunchOut, allowing customers to directly access the MarketPlace service from the Ariba Buyer application. EBSCO MarketPlace offers a catalog of more than 84,000 journals and millions of book titles for the corporate market.

Source: EBSCO Information Services, Birmingham, AL, 205/991-6600;

Bibliotheca RFID Wins SIP2 Certification from Sirsi

Sirsi announced that Bibliotheca RFID Library Systems is the newest software vendor to complete the Sirsi SIP2 Certification program. The company's BiblioChip RFID Library Media Management and Security System integrates with the Sirsi patron database for authentication and account information. Bibliotheca RFID Library Systems ( is a spin-off of Lucatron Electronics of Switzerland, a manufacturer of electronic article surveillance equipment for use in preventing shoplifting.

Source: Sirsi Corp., St. Louis, 800/325-0888;


ISI Adds Gems & Gemology Journal to Databases

The Gemological Institute of America announced that its quarterly journal, Gems & Gemology, has been accepted into the database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). The journal will be included in ISI's Current Contents Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences; Science Citation Index Expanded, including the Web of Science; and ISI's current awareness alerting services. The placements begin with last year's Spring issue (Vol. 39, No. 1). Gems & Gemology is the first, and only, gemological journal to be included in the ISI database.

Source: Gemological Institute of America, Carlsbad, CA, 800/421-7250;

ABC-CLIO Links with OUP

ABC-CLIO announced that it now links its abstracting-and-indexing databases, Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life, to online journals from Oxford University Press (OUP). As a result of the agreement, ABC-CLIO history database users will be able to search article titles and abstracts from any OUP journals online, including The English Historical Review, Past & Present, and Early Music. Users subscribing to any OUP online journals will have direct links to the full-text articles.

ABC-CLIO also links with JSTOR, Project Muse, History Cooperative, and H-Net, as well as with a number of free online journals.

Source: ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 800/368-6868;


EOS Launches EOS.Web Express

EOS International announced the release of EOS.Web Express, an entry-level member of the EOS.Web integrated library automation solution product family. EOS.Web Express, a Web-based ILS solution for small to midsize special libraries, is built on Microsoft .NET technology, the SQL relational database, and the Convera RetrievalWare search engine. The scalable, modular system can be upgraded to EOS.Web Enterprise, a full-featured Web-based ILS that contains additional functionality for large libraries. The EOS.Web Express package includes software modules for cataloging, circulation, serials, acquisitions, Web OPAC, and Z39.50. The Web-based applications are available through browser-enabled workstations. A library can install the product as an in-house Web-based solution running on a local network server or contact the EOS e-Library Service global data center to host it.

EOS also announced the expansion of its Client Care Program with service and support technologies, including SupportNet, a client support Web site.

Source: EOS International, Carlsbad, CA, 800/876-5484;


ALA Covers Digital Resource Preservation

ALA Editions published Protecting Your Library's Digital Sources: The Essential Guide to Planning and Preservation (Miriam B. Kahn, ISBN: 0-8389-0873-X, $40). The book advises library systems administrators on securing digital resources and developing short- and long-term disaster response guidelines for worst-case scenarios such as floods, fires, hacks, and computer crashes. It addresses disaster response for hardware and physical storage media as well as network- and institution-level recovery prioritization. The guide underscores its recommendations through four case studies, provides contact points for organizations researching electronic records preservation solutions, and directs readers to companies that protect or help cope with the loss of digital materials. It also includes checklists for recording contingency planning information such as emergency remote access routines, network configurations, backup storage locations, hardware and software inventories, and manual circulation procedures.

Source: ALA Editions, Chicago, 312/280-1537;

Linworth Ships K-12 Media Center Accessibility Guide

Linworth Publishing has released Assistive Technology: An Introductory Guide for K-12 Library Media Specialists (Janet Hopkins, ISBN: 1-58683-138-0, $39.95), which offers tips for making school library media centers accessible to students with learning disabilities or visual, hearing, or mobility impairments. Meant to help media specialists create inclusive K-12 education and library services, the manual discusses new assistive tech tools on the market as well as accessibility features already built into Windows, Mac, and UNIX operating systems. It details issues such as assistive technology funding and grant writing, legal considerations, library and computer system accessibility needs, and software and portable technology options. The handbook also points educators to online courses and discussion groups, certification programs, and accessibility initiatives and services available on the Web.

Source: Linworth Publishing, Inc., Worthington, OH, 614/436-7107;


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