North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
March 21 - March 23, 2011
Hilton Washington
1919 Connecticut Ave. NW • Washington DC
Strategic Focus & Value for Library Communities
Exhibitor List Exhibit Hall Hours | Monday, March 21 | 9:45 AM to 5:45 PM | Tuesday, March 22 | 9:45 AM to 4:00 PM | Wednesday, March 23 | 9:45 AM to 1:30 PM |
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The Computers in Libraries exhibition will feature leading-edge companies offering the visitor a choice of products in all aspects
of library technology, including web-based products and services, integrated library and information systems, online services,
document delivery services, internet software tools, content suppliers, search services, and more. If you are looking for a
particular product, evaluating competing systems, keeping up-to-date with new products and developments, be sure to visit
the Computers in Libraries exhibition.
Free CyberTours
Listen and learn at a series of free cybertours and information sessions for all Computers in Libraries 2011 Exhibit Hall visitors.
Taking place at the CyberCorner in the Exhibit Hall, these cybertours cover a range of topics & subject areas. They are open
to all and add value to your visit. Space is limited so it's first-come, first-served. Join our Net savvy Web experts for a look
at their favorite sites and topics! There is no need to register, simply pick the cybertour of interest to you and arrive at our
CyberCorner within the CIL 2011 Exhibit Hall at the appropriate time.
The following companies/organizations have already contracted to exhibit at
Computers in Libraries 2011.
For more information on exhibiting and/or sponsorship opportunities at Computers in Libraries 2011,
Mike Zarrello
Advertising, Sponsorships, and Exhibit Sales Director
609-654-6266 x132 mzarrello@infotoday.com |
3M Library Systems | Booth # 306 |
| | AIP Publishing | Booth # 329 |
| American Psychological Association | Booth # 422 |
| Basch Subscriptions/The References Shelf, a Prenax company | Booth # 420 |
| BookScan Station | Booth # 305 |
| | Career Cruising | Booth # 303 |
| Comprise Technologies | Booth # 506 |
| Cuadra Associates, Inc. | Booth # 311 |
| | | EBSCO Information Services | Booth #513 | EBSCO Information Services develops the most comprehensive “e” discovery and management solutions, offering unparalleled integration to help librarians save time and money while empowering their users. EBSCO Publishing, the leading database and discovery provider for libraries, offers full-text and secondary research databases via EBSCOhost®—providing content for researchers at every level. | 10 Estes Street • Ipswich, MA 01938 • 800-653-2726 •
www.ebsco.com |
| | Emerald Group Publishing | Booth # 527 |
| EnvisionWare | Booth #401 | EnvisionWare delivers world class computer and financial management software, RFID circulation, security and inventory systems, Automated Materials Handling solutions, and professional consulting services dedicated to the efficient delivery of exceptional service to library patrons. | 2855 Premiere Parkway, Suite A • Duluth, GA 30097-5201 • 678-382-6500 •
www.envisionware.com |
| EOS International | Booth # 418 |
| | Faulkner Information Services | Booth # 330 |
| Gale, Cengage Learning | Booth #409 |  A world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses, Gale, part of Cengage Learning, creates and maintains thousands of electronic resources, online, in print and as eBooks. As a library advocate and partner, Gale's objective is simply stated - "Power to the User, Value to the Library." | 27500 Drake Road • Farmington Hills, MI 48331 • 800-877-GALE •
gale.com |
| | Information Today | Booth # 324 |
| | | International New York Times | Booth # 322 |
| | Leadership Directories | Booth # 312 |
| LibLime a Div. of PTFS | Booth # 417 |
| | | Mango Languages | Booth # 526 |
| Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. | Booth # 430 |
| NewsBank, inc. | Booth # 522 |
| Northern Micrographics | Booth # 421 |
| OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. | Booth # 307 |
| | Polaris Library Systems | Booth # 530 |
| ProQuest | Booth #300 |  ProQuest creates specialized information resources and technologies that provide the most successful ways for people to search, find, use, and share information. ProQuest offers the expertise of such respected brands as UMI®, Chadwyck-Healey™, SIRS®, and eLibrary® with Serials Solutions®, Ulrich's™, RefWorks®, COS™, Dialog®, Bowker®, and ebrary part of the ProQuest brand family. | 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway • Ann Arbor, MI 48106 • 734-761-4700 •
www.proquest.com |
| | Serials Solutions | Booth # 300 |
| | Special Libraries Association | Booth # 428 |
| | Standard & Poor's | Booth # 313 |
| | SydneyPLUS International | Booth # 408 |
| Thomson Reuters | Booth # 415 |
| Transparent Language, Inc. | Booth # 323 |
| | William S. Hein & Co., Inc. | Booth # 525 |
| Wolters Kluwer | Booth # 512 |
| WT Cox Information Services | Booth # 318 |
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Learning Partner 