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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2011
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2011
March 21 - March 23, 2011
Hilton Washington
1919 Connecticut Ave. NW • Washington DC
Strategic Focus & Value for Library Communities
ProgramSpeakersExhibitors List
Download PresentationsCIL2011 at LibConf.comInternet@Schools
Previous CIL Conferences


Listen and learn at a series of free cybertours and information sessions for all Computers in Libraries 2011 Exhibit Hall visitors. Taking place at the CyberCorner in the Exhibit Hall, these cybertours cover a range of topics & subject areas. They are open to all and add value to your visit. Space is limited so it's first-come, first-served. Join our Net savvy Web experts for a look at their favorite sites and topics! There is no need to register, simply pick the cybertour of interest to you and arrive at our CyberCorner within the CIL 2011 Exhibit Hall at the appropriate time.

Monday, March 21, 2011
QR Codes 101
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Krista Godfrey, Web Services Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland

QR codes are little images containing information that transmit the contained information when a person snaps the image with their cell phone. QR codes can contain all kinds of information, from contact information and VCards of librarians to links to websites, tutorials, pages with chat widgets and more. This cybertour explores different options for creating and using QR codes, and potential uses in libraries.

Going Mobile with Android
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Chad Mairn, Information Services Librarian, St. Petersburg College

Android is getting just as popular as Apple's iOS and other mobile operating systems. In this cybertour, see Android App Inventor in action and how easy it is to click and drag various components that will fit like a puzzle into a completely functional Android application.  

Surviving & Thriving in a World Gone Digital
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Jen Baum Sevec, Senior Metadata and Acquisitions Librarian, Library Of Congress

In an era where applications are available nearly anytime, anywhere, information technology and businesses are forced to keep pace. This session investigates digital collections management for new media and how organizations have transformed their processes to select, acquire, and serve digital collections through technical innovations.

Improving "Find" at One University!
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Josh Bishoff, Access & Mobile Services Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This cybertour illustrates how finding information in one university catalog has become easier and faster.  It shows how Elsevier’s APIs can be integrated to improve finding, discusses the implications on new web based library services, and highlights customer responses.

Best of Biz Sources & Practices
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.

Our super searcher and successful business woman shares her secrets for keeping customers happy, key tools, and more.

Research Trend Watching
2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Gali Halevi PhD, Customer Development Manager, Elsevier

Keeping our clients up-to-date and informed about trends is important for them but also for those of us with planning responsibilities. Using waste management as an example, this cybertour illustrates how to see research trends in science.  It shares tips, techniques and findings.


Virtual Reference: Chat, IM, & SMS
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Greg Notess, Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian, Montana State University

As libraries continue to push resources online and library users visit us online, reference services continue to move online as well. New and old software options, ranging from free to fee, can help us offer online, interactive reference services via chat, instant messaging, text messaging (SMS), and more. Come explore these communication options along with evaluation of real-life implementation issues.

Tracking Web Usage with Net Freebies
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Dr. Sharon Q Yang, Associate Professor/Systems Librarian, Moore Library, Rider University
Patricia H Dawson, Associate Professor-Librarian, Franklin F. Moore Library, Rider University

This fast-paced demo highlights free programs that libraries can use to track, analyze, and measure the usage of Web-based library services. It covers tools for counting visitors to a service or a Web page like meters and those that track and analyze Web-based activities and events.  Looks at Google Analytics, Active Meter, StatCounter, GoStats, eXTReMe Tracking, and more.

Building an App-Like Experience
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Chad Haefele, Emerging Technologies Librarian, UNC Chapel Hill

Building an a native app for a mobile platform often requires extensive programming in Objective C or Java. This may be a time or skill-prohibitive process for many librarians. But it's possible to build off of existing apps or build an app with an intermediary tool that doesn't require high level coding. This cybertour shows how to use a barcode scanner app from a webpage, how to build a webpage with an iPhone-app-like interface, takes a look at Google's Android App Inventor toolkit, and more.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tablets, Superphones & Libraries
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Jason Griffey, Founder & Principal Consultant, Evenly Distributed LLC and Fellow - Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

A look at where mobile technology is going and how it can be used by libraries to meet the expectations of users.


Gov 2.0: Gov Info on the 'Net
11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Gary Price, Co-Founder, INFODocket & FullTextReports

There are many ongoing and successful efforts inside and outside of government to make government information available on the Internet, free to all. Advocates for open government, as well as the disseminators and users of government information, have encouraged the release of caselaw, statutes, public records, publications and other data held by federal, state and local governments. Learn what information is out there, how it's being used, and how you and your users can access it and contribute to Gov 2.0.

Capturing Attention: Design Tips
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Lisa Carlucci Thomas, Digital Services Librarian, Southern Connecticut State University

Whether you're designing library services, programs or websites, the objective of providing a positive customer experience to a wide and diverse audience remains the same. This cybertour focuses on the characteristics that keeps people engaged and talking, like social sharing and endorsement; shares tips for enhancing the stickiness of your services, programs and sites; and illustrates with some great real world examples.

Boopsie Mobile Applications in Libraries
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
Sam Nickell, VP, Business Development, Boopsie, Inc.

Have a look at how libraries and universities in the US and Europe are using a platform that runs on all phones and networks to deliver fast and easy catalog searches, access to reading lists, blogs and tweets and enables patrons to check-out and renew books directly from their mobile phones.  Customized mobile apps are highlighted.  Come and see the possibilities for your environment.

Who's Out There? Patron Personas in 15 Minutes
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Jennifer Koerber, Trainer, Writer, Consultant, Self-employed

You want to redesign your website or start a new marketing campaign, and everyone's talking about using "personas." What are user personas and how are they helpful to library work? In 15 minutes, we'll talk about what a persona is and walk through the basics of creating one.

Teens & Homework Help That Works
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Shauntee Burns, Outreach Specialist for HomeworkNYC, Teaching & Learning, Literacy & Outreach, The New York Public Library

Burns shares results of an IMLA funded project and research conducted by New York City's public libraries that focused on: How students use the web for homework and; How HomeworkNYC, a website devoted to supporting student homework needs, was and wasn't used by tweens and teens in New York City. She shares results of focus groups with teens that showed they were looking for homework support from the online spaces that they inhabit - Facebook, MySpace, Google, Wikipedia, and so on.  Hear about the apps they have created and how they are now being used.

Using the Cloud to Extend IT & Experimentation
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Amy Dumouchel, Electronic Resources Librarian, Suffolk University

Many organizations have begun to develop restrictive IT and web policies that restrict a library's ability to experiment with new methods of providing library services. Cloud computing can be used to cheaply/freely to experiment and enhance user experience. This talk explains what the cloud is and how a library can leverage it by providing specific examples such as Dropbox, Google's online suite of resources, Flickr, and Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Cheap & Fun Ways to Reach Gen X&Y
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Katherine Makens, Resources and Finance Officer, Durham County Libraries

Social networking allows libraries to do more than just market to particular audiences. We can use tools like geocaching, social networking, and Photoshop to create and nurture community by interacting with our audience. Hear some tips for reaching the Gen X & Y crowd.

Easy Usability Testing: Card Sorting Tips
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Yu-Hui Chen, Subject Librarian for Education & East Asian Studies, State University of New York
Carol Anne Germain, Information Literacy Librarian, University at Albany

Successful information architecture, smooth site navigation, logical menu structure, and intuitive interface design all rely on knowing where users expect to find needed information. Card-sorting is a simple, user-centered, low-tech, and powerful technique that can explore how users group related concepts together, help Web designers develop a usable structure and sensible navigation paths that better reflect user mental models. Presenters share the process, findings, recommendations for the site improvement, and ideas for overcoming roadblocks and enabling full realization of a truly user-centered redesign.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Online Security: Tips & Tricks
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Blake Carver, Senior Systems Administrator, LYRASIS

This cybertour looks at the world of online security, both on the server and at home. It shares tools that work to keep your website safe, looks at how to stay safe on public wifi networks, and discusses best practices to stay safe at home.

Beyond Google: Search Tips & Alternate Engines
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, Online Searcher magazine

Our super searcher shares the latest tips on searching and using alternative search engines. Always on top of the industry, Ojala's cybertour is not to be missed!

Tech Support at a Distance: Tips & Tools
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
John F. Coogan, Systems Librarian, University of Maryland University College
Li Fu, Digital Services Librarian, University of Maryland University College

You're a virtual library serving distance education students or public library clients. You live and die by remote access. Things go wrong. Clients contact you by phone, chat and e-mail. Their logins aren't working. They try to access your resources and get strange error messages. They click on PDF links and nothing happens. How do you help them diagnose and resolve their technical issues? Hear how one library uses front-end technical support for clients and back-end tools for librarians.

Google Secrets!
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Michael P Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Technology & Access Services, Nebraska Library Commission

This cybertour shares new and little-known Google services, tools and features that can help improve Internet life. Google changes so often this cybertour will put you on top of the latest and greatest tips, tools, and services.

Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine

Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine

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