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Magazines > Information Today > May 2024

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40 years in print!
VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 4 • May 2024
Information Today
The Newsmagazine for Users and Producers of Digital Information Services
The Community Doctor: Libraries Respond to Patrons’ Health Information Needs and Concerns
by Amber Boedigheimer
Page 14
Art Under Fire: How AI Challenges Artistic Authenticity and IntegrityClick for FREE full-text article.
by Kelly LeBlanc
Page 16

A Day in the Life
Realistic and Grounded
Amberlee McGaughey
Interviewed by Justin Hoenke

Page 4

We the People
Beyond Self-Care in Libraries: Supporting Ourselves Through Real Change
by Abigail L. Phillips

Page 6

EDI  Perspectives
A Model Participatory Defense Hub
by Marci Wicker

Page 8

The Help Desk
Learning in a Digital Scholarship LabClick for FREE full-text article.
by Sophia Guevara

Page 12

Legal lssues
The First SCOTUS Opinions Are In!
by Tom Gaylord

Page 19

Database Review
Find a Grave Helps Gravestone Fixers
by Mick O’Leary

Page 22
Editor’s Note
Marking Mental Health Awareness MonthClick for FREE full-text article.
by Brandi Scardilli
Page 1

Product News

Page 18

People News

Page 21
Information Today, Inc. Conferences Page 10

Report From the Field
Who Owes Whom? CCC Webinar Addresses ‘The Heart of the Matter’
by Dave Shumaker

Page 10
Insights on Content
Five Google Search Tips to Make You SmileClick for FREE full-text article.
by David Haden
Page 24
Outside the Box
Hosting Virtual Parties That Scream, ‘This Is an Experience!’
by Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig
Page 27
Notes on Digital Transformation
Measuring Success: The Good, the Bad, and the UglyClick for FREE full-text article.
by Marianne Kay
Page 29
Let’s Get Strategic
Best Practices for Creating and Maintaining Content Calendars
by Linda Pophal
Page 30
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