Marking Mental Health Awareness Month
by Brandi Scardilli
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Information Today often features articles about self-care, and this issue is no exception. Check out We the People on page 6 for a look at the current research. In addition, you can visit infotoday.com throughout the month for NewsBreaks from a variety of perspectives on mental health. Subscribe to ITI NewsLink at infotoday.com/newslink to get the articles delivered to your inbox.
We know how important it is for library workers to focus on their well-being so they can be effective at their job. This issue dives into some of the myriad services libraries offer their communities. In A Day in the Life, Justin Hoenke talks to a children’s librarian about the various aspects of her job (page 4). In EDI Perspectives, Marci Wicker profiles an interim executive director whose library hosts a participatory defense hub so patrons can get help navigating the legal system (page 8). In The Help Desk, Sophia Guevara interviews the lead of a bustling digital scholar lab (page 12). And on page 14, Amber Boedigheimer looks at resources library workers can use to help patrons feel empowered about their own healthcare.
Happy reading,  |