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Magazines > Information Today > June 2024

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40 years in print!
VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 5 • June 2024
Information Today
The Newsmagazine for Users and Producers of Digital Information Services
The Book of Love: Wedding-Planning Ideas for Bibliophiles
by Patti Gibbons
Page 12
A Librarian’s Tips for Playful Storytelling Using ChatGPTClick for FREE full-text article.
by Phil Shapiro
Page 18
What Is Library Anxiety?
by Anthony Aycock
Page 20

A Day in the Life
A Super Library Marketer
Angela Hursh
Interviewed by Justin Hoenke

Page 4

We the People
Collection Development in Small Libraries: Making the Most of Your Spaces
by Amber Boedigheimer

Page 6

After Hours
StoryGraph: An Increasingly Popular Goodreads Competitor
by Thomas Pack

Page 8

Help Desk
A Library at the Heart(beat) of Its Community
by Sophia Guevara

Page 17

Legal lssues
The Creeping Criminalization of Librarianship
Click for FREE full-text article.
by Tom Gaylord

Page 22

Database Review
Perplexities in AI Search
by Mick O’Leary

Page 24
Editor’s Note
Work and PlayClick for FREE full-text article.
by Brandi Scardilli
Page 1

Product News

Page 23
Information Today, Inc. Conferences Page 10

Report From the Field
A Work in Progress: CCC and AI
by Dave Shumaker

Page 10
Insights on Content
It’s a Date! Escaping the Stranglehold of Relevance-Sorting in General Search Results
by David Haden
Page 26
Outside the Box
Creating Memorable Experiences With the Help of TechnologyClick for FREE full-text article.
by Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig
Page 28
Notes on Digital Transformation
Why Daily Standups Are Essential for Productive TeamsClick for FREE full-text article.
by Marianne Kay
Page 29
Let’s Get Strategic
Which Way Does Your Content Marketing Contractor Pendulum Swing These Days?
by Linda Pophal
Page 31
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