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Magazines > Information Today > June 2024

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Information Today
Vol. 41 No. 5 — June 2024
Work and Play
by Brandi Scardilli

We at Information Today like to say that the magazine provides info pros with the news they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible. We strike a balance in these pages between serious and fun—the latest trends in the library space, explorations of new tech you might want to try, online resources for personal or professional research, and more. Info pros obviously need to stay up-to-date with the field, but sometimes it’s important to engage in healthy escapism.

As usual, you’ll find articles in this issue that meet both types of needs. Tom Gaylord explores the bills in Louisiana, Idaho, and other states that would criminalize librarians for routine aspects of their jobs (page 22). Mick O’Leary continues his deep dive into different AI tools by reviewing Perplexity (page 24). Marianne Kay argues for the importance of daily check-ins to keep teams on track (page 29).

If you want a lighter read, Thomas Pack provides an introduction to the StoryGraph reading app (page 8). If you’re planning your wedding—or any big party, really—check out Patti Gibbons’ complete guide to throwing a book-themed event (page 12). Phil Shapiro’s article on using ChatGPT to jump-start your own creativity is a mix of frivolity and practicality: You’ll hear some clever stories about an egret with no regrets and a cantaloupe that can’t elope while learning how to use the tool to connect with your community (page 18).

Happy reading, Brandi Scardilli

Brandi Scardilli is Editor of Information Today and Newsbreaks. Send your comments about this article to
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