9:00 a.m. -
9:45 a.m.
Managing Content: Trends
& Tools
Arnold, President, Arnold Information Technologies
Content management
has become a key issue with the constant and diverse streams of information
being pumped out these days. What are the key trends? Arnold identifies
and discusses the three drivers most important to content management: constant
updating by different people from different locations and keeping the approvals
and changes synchronized; the exploding demand for rich media, including
audio, video, and dimension-simulating function within dynamic content;
and the usage tracking for copyright and security purposes. What tools
are available to assist? Hear this veteran of the information industry
as he focuses on the challenges for content management as we discuss technology
components and software solutions.
9:45 a.m. -
10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to
Visit the Exhibits
A • IP Institute: Knowledge Management
Managing an organization’s
assets is one of the the key challenges today, but when it’s done well,
the organization thrives. Information professionals and Internet librarians
have the skills to make this happen. This track focuses on the necessary
structure and tools, showcases several organizations and their strategies,
and more.
by Julia Peterson, Information and Knowledge Management
10:30 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
From Information Architecture
to Knowledge Architecture
Tom Reamy,
Director-Information Architect, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Knowledge architecture,
based on a solid information architecture, is primarily concerned with
adding context to information. These contexts include locating information
within an intellectual, a personal, and an interpersonal context. The intellectual
context is largely based on traditional information architecture and uses
hierarchical, relational, and functional taxonomies. However, locating
information within all three contexts requires a careful blending of informational
and personal taxonomies. In addition, a knowledge architecture requires
that these taxonomies must be more dynamic than traditional information
architecture requires. Personal context creates the necessary infrastructure
for intelligent personalization. While personalization is enjoying considerable
press, actual implementations often leave users wondering what the hype
is all about. The reason is usually to be found in a poor knowledge architecture
that either overwhelms the user with total freedom or restricts their choices
to largely cosmetic variations. A good knowledge architecture integrates
a well-thought-out characterization of content (information architecture)
with a well-thought-out (and more dynamic) characterization of users and
tasks (knowledge architecture). Finally, interpersonal context provides
the infrastructure for the creation and maintenance of virtual communities.
These communities can range from traditional online asynchronous discussion
groups to project collaborations to real-time video and audio conferencing
to ad hoc, create-on-the-fly, virtual water cooler meetings. The underlying
knowledge architecture must support all these avenues with particular emphasis
on capturing the tacit knowledge expressed within these virtual communities.
11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m.
Collaboration Tools for KM
Abram, VP, Micromedia, IHS Group, Canada
Knowledge management
strategies are fundamentally underpinned by such activities as storytelling,
collaboration, rich interaction and innovation. This session reviews the
types of technologies used to support these activities, provides real-world
examples of their use in KM, and suggests some software solutions to have
a look at.
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. -
2:45 p.m.
Best Practices for a Successful
Knowledge Management Program
Robert Patt-Corner,
Senior Principal Scientist, Knowledge Management, Mitretek Systems
Knowledge management
programs can be simple or sophisticated. What elements ensure the
success of your program? In this session our speaker shares what
he has learned from various knowledge management initiatives: types of
knowledge management tools, components and attributes of knowledge management
programs, return on investment issues and critical success elements.
He looks at various roles necessary for a successful KM program and those
particularly suited to information professionals.
3:00 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
KM Cases
Abram, IHS Solutions
This session focuses
on a series of knowledge management initiatives — from the insurance sector,
to banking technology, to health and safety within the petroleum industry.
Our speaker highlights the practical benefits of information management
when specifically tied to KM goals.
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
4:15 p.m. -
5:00 p.m.
Bridging the Knowledge Management/Library
Management Gap
Beau Schless,
President, Robert A. Schless & Co., Inc.
Corporations and
institutions accumulate organizational knowledge in both hard copy and
electronic format that is useless when no one can find it. Library science
teaches us how to organize “stuff” so people can use it, but it seems less
and less CFOs are listening. How do we get from a largely unheralded job
to a position in the center of our organization’s information infrastructure?
Lotus Notes provides an excellent platform to help implement the knowledge
center concept. This session outlines an architecture and a road map that
can be used to develop a knowledge center with the library as its heart.
Several real-world examples of successful (and unsuccessful) implementations
illustrate the discussion.
B • iContent: Content Management
While information
professionals have been managing content for decades, it seems as though
“content management” is just being discovered by the rest of the world.
The third day of the iContent track explores how progressive academic,
government and corporate libraries are managing content in today’s electronically
exploding environment. Topics covered include archiving digital content,
the impact of XML, and of course, the continuing challenge of copyright
by Nancy Nelson, Nelson Associates
10:30 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
The Digital Enemy Within:
Preserving Mission-Critical Information in the Hi-Tech Age
Maxwell, Worldwide Marketing Manager, Micrographics and Digital Archive
Products at Kodak Document Imaging
Dick Harrington,
The Library of Virginia
Just as changes
in technology provide increased accessibility to information, they also
make organizations extremely vulnerable to technological obsolescence.
The 9-track magnetic tapes and the 5” floppy disks, once commonplace, are
now essentially useless, in many cases stranding vital information in a
medium that simply cannot be accessed with current hardware/software. Retaining
records and protecting knowledge assets are quickly becoming mission-critical
challenges to organizations as digital-based technologies evolve at a faster
and faster pace. Maxwell briefly reviews the various options available
for digital and electronic records retention, as well as their viability
in the face of constantly changing technological infrastructures and how
a hybrid-imaging environment can provide quick access to digital documents,
electronic files, and long-term storage of knowledge assets.
11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m.
Dealing with Digital: Web
Publishing Digital Archives
Brian M.
Kupiec, Systems Officer for the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
at Yale University
Kupiec talks about
the mechanics of Web publishing a digital archive: the strategies, tools,
and platform used at Yale University’s Beinecke Digital Library. The Beinecke
began a collaborative project with IBM in 1995-1996 to implement a Digital
Library using the IBM Pro 3000 camera and Digital Library/Collection Treasury
software solution. Kupiec discusses the status and learnings from this
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. -
2:45 p.m.
Unleashing the Value of Your
Document Content
Lynda Moulton,
Director, Integrated Library Systems, Inmagic, Inc.
3:00 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
Negotiating, Licensing &
Digital Rights Management in the eWorld
Bruce Funkhouser,
Copyright Clearance Center
TBA, iCopyright
Lesley Ellen
Harris, Copyright and New Media Lawyer
Abram, VP, Micromedia, IHS Group, Canada
This panel looks
at the key strategies for acquiring and protecting content from both the
user and provider perspectives. Panelists share their knowledge, experiences,
and advice.
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
4:15 p.m. -
5:00 p.m.
XML in Action: An Overview
of XML Today, and Using the EAD Cookbook and Ebind XML in the Archives
Fichter, University of Saskatchewan Libraries
Prom, Assistant University Archivist and Assistant Professor, University
of Illinois Archives
The session starts
with an update of what’s happening with XML. It then provides a case study,
gives suggestions about how digitization and mark-up costs can be controlled,
and argues that while EAD and other XML technologies are perceived as “elite”
projects for well-endowed institutions, they can be implemented at smaller
institutions as well.
C • Systems: Tools & Techniques
The third day
of the Systems stream focuses on the tools and techniques being used in
libraries today to protect and streamline libraries and their workflow
as well as to excite the users.
by Davida Scharf, NKR Associates
10:30 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
The Armored Desktop Computer
David J.
Ives, Chief Information Technology Officer, NELINET, Inc.
This session provides
an overview of the kinds of attacks libraries can expect from crackers,
hackers and snoopers and the kinds of prevention measures that are available
and those that should be implemented. Appropriate security procedures should
guarantee that a computer cannot be compromised by trojans, viruses, worms,
attack scripts, port probes and scans, or social engineering. Strong desktop
security can be provided at a reasonable monetary cost and at minimal-to-moderate
costs in terms of time and effort. The session provides recommendations
about appropriate security software, hardware, policies, and user education.
11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m.
Virtual Reality? Get Real!:
How You Can Create a QTVR Library Tour
Gilson & Stephanie Michel, Reference/Instruction Librarians, Radford
Looking for ways
to jazz up your library tour? Put it on the Web! Our speakers discuss their
experience in designing, creating and implementing a virtual tour with
emphasis on their use of Apple Quick Time Virtual Reality Authoring Studio
to create the virtual library tour. The speakers present tips and techniques
to help guide you through the process from start to finish, highlight the
benefits of partnerships, and discuss other technology tools used in their
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. -
2:45 p.m.
The Retooled Box: A Linux-Samba
Path from Retired Workstation to Production Server
B. Gambrell, System Automation Assistant Manager, Mobile Public Library
The technology
staff of Mobile Public Library retired 30 Pentium 133 mhz workstations
from service and still needed to provide additional network storage and
access to new CD-ROM products. The library runs an NT network and had previously
copied the CD-ROMs to NT servers. Rather than purchasing additional NT
servers, the staff elected to reconfigure the “retired” workstations and
install Red Hat Linux configured with Samba (to support NT workstation
access to the Linux server) or NetMax file server (a Linux-based “appliance”
product sold as an easy-to-configure network file server). This case study
reports reasons for attempting the Linux installation, the issues/problems
in configuring Samba, some of the problems encountered, the preference
for Linux over NetMax, an analysis of the fiscal cost, and the overall
success of the project
3:00 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
Maximizing Accessibility
& Minimizing Vulnerabilities: Configuring Public Access Workstations
John Ferguson,
Reference & Systems Librarian, Richland College
Is it possible
for library users to access online resources reliably and without interruption?
Yes it is, but only if you know how to correctly configure your library’s
public access workstations. This presentation describes how to combine
the features of LANs, operating systems, and third-party software to maximize
the uptime and minimize the downtime of public access workstations.
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
4:15 p.m. -
5:00 p.m.
Tracking & Reporting
L. Maciel, Coordinator, MIS Division, Texas A&M University Libraries
This session describes
a MIS team which has developed a Web site for tracking and reporting financial,
ordering, cataloging and circulation information within their libraries.
It uses existing Web and computer technologies to provide librarians with
important information necessary to assess existing collections, identify
trends in usage and make purchase decisions to enhance or support the libraries’
collections. Have a look at the graphics, learn about the technical resources
and skills necessary to create a similar site, and come away with a checklist
of resources and skills needed to create such a template for collection
analysis and development.
D • WebWizards' Symposium: Navigating the Net
Can you and the
people you train make the Web provide the information you need efficiently
and effectively? The searching and finding experience is at the core of
navigating the Net and today’s programs focus on search engines and finding
the content you need.
by Greg Notess and Anne Marie DelVecchio
10:30 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
Search Engine Panel
Greg Notess,
Search Engine Showdown
Gil Elbaz,
Shawn McCarthy,
Tim Bray, Systems
Arnold, Arnold Information Technologies
This session provides
an interactive look at search tools from several different perspectives.
Hear what the experts consider new and exciting, what engines they wouldn’t
be without, and more!
11:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m.
Continuation of
Session D301
12:15 p.m. -
2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit
the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. -
2:45 p.m.
Top 10 Navigation Tips
Mary Ellen
Bates, Bates Information Service & Author of Super Searchers Do
Business and Mining for Gold on the Internet
Come and hear
the top 10 tips for finding reliable, high-quality information from one
of the world’s top researchers. A must for anyone who wants to improve
their search techniques and research skills.
3:00 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
Finding Our Way: Libraries
as Community Search Engines
Greta Chapman,
Director, Rapid City Public Library
Our current Information
Age is a time of heightened awareness of skills held by librarians and
it is also a time of user- friendly access to those skills. Community sustainability
will be based on the facilitation and education provided by librarians
as a contribution to our information economy. In addition to technology
and information-literacy skills, there is a need for libraries to facilitate
a “sense of place,” whether through a listserv or a summer reading program,
we need community meeting places to exchange our skills, ideas, and converse.
Hear how one library meets these challenges and develops library services
for sophisticated technocrats and those yet to use a keyboard. It is all
about placing tacit, intuitive and time-tested librarian information-literacy
skills in the hands of others while utilizing fluid electronic and print
resources. It is about the organic world of online resources as an everyday
tool in an everyday life.
3:45 p.m. -
4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to
Visit the Exhibits
4:15 p.m. -
5:00 p.m.
The New Face of Reference:
Ask a Librarian Live
Judy Field,
Wayne State University
Stacy Olkowski,
Business & Economics Reference Librarian, Regenstein Library, University
of Chicago
Reference service
must be more than just a library’s Web page and hotlinks. Clients need
to feel that they are getting personal service when they need it. The first
speaker looks at some of the ways of staying connected to your clients,
while the second speaker provides a real live example of a chat service
which assists patrons accessing the library remotely over the Web. By using
technology provided by, the service, called “Ask a Librarian
Live,” helps patrons over the Web in real time. Those who might not come
into the physical space of the library or seek the traditional services
of a reference librarian now have a person to turn to in cyberspace. The
presentation looks at the back-end administrative and operator modules
of “Ask a Librarian Live,” its editing features and statistics-keeping
abilities, as well as the positive and negative aspects of chatting, in
relation to other modes of remote reference services.