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Magazines > Searcher > September 2012
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 7 • September 2012
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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Searcher's Voice
Equality is Overrated

Equality is overrated, according to bq — at least when it comes to finding the best and most-reliable online sources for clients and co-workers.
Page 4

Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
Household Tips on the Web

From what she refers to as ‘general tidiness advice’ to products, tips, and motivation, Irene McDermott shares a plethora of online spots to help you keep your abode clean and safe.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.The Medical Digital
Clincial Trials
Part 1. How Prescription Drugs Are Developed, Tested, and Approved
In her ongoing look at clinical drug trials, Stephanie Ardito outlines the stages involved in taking a potential prescription drug from the development phase through testing and finally FDA approval.

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When Is 1923 Going to Arrive and Other Complications of the U.S. Public Domain
Peter Hirtle says there is something else Sonny Bono can be partly held responsible for besides bringing Cher into the pop culture stream: extending the time it takes most works to make it into the public domain. But as with anything involving domestic and foreign copyright, the issue of public domain far is more complicated than any one act or policy.

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Info Pros of a Feather Flock Together
AIIP 2012 Conference
Conference attendee Cynthia Shamel sums up the best of this past May’s Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) conference in Indianapolis. She notes that AIIP always focuses on keeping its members sharp by honing both their info pro and business management skills.

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Streaming Video
The Battle Is Joined

According to Richard Oppenheim, images and videos have conquered the world. Since resistance is futile, he levels the playing field by looking at the arrival of digital and its many applications, including video streaming.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Content Curation
Quality Judgment and the Future of Media and Web Search
As Nancy Herther begins a series on curation, she provides an overview, explaining what curation is and its roots in print and the web. Herther also highlights a variety of curation options, discusses issues of selection and fairness, looks at curation tools, and examines how curation can be used as social activism.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses and phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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