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Magazines > Searcher > September 2009
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 17 • NUMBER 8 • September 2009
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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The PIUG Wiki
Communication and Collaboration Par Excellence
Thomas Wolff describes the status of the Patent Information Users Group’s wiki, which was created to support its discussion forum and its membership, from the perspective of its seven main objectives, which range from making it easy to maintain and navigate to promoting community interaction.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. Information Literacy Training for All
The Outliers

Lark Birdsong shares how the University of Washington Information School’s Information Literacy Initiative has led her to work with many information-needy groups, from disadvantaged youth to homeless women.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. 21st-Century Fundraising
Everything You Need May Be Free on the Web
Although finding fundraising sources has become more competitive than ever, the good news, according to Nancy Herther, is that the web is making it much easier for even novice entrepreneurs to apply for grants and get other fundraising tips and support.

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Survival Lessons for Libraries
Alternate Sourcing—A Critical Component of Your Survival Toolkit
Toby Pearlstein and James Matarazzo present a fictitious case study to examine the outsourcing options a corporation has when looking at its internal information services department.

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You Don’t Have a Smartphone? How Smart Can You Be?
If he hasn’t convinced you before, Richard Oppenheim picks up with his ongoing series about the multiple benefits of smartphones for everything work- and nonwork-related.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
Librarians and Google

Must librarians save the world from Google? It hasn’t come to that yet, according to bq.
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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
Learn Job Skills on the Web
Do you have patrons who need to brush up on their job skills? Irene McDermott has sites that will help them with typing, Word, Excel, Outlook, and even languages.

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Government Online
Photostreams to the People -
The Commons on Flickr
Peggy Garvin explores the Commons on Flickr, the photo-sharing website owned by Yahoo!, its wealth of public images from civic institutions around the world, how users can participate in chronicling them, and the legal and institutional issues surrounding the site.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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