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Magazines > Searcher > September 2008
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 16 • NUMBER 8 • September 2008
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
On the Edge

bq concedes that perhaps it’s time to reconsider her long-held view about librarians and “techie-ness” and how the twain should only meet rarely.
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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. The Sidebar
Technology Transfer Heats Up
In her column on technology transfer, Carol Ebbinghouse addresses the problem of how to bring inventors, both individuals at their workshops and those working at federal laboratories, nonprofits, businesses, and universities, together with those capable of developing and marketing the inventions.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
Show Me How: Instructional Videos on the Web
More and more people are turning to the web for “how-to” tutorials. Irene McDermott highlights video search engines and companies that are producing instructional video content available through searchable collections. She covers everything from user-generated content to commercially produced tutorials.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. Both Sides Now
Mohammed Cartoons: The Online History of an International Controversy
It took close to 3 years and a lot of searching for original documentation to verify what she found online, but Susanne Bjørner is finally looking at the Danish Mohammed cartoon crisis and asking the question, “What have we learned?”

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. The Ebook Reader Is Not the Future of Ebooks
According to Nancy Herther, the third generation of ebook readers is upon us. Using a plethora of sidebars, tables, images, and an extensive timeline, Herther summarizes the first two ebook generations (what worked and what largely didn’t) and wonders if the third time is the charm or if history will just repeat itself — hardly ever good news.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. Cybersquatting Gives the Web a Bad Name Again
Wallace Koehler lifts up the rug to investigate the components of the dirty practice known in the U.S. legal circuits as cyberpiracy, which has been growing at an alarming rate, and tells what to expect in the future with the debut of new top-level domain names from ICANN.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. Tools for Cross-Border Business Decisions
Business Monitor International

Jan Davis reviews Business Monitor International, a highly respected source for accessing accurate and unbiased political and company risk data and analysis.

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The World Without Wires
Rich Oppenheim previews the closer-than-ever world without wires, which has to do with digital data transmission, not electrical power, by profiling a few wireless gadgets and offering tips on keeping your data protected in this new, “always-online” environment.

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Evolution to Revolution to Chaos?
Reference in Transition
In a research world where the real action has moved from the back office to the front desk, Stephen Abram says the time has come to prioritize long- and short-term strategies around serving the “real” customers by employing a new suite of 2.0 tools centered on human relationships and offers a baker’s dozen of future reference scenarios.

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