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Magazines > Searcher > September 2007
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 15 • NUMBER 8 • September 2007
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Emerging Markets at an Emerging SLA 2007 ConferenceClick here for full-text options
In this year’s annual Special Libraries Association meeting, held in Denver, Jan Davis was impressed by the many speakers from outside the U.S. and by the number of foreign vendors providing more and more high-quality international data.

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Beyond WorldCat
Finding That Elusive ItemClick here for full-text options
Deborah Liptak offers interlibrary loan librarians tips for finding items that aren’t part of the 1-billion-plus items now accessible via WorldCat. Sources include organizations, translation services, private eyes, portals, listservs, and document delivery services.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. Crafts and the Creative Muse
You Can Do It Too
If you’ve been bitten by the craft bug and love working with your hands, particularly designing jewelry, then you will want to take a break from your tool of choice to learn about these sites that fellow crafter Laura Gordon-Murnane has found especially helpful and inspiring.

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 Why You Should Care About STN Script CommandsClick here for full-text options
Thomas Wolff shows searchers how learning STN script commands can save online time and costs, reduce errors, and improve results.

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Library Association 2.0
“Will That Be a Name Badge or a Wiki?”Click here for full-text options
Building on the concepts from a technology brief on the subject for ALA, David Lankes further explores the idea of collegial librarianship, defining what the phrase “participatory librarianship” means and how it connects to librarians and even patrons.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
Performing on Stage

 bq shares her secrets on public speaking: what to do, what not to do, and how to master the fear of talking to a group, large or small.
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Internet Express
Brain Fitness: Using the Web to Stay Sharp as We AgeClick here for full-text options
It’s been said that aging is just a state of mind. And Irene McDermott has found a bevy of sites that will help you keep your mind sharp even if your muscles start to sag.

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Publishing Trends
Everything Old Is New Again: ASIDIC Spring 2007 MeetingClick here for full-text options
Iris Hanney takes a look back at the beginnings of ASIDIC (Association of Information and Dissemination Centers) and 4 decades of meetings while reviewing this year’s spring gathering in Orlando.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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