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Searcher's Voice
bq worries about disruptive technologies causing their own brand of disruption to info professionals due to the whims of the online gods known as Google and Amazon.
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Internet Express
Stop the Vote
Voting Rights in the 2012 Election 
Irene McDermott is hopping mad about attempts to disrupt the unalienable rights of U.S. citizens 18 and older at voting booths across the country on Election Day. She looks at the states passing (or trying to pass) laws requiring voters to have valid photo IDs in order to cast a ballot. |
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Tools of the Trade
Searching on Google Is Easy, Customizing — Not So Much
As a consumer-oriented product, Google is known for trying to simplify, usually successfully, complex tasks for its users. However, as Erik Arnold notes, by cutting back on initiatives that had previously catered to info pros, Google is making professional searchers less than happy these days.
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Fake Online Reviews
Spotting Shills, Charlatans, and Shysters
Online reviews, for better or worse, are here to stay. Corilee Christou reports on this growing web phenomenon and tells searchers how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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When Google Taketh Away
Terry Ballard pens obituaries for some of Google’s most beloved and now “deceased” — or, in the case of iGoogle, soon to be dead — services, paying tribute to products that once were so vital but are now mere memories.
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Libraries Harness the Power of Streaming Media
James Careless looks at how three libraries, the New York Public Library, the Toronto Public Library, and Secena College Library, are using streaming media to share content that aligns with each institution’s core audience and mission.
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The Future Is Now!
Specialized Librarians Tackle Their Future
Longtime SLA member and conference attendee Cynthia Shamel sums up the 2012 conference theme of The Future Is Now by highlighting three areas of focus: basic business management, search, and value-added services and products. |
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‘Mobilizing’ Community College Libraries
Trends and Solutions
In July 2012, an online survey was conducted by the Community and Junior Colleges listserv to determine what kinds of mobile services are being offered by the nation’s community college libraries. Brittany Osika and Cate Kaufman discuss the survey’s findings and implications for these libraries and their patrons.
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Find the postal and electronic addresses and phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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