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Magazines > Searcher > November/December 2006
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 10 • November/December 2006
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Easy Wins and Hard Lessons on Intranets from a SharePoint Deployment
Marc Solomon tells what happens when an analyst sets a goal of building and refining a system until it’s able to function on its own, using as his tool Microsoft’s SharePoint system.

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Google and OCLC Open Libraries on the Open Web
Beth Ashmore and Jill Grogg compare how traditional OCLC has opened its content to and through the open Web and how Google Scholar has come to provide library-type services.

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OpenCourseWare – An “MIT Thing”?
Karie Kirkpatrick outlines MIT’s OpenCourseWare initiative, designed to open up world-class teaching and world-class research to anyone who wants to learn.

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Getting “Swicki” with It – Pruning Your Search Design
Do swickis really enable users to return more relevant results? Woody Evans “kicks the tires” to find out if the components of these specialized engines are living up to expectation.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
After a pair of interesting telephone conversations, bq muses over how emotion and consequence impact, for better and for worse, the information cycle.
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What’s Next
David Grossman reports on the 2006 SLA annual conference and takes a look at how Janice Lachance, SLA’s CEO, is helping to shake things up within this organization.

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Internet Express
Just in time for the holidays, Irene McDermott devotes her column to surveying the religious makeup of the U.S. through the multitude of religion-related sites found on the Web.

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Both Sides Now
Susanne Bjørner, a self-confessed PBS junkie, reviews the BBC’s online offerings, which she deems the next-best thing when she finds herself sojourning on European soil.

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Publishing Trends
Through in-depth discussions with three players in this evolving industry, Paula Berinstein investigates the potential of the networked book becoming the new “in” destination.

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Longing for a better way to view results than the endless lists provided by most search engines, Jennie Starr interviews The Hive Group’s Tony Hewitt to “see” what Honeycomb, its visualization application, has to offer bleary-eyed info pros.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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Raves for Mattison’s article on forestry resources.

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