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Magazines > Searcher > March 2008
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 16 • NUMBER 3 • March 2008
The Magazine for Database Professionals

 Growing on a Shoestring
A Business Information Guide for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) — PART 1. What Everyone NeedsClick here for full text options.
In this two-part series, Lark Birdsong offers help for SMBs overwhelmed with information overload. In Part 1, she focuses on the core areas SMBs must stay on top of on either a frequent or as-needed basis.

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Internet Librarian 2007
What’s Up With Searching and What’s the Deal With Virtual Worlds?Click here for full text options.
Cindy Shamel, who attended IL 2007 in Monterey last October, highlights the buzz on the exhibit floor and in the sessions, the keynote speakers, and “the big picture” themes.

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 On the Road Again
Gear for a Mobile WorldClick here for full text options.
If you’re an info roadie who’s also hooked—literally and figuratively—to all aspects of high-tech communications, Richard Oppenheim will feed your addiction with his take on the coolest devices and services on the market.

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 Think Globally, But Where to Start?
Websites and Blogs for the Green at HeartClick here for full text options.
Al Gore can’t save the planet single-handedly, so Amy Blaine has a list of net resources that will help us all become more eco-friendly as well as suggestions for making the green transition less painful.

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When ‘Trust Me, It’s a Good Idea’ Won’t Cut It
Tips for Developing Effective Business Cases
Ulla de Stricker comes to the aid of those with brilliant plans that will lead to endless benefits to their companies if only they can convince the top brass to invest in the money required to set those plans in motion.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Library Book Sales
Cleaning House or Cleaning Up?
Cecilia Hogan examines what the benefits are to library book sales and shows how a little time online checking out book appraisal sites can reap much-needed extra cash to bolster tight library budgets.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
Hey, OCLC! Got a Minute?

 Assuming a “What have you done for me lately?” attitude, bq addresses the bigwigs at OCLC, making a few suggestions and requests on behalf of all info pros in the way that only she can.
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 The Government Online
Google and Your GovernmentClick here for full text options.
Peggy Garvin takes a look at how electronic access to U.S. government information, aka e-gov, and its corresponding applications for geographic information and analysis, dubbed g-gov, is influenced by Google.

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 Internet Express
Zooming Ahead of Cancer on the Information Superhighway
Click here for full text options.
Irene McDermott shows those in need of critical resources where to go online for the latest updates on cancer drugs and treatments, both time-proven and experimental.

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ContactsClick here for full text options.
Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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