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Magazines > Searcher > March 2005
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 3 • March 2005
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Macintosh Toolbars and Search Tools
If you own a Macintosh, you are no doubt used to waiting, sometimes futilely, for Mac versions. Well, good news. Edward Vawter reports that there are plenty of toolbar options online for Mac users if you know where to look.

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Patent Searchers
Alison Taylor makes a strong case for why, more than ever, scientific patent searchers remain a critical part of research gathering by making sure clients have all the timely information they require.
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Anatomy of a Phone Search
Primary Research Using the Original "Online"
Reminding fellow searchers that primary information gathering is still a critical part of research, Risa Sacks shares her approach to good, old-fashioned telephone calling to find names and information for her varied research projects.
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Is Management Consulting for You?
Part One: The Basic Realities
In the introductory installment of a three-part series, Ulla de Stricker and Annie Joan Olesen look at the ground-level questions that need to be addressed before a decision to become a management consultant can be reached.
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Searcher's Voice
In her column this month, bq gives a failing grade to information companies' campus-only marketing of products and services.
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The Sidebar
Carol Ebbinghouse begins the first of a two-part column on the issues coming to a head concerning open access, a multi-tiered battle that she believes will rage on for years.
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Internet Express
Need to find a summer camp for the kiddies? Irene McDermott has "s'more" than enough sites to choose from.

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Tools of the Trade
Will self-proclaimed "contrarian" Sheri Lanza find anything to like about Google Desktop Search or will she stay off its growing bandwagon?
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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