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Magazines > Searcher > March 2004
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 3 • March 2004 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Searcher's Voice
What to do with the information profession at a crisis point? Better grab a parachute because bq suggests a little skydiving!

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Making the Case for Patent Searchers?
Go Tell the Clients

Do you get tongue-tied trying to explain why the world need needs patent searches and why their searches often take so long? Howard Homan's article will answer these questions for you and your clients.
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Searching Becomes Conversing
Social Networking Applications for Sales, Recruiting, Etc.

Marc Solomon describes the emerging breed of networking software services and an expanding set of business requirements that are starting to blur the distinctions between personal and professional contacts.
Page 16
Interactive Technical Books
A Bloomberg for Engineers

Steve Arnold reviews the offerings from Knovel Corporation, a leader in the scientific and technical e-book market.
Page 45
Comparison of Features and Benefits

While not totally letting go of classic online databases, Amelia Kassel is starting to get acquainted with Web interfaces, too. Join her as she gets to know the ins and outs of the new
Page 50

Leading Libraries
Doris Helfer shares excerpts of statements from Cornell University Libraries explaining why it has decided to cancel over 200 titles from Reed-Elsevier and looks at how tough budget cuts are impacting subscription renewals at institutes of higher learning across the country.

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Tools of the Trade 
In "Hey, Kids! Let's Put on a Show," Dave Rensberger does his best Mickey Rooney and shares a new find, MemoriesOnTV 2.0, a slide show generator that is upstaging the competition.

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The Better Mousetrap
Matthew McBride gives a good grade to the latest release of STN Express--Discover! Analysis Edition, Version 7.0.

Page 37

Internet Express
Haven't checked out the new "Search Inside the Book" feature from Amazon? Irene McDermott explains how it works and what it means for searchers.

Page 41
Light Praise; Muddled Muggles
Page 60
Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
Page 63
Index to Advertisers

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