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Magazines > Searcher > June 2012
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 5 • June 2012
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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Searcher's Voice
The Doctor is In

bq espouses on the need for transforming the once-relevant, now-outmoded reference interview into the information audit.
Page 4

Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Listening to Strangers?
Social Commerce, Product Reviews, and the Friend Phenomenon
From the marketplace to the backyard fence, people across the millennia have relied on firsthand referrals when making purchases. As Corilee Christou reports in this latest piece of her continuing series, merchants and consumers are turning to user-generated content to influence purchasing decisions.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Current Awareness in Pharma
Part 3. News and Industry Classics
In the third installment of her ongoing series, Rachel Bates Wilfahrt provides resources, both free and fee-based, to help searchers identify the key segments, players, and events making headlines within the pharmaceutical industry.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.From Book Reviewing to Crowdsourcing
The Radical Shift in Connecting People to Content
The internet is now the main hub for reading, buying, selling, and recommending books. Nancy Herther looks at how the readers themselves are becoming a major force in the new publishing paradigm and what this means for publishers, writers, and the printed page.

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Conference Season Kicks Off
Public Library Association and Computers in Libraries
Well-traveled conference veteran Kathy Dempsey reviews two show stalwarts, PLA and CIL, which both took place this past March in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., respectively.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
Internet Activism
The Tea Party and the Occupy Movement on the Web
No matter whether you are a Tea Party devotee or support the Occupy Movement, Irene McDermott???s got you covered with sites that aid in your activism and keep you updated about events going on virtually and physically.

Page 7

Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. The Medical Digital
How Safe Are the Prescription Drugs We Take?
Monitoring Adverse Events and Recalls

How much do you really know about the medications you take? Stephanie Ardito prescribes the best online sites for tracking adverse reactions and drug recalls.

Page 38

Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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