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Magazines > Searcher > July/August 2004
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 7 • July/August 2004 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Google Storms the Webmail Market
Pssst. Hey, kid — need a free gigabyte to store your Web e-mail? Rich Wiggins has already fallen madly in love with this new Google service, but that doesn't mean he's not going into this relationship with eyes wide open to possible security breaches and other glitches.

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A Confederacy of Databases
Federated Search Flying Under Many Flags 
Marc Solomon addresses the entrance of federated search into the world of collection searching, looking at what federated can and can't do, and where it leaves librarians.
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Online Before the Internet, Part 7
BRS—An interview with Jan Egeland
Susanne Bjørner begins a two-part segment on BRS (Bibliographic Retrieval Services), talking in depth to one of its founders, Jan Egeland.
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To Chat or Not to Chat
Taking Another Look at Virtual Reference
Steve Coffman and Linda Arret take a look back and then ahead at the brave, still fairly new world of library virtual reference to see if its initial goals have so far been met.
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Brand 'Em!
Use Branded Deliverables to Increase Recognition and Visibility 
How much difference can branding and packaging make in delivering information to your clients and co-workers? If you think little, think again as you read this useful piece by Angela Kangiser and Chris Olson.
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Text Mining for Reputations
SCOUG Spring Workshop, 2004
Amelia Kassel highlights this day-long event that focused on emerging technologies of particular interest to information professionals.
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Searcher's Voice
What dangers are end users blind to and how can "Super Searchers" come to their rescue? As usual, bq has plenty of ideas.
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Internet Express 
If you are even remotely considering buying a car, new or otherwise, do yourself and your bank account a huge favor and let Irene McDermott show you the key to steering clear of dealership and financing potholes.
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Tools of the Trade
If you are not the most organized person in the world, or even if you think you are, self-proclaimed master organizer Sheri Lanza reviews Onfolio, a software product designed to keep track of all your online searching info, that even out-organized her.
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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