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Magazines > Searcher > July / August 2003
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 7 • July/August 2003 
The Magazine for Database Professionals
Information on the Seven Seas: International Ocean Science Web Resources, Part 1
If you need to reel in a wide range of international resources and databases covering the life-forms found under and the experiments going on amid the deep blue seas, David Mattison will tell you where to cast out your net to locate the best guides, subject gateways, portals, and data sources.
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Tribunes and Tribulation: The Top 100 Newspaper Archives (Or Lack Thereof)
Larry Krumenaker looks at the big players — and some of the medium to small-ranged ones — in the newspaper business and reports on whether the industry has finally figured out how to compete digitally without losing print subscribers.
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Online Before the Internet: Early Pioneers Tell Their Stories, Part 2
Includes special web-only supplements
Continuing their interview with online pioneers Carlos Cuadra, Roger Summit, and Dick Kollin, Stephanie Ardito and Susanne Bjørner focus on how the addition of databases, the use of marketing, the involvement of commercial and government enterprises, and some friendly — and not so friendly — competition helped to grow the industry.
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Searcher's Voice
bq looks at what's in a name (change) and how professional searchers must define themselves before others can see their value and importance.

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The Better Mousetrap
Matthew McBride sets the Wayback Machine to 1902 to trace the history of what is now INSPEC, the high-quality scientific database from the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
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Behind the Screen
In a corollary that would make ESPN's Chris Berman proud, Rich Wiggins explains the use of Google ranking by looking at how college bowl match-ups are determined and the University of Michigan's undergrad admissions criteria.
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The Sidebar
Are you ready to commit hari-kari over spam e-mails, not to mention unwanted and unceasing faxes, phone calls, and snail-mail? Well, you are going to want to have a highlighter handy while reading Carol Ebbinghouse's solution to making all — or at least a lot of — this kind of junk go away!
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Tara Calishain reminds searchers not to overlook some of the smaller companies when seeking out reliable and inexpensive content providers.
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Leading Libraries
Doris Helfer profiles ProQuest Digital Dissertations, summarizing this service that provides over 1.7 million — and growing — doctoral dissertations and theses online.
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Internet Express
Irene McDermott tells you what you need to know about Marquis Who's Who on the Web, which contains records from 20 national biographical directories published by Marquis' Who's Who.
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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