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Magazines > Searcher > January 2004
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 1 • January 2004 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Beyond Road Maps: The Topography of Digital Mapping Databases 
Are you in need of a crash course on digital map literacy? David Mattison will help you get your compass pointing in the right direction to locate spatial data on the Web in academic, commercial, and government venues.

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Online Before the Internet: Early Pioneers Tell Their StoriesClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
In part 5 of this ongoing series, Susanne Bjørner and Stephanie Ardito go on the road to LexisNexis with Richard Giering, who played a major role in developing the technology that helped to create the service.
Page 40
Information Audits: Building a Critical Process 
What's an information audit and how do information professionals need to be involved? Rebecca Jones and Bonnie Burwell explain the objectives and parts of an information audit as well as the information professional's role in this management process.
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Knowledge Management at Your Service: New Solutions and Sources for Librarians 
Judith Lamont introduces librarians to a range of KM solutions software designed to provide more user-friendly, flexible, and functional applications for enhancing library services.
Page 57
Searcher's Voice Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
To start off 2004, bq jumps some years into the future and shares an entry from Encyclopedia of the Future's volume on "THE Library." You're gonna love it!
Page 4

The Sidebar
Carol Ebbinghouse reviews the cons and cons (no, that's not a misprint) of the new hurdle in the House of Representatives, known as the "Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act," and yes, it's as bad as it sounds!

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Internet Express 
Irene McDermott looks at another branch of the U.S. government, the presidency, of which there is another election this year. She tells you where to go to get the goods on all your favorite Dems, Reps, third-party candidates, and primaries.
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Tools of the Trade
If you'd like to can the spam, Sheri Lanza tests out and rates three different anti-spam programs: MailWasher Pro, Spam Sleuth, and SpamSubtract Pro.
Page 21
Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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