Mozilla: The Tale of a Monster (Browser, That
Denise Hamilton explains how this platform came into existence and gives
a thumbnail sketch of what Mozilla looks like, how it operates, and where
to go to find out more. |
Page 10 |
Can Small Businesses Go
Online?: The Professional Online Services Flirt
with Mom and Pop
Mary Ellen Bates takes a look at how professional online services, once
only targeted at the "big boys," are now reaching out to offer lower-priced
options to smaller companies. |
Page 16 |
At the Limits of Google:
Specialized Search Engines Judith Gelernter profiles SSEs to see if these engines can provide the
very focused information searchers need that often goes beyond the scope
of Google and its counterparts. |
Page 26 |
Counting Heads Around
the World
In Part II of his series on international census genealogy databases, David
Mattison provides a collection of Canadian census sources and guides. |
Page 32 |
More Tales of a Searcher's Life: Diary of Disaster
Sheri R. Lanza doesn't know whether to laugh or cry when a seemingly quick
request to DataStar for three articles turns into an epic misadventure
minus the happy ending. |
Page 42 |
Gardens of the World Wide
Do you, like Tara Breton, dream of daffodils and English landscapes during
the long, cold winter months? While your spade is forlornly hanging in
the shed, check out these sites that will have you ready to "hoe" come
springtime. |
Page 50 |
Google Answers Back: Or How
to Become an Ex-"Google Answers" Researcher
While she's not selling mousepads on some street corner, Jessamyn West
is out of a job at Google for, well, let her explain it. |
Page 60 |
Democracy in the Dark: Public
Access Restrictions from Westlaw and LexisNexis
Melissa Barr takes the two top legal research corporations, Thomson and
Reed Elsevier, to task for what she believes is their refusal to provide
access to public libraries and their patrons. Both companies offer brief
rebuttals to her claims. |
Page 66 |
Alacra: Cheerful Willingness, Readiness, or
Jan Davis Tudor looks at Alacra, the business database offshoot of Data
Downlink, to see if "new" also means "improved." |
Page 73 |
Responding to Secretary of State Colin Powell's statement that he has trashed
his printed references in favor of search engines, bq reminds fellow info
professionals that it's up to everyone to make sure the right information,
whether in print or online, makes it into the hands of those who need it. |
Page 6 |
Internet Express
Has excess holiday eating put visions of the Duchess of York and Jenny
Craig dancing in your head? Irene McDermott dishes out a variety of
online options for helping you to shed those unwanted pounds and get
back into shape. |
Page 45 |
Web Wise Ways
Marsha Fulton checks out BioOne, a full-text resource of significant bioscience
research journals from smaller societies that formerly were only available
in print. |
Page 62
Best Buys
Reactions to articles on the OMB dismantling the GPO, pharmaceutical companies
disbanding libraries, and a few corrections start off the new year. |
Page 76 |
Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all
the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue. |
Page 79 |
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