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Magazines > Searcher > February 2009
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 17 • NUMBER 2 • February 2009
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Reference Checking in a Web World
A Reference Librarian’s Trek Through Sci-Tech and News Sources
With a plethora of information retrieval options at the ready, Dana Roth, chemistry librarian, compares a number of web-accessible databases and a variety of search engines, from blogs to institutional and video engines, to find the works of a well-published author.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Is That a Computer in Your Pocket?
The Incredibly Shrinking Computer
Can a smartphone really tackle the personal computing needs of serious searchers? Rich Oppenheim tackles this question and checks out the available options.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.A Searcher’s Journey Through a Morass
Researching the Financial Crisis
Stephen Fadel, a business reference librarian, shares his resource guide with those seeking information on the current state of economies, both in the U.S. and worldwide, offering a range of sources from books to databases, reports, websites, and listservs.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Beyond Findability
Organizing in the Age of the Miscellaneous
Despite some who argue otherwise (and she defuses their points as she goes along), Katherine Bertolucci makes her case for why (and how) libraries are still viable and valuable entities in a world that’s gone digital and where social software seems to be the answer for everything.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article. The Changing Language of Search
Part 2. Global English
Nancy Herther concludes her two-part series by looking at how the widespread use of Global English could impact the way users search for information.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
The Downs and Ups of Fear

How can info pros strive to survive? By helping others who now more than ever need to find information, bq says that searchers can show their value to both their clients and their employers.
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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
Boomer Beauty on the Web
Feeling a little old or like you need a touch up? Irene McDermott, who is ready to test the dating waters again, highlights websites that offer beauty tips and more to help you look and feel your best.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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