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Magazines > Searcher > February 2007
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 15 • NUMBER 2 • February 2007
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Email Is Evolving — Are You?
Has email taken control of your life? Never fear. It’s Leslie Stebbins to the rescue with lots of ways to help you dig out from the email deluge and wrest back the time you used to spend sorting out the wheat from the spam.

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 Philanthropy — Not Just for Rock Stars: “Real People” and Digital Donations
When it comes to international trade, anything that can go wrong often does. Tom Lister, a specialist in international trade research, shares his expertise in making global trading a much less risky business, looking at such areas as sources of global trade data, product regulations and standards, and country research, providing tables of some of the best online sources for international trade info.

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Defining the Library of the 21st Century: The British Library
Miriam Drake looks at the venerable British Library, established in 1753, and the transformations that have taken place in the 6 years since Lynne Brindley has taken the leadership role to redefine BL as a 21st-century library.

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 Internet Librarian 2006: 10 Years Old and Going Strong
Just when he thinks he’s got the new online lingo down, David Grossman goes to the annual Internet Librarian conference to find out otherwise. Grossman reviews the conference and shares his crash course in mashups, Second Lifes, and the hottest social networking sites.

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The Searcher's Voice Podcast
Searcher's Voice
bq looks at wishlist programs and wonders if there isn’t a better way to donate books to charities, libraries, schools, and other worthwhile organizations.
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Local Information from a Blog Near You
Jennie Starr is not exactly a blog fan, but in this column, she goes hunting for blogs and blog search engines that are a bit more organized than most. She also has a quick email chat with John Geraci, one of the founders of

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Publishing Trends
Self-Publishing and the Book Trade, Part 1: ISBNs, Bar Codes, and Other Identifiers
So, you want to self-publish your own books? In part one of a two-part series, Paula Berinstein answers questions about ISBNs, bar codes, and the Library of Congress — oh my!

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Tools of the Trade
Whir, Click, Whir, Click: Buy a Digital Camera Now
Dave Rensberger, king of new technology, focuses on why the time has come for him, er, you, to buy a digital camera.

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Internet Express
Make Room for Baby: Pregnancy and Infant Resources on the Web
What did new moms do in the dark ages before the Internet? Irene McDermott seems to have survived just fine but, nonetheless, provides a bevy of online resources for all things baby.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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