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Searcher's Voice
Success and Failure 
bq waxes poetic about “Success and Failure” and how information professionals need to keep finding what is worth doing — and doing it. |
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Internet Express
Resting the Eyes: Virtual Vacations on the Web
Don’t have a passport? And don’t have the money anyway for the exorbitant airfares awaiting travelers this spring and summer? Never fear. Irene McDermott shows readers how to view endless exotic and breathtaking sights all the while avoiding embarrassing airport security pat-downs, the diminishing value of the U.S. dollar overseas, and those really long trans-Atlantic or Pacific — or even space — flights. |
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The Decline and Fall of the Library Empire
Steve Coffman takes an historic look back at the past 30 years of library service, from Library 2.0 and virtual reference to public access computing and ebooks, critiquing the services that worked — at least for a while — and those that never lived up to the hype or the hope. |
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Reading Technology Tea Leaves
CES 2012
Richard Oppenheim made his annual pilgrimage to the Consumer Electronics Show in January to check out the bevy of new products and now he shares what the addition of these products can add to your business or personal world. |
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Power to the People
Consumer Service Reviews
According to Corilee Christou, word-of-mouth is back with a vengeance thanks to social media and the 127 million online consumers who want to share their experiences, good and bad. In Part 2 of her five-part series, Christou compares and contrasts three successful service review sites: Angie’s List, Judy’s Book, and ServiceMagic.
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Current Awareness in Pharma
Part 1. Twitter and Social News
Rachel Bates Wilfahrt, research analyst at the University of Denver, kicks off her own four-part series on the pharmaceutical industry with the first of two segments devoted to key current awareness resources in social media. In this piece, she highlights Twitter, LinkedIn, Paper.li, and Scoop.it!. |
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue. |
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