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Magazines > Searcher > April 2011
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 19 • NUMBER 3 • April 2011
The Magazine for Database Professionals
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We hope that through LiveLinks our print subscribers will find the ability to download sets of URLs into their Favorites or Bookmarks folders a useful new service and through the Supplemental Content will also find value in additional material that has been uploaded for certain articles. We hope that non-subscribers will become subscribers! [SUBSCRIBE NOW]

Searcher's Voice
The Lost Art of Sourcing

What could librarians, info professionals, and the Watson computer have in common if the visionary bq has her way? Please give your answers in the form of a question.
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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Internet Express
The Lazy Man's Guide to Helping Others: Virtual Volunteering
Want to help make the world a better place but don’t like to venture far — or at all — from home? Fear not. Irene McDermott says there’s a vast array of ways to volunteer without leaving behind the comforts of your desktop.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.Library Mobile
Abilene Christian University: An Exemplar Mobile University
Gerald McKiernan gives high grades to Abilene Christian University, located in west-central Texas, and its ACU Connected program, which is exploring whether the use of mobile computers, social media, and other technologies can enhance student learning and discovery.
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The Better Mousetrap
Ebooks: E-Bane or E-Blessing?
Bob Buntrock returns to one of his former writing stomping grounds, Searcher magazine and this column, and kicks off his second coming by examining whether ebooks are making a big splash academically, especially in the sciences. What he found out about student preference may surprise you.

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Click here for a collection of links mentioned in this article.The Sizzling Ebook Marketplace
Part 1. E-Reader Devices
Nancy Herther tackles a very hot topic in the first installment of her ebook marketplace series: e-readers. With sales of these devices outpacing even the best forecasts, Herther looks at the leaders, from Amazon and Barnes &Noble to other players; ebook format choices such as EPUB; and the option to e-read without e-readers. She also predicts some e-reader trends.

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Rich Media 2011
Mobile and Supine Couch Potatoes, Rejoice!
Stephen Arnold addresses what he acknowledges as three big mistakes from a 1999 article he wrote for Searcher on the uniting of the TV and the internet and then compares the main points from the 1999 piece with what is happening now or is visible on the horizon with the continued blend of the internet, traditional broadcasting, and rich media.

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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.

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