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Magazines > Marketing Library Services > September/October 2015

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Volume 29, Number 5 — September/October 2015
Marketing Library Services
A "How-To" Marketing Tool Written Specifically for Librarians!
Cover Story Page 1

The Award-Winning ‘Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project’
Inspired by David Vinjamuri at ALA’s 2013 PR Forum, a group from Illinois set out to prove that librarians could affect book sales. Team member Christine Niels Cigler details how they quickly got semi-organized and launched a project to choose a top-notch, self-published book. The team members not only met their goal, but they also won a John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award for their efforts.

How-To Page 1
  How We Started and Promoted a Pet-Therapy ProgramClick for FREE full-text article.
Bold librarians at the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater were already working to alleviate their students’ final-exam stress, but they wanted to do more, so they arranged for certified therapy dogs to visit the library. It was such a hit that public relations and event coordinator Rebecca Jones not only continued the visits, but also added more dates and more dogs. Creative promotional tactics ranged from simple sidewalk chalk to serious student-designed trading cards for the popular pooches.
Special Report Page 6

An Especially Colorful ALA 2015 in San Francisco
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey explored June’s ALA Annual Conference and reports back about sessions on marketing motivation, mining patrons’ data, program planning, taking library services to the streets, and super-Googling. She also shares the excitement of the PR Xchange Awards and the tears of the John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award ceremonies.

Tools You Can Use Page 10

Tips and Tools for Spicing Up Your Presentations
Don’t give boring presentations! Check out the talking tips in these magazines. Try these tools to add pep to your PowerPoints. And explore ice-breakers and other exercises to keep your listeners from yawning.

Spectacles Page 10

Reinventing, Rebuilding, Replacing
Ruth Kneale studies how librarians and libraries appear in pop culture. In this issue, the columnist calls out librarians who are making headlines from Arizona to Baghdad. She also notes the whole country’s sudden interest in the Librarian of Congress and identifies a new mystery novel about a library “that controls creation.”

Book Review Page 11
  Getting Started With Evaluation
By Peter Hernon, Robert E. Dugan, and Joseph R. Matthews
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey reviews this 2014 ALA title, which explains the why and, more importantly, the how of measuring many internal and external library activities. The authors detail how to deal with all the data that various stakeholders demand.
In the News Page 12

The new Library Marketing and Communications Conference, the relaunched site, the nomination deadline for the 2015 I Love My Librarian Award, a free advocacy training curriculum, and two new books for library marketers.



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