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Magazines > Marketing Library Services > November/December 2015

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Volume 29, Number 6 — November/December 2015
Marketing Library Services
A "How-To" Marketing Tool Written Specifically for Librarians!
Cover Story Page 1

Promoting With iBeacon Technology: 'A Virtual Tap on the Shoulder'Click for FREE full-text article.
Paolo Melillo, a branch manager at the Orange County Library System in Florida, explains what iBeacons are, how they've been used in retail stores, and how he and others at OCLS have implemented them to reach patrons while they're in the libraries. This Bluetooth-based technology isn't complex, and can be an effective tool to increase patron engagement.

How-To Page 1
  Mapping Data for Precision Marketing
Marketing is always more successful when it's data-driven, as Janine Reid and Kelli Johnson of the High Plains Library District in Colorado demonstrate. Since 2010, they've worked with three different vendors (Buxton, CIVICTechnologies, and OrangeBoy, Inc.) on projects that mapped where and how various segments of customers live. This has enabled HPLD to serve many people more effectively.

Interviews With Marketing Masters

Page 4

Sally Lederer Manages With Help From Freelancers
Judith Gibbons interviews Sally Lederer, communications manager at the Metropolitan Library Service Agency in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Special Report Page 5

Libraries Change Lives Awards' 2015 Winners
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey shares a brief report on which organizations took top honors in this year's U.K.-based Libraries Change Lives contest.

Tools You Can Use Page 10

Understanding How Stakeholders Think About Libraries
If you don’t understand how people think, then you can’t effectively influence their opinions. These five resources will help you communicate better with leaders, legislators, and others.

Spectacles Page 10

Songs, Movies, Fashion, and #
Ruth Kneale studies how librarians and libraries appear in pop culture. In this issue, the columnist covers the Warner Music Group, famous Filipinos, actress Marcia Gay Harden, Australian bakers, and even Bruno Mars.

Book Review Page 11
  Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries, Second Edition
By Susan W. Alman and Sara Gillespie Swanson
Laura Tomcik, an outreach librarian at Wheaton College, reviews this 2014 title from ABC-CLIO. Its five chapters cover the basics of marketing, marketing plans, PR, social media, and fundraising. A large portion of the book is devoted to resource lists and examples of those materials.
In the News Page 12

A new toolkit to promote school libraries, advance notice of an ALA Midwinter workshop on "Developing and Articulating Our Values," and a Rowman & Littlefield book of best practices for marketing, branding, and publicity.



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