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Magazines > Marketing Library Services > July/August 2018

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Volume 32, Number 4 — July/August 2018
Marketing Library Services
A "How-To" Marketing Tool Written Specifically for Librarians!
Examples to Emulate Page 1

Speaking Finance: Promoting Libraries to Financial Decision Makers
By Miranda Doran-Myers
While state libraries have some special responsibilities, they also face many of the same challenges as all others. One is explaining libraries’ value to people who hold sway over their budgets. Miranda Doran-Myers from the Colorado State Library shares her experience with carefully planning an initiative for the vital target audience of local government officials and other financial decision makers. With this guidance, anyone can create a booklet to educate stakeholders and encourage them to vote for library funding.


Special Report

Page 1

SLA Encourages Members to ‘Bmore’ Click for FREE full-text article.
By Kathy Dempsey
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey traveled to Baltimore, also known as “Bmore,” to speak at the 2018 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference. SLA turned the city’s nickname into a conference theme. Keynote speakers and others concentrated on encouraging attendees to be more engaged, to be more connected, and to practice leadership. Dempsey attended various marketing-related sessions to report on the latest trends and tactics for those who read MLS.


Interviews With Marketing Masters

Page 4

Stephen Grubb ‘WoWs’ Broward County Online
By Judith Gibbons
Interviewer Judith Gibbons gets the scoop from e-services and marketing manager Stephen Grubb, who works with an award-winning team in Florida. He details the WoW campaign—Broward County Library Without Walls—that promoted the system’s website as a 24/7 library. He also talks about rebranding, targeting with Facebook ads, and partnering with other county agencies for the win.

Tech Tools and Hacks Page 7

Screenshots and Screencasting
In this issue, techie and tool lover Jennifer E. Burke highlights tools you can use to help produce tutorials or videos to answer questions and engage users. It turns out that your browser’s built-in screen-capture tool isn’t your only option. Other applications with more features can set you on your way. Check out these seven that might be new to you.



In the NewsClick for FREE full-text article. Page 8

This issue carries news about who won three major awards: the John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Awards, the PR Xchange Awards, and the ASCLA Exceptional Service Award. It also prepares you for September’s Library Card Sign-Up Month by introducing cartoon heroes The Incredibles as this year’s honorary chairs.



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