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Magazines > Marketing Library Services > July/August 2016

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Volume 30, Number 4 — July/August 2016
Marketing Library Services
A "How-To" Marketing Tool Written Specifically for Librarians!
Cover Story Page 1

Measuring Social Media at the Modern Library
Digital native Lennea R. Bower, who has managed social media accounts for a university library and a public library system, shares all of the analytical tools she's used to measure their impact. She covers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, as well as the whys and hows.


Interviews with Marketing Masters

Page 4

Trenton Smiley Brings Marketing M.B.A. to LibrariesClick for FREE full-text article.
Interviewer Judith Gibbons gets the word from the marketing and communications director of Capital Area District Libraries (CADL) in Michigan. Trenton Smiley went from radio to retail, eventually bringing an M.B.A. in marketing to the library world. Now he uses his unique combination of experiences to widely publicize CADL via various broadcast media.


Tools You Can Use

Page 6

Image-Editing Tools
In this issue, techie and tool lover Jennifer E. Burke shares eight products that can help you create, edit, and brand images for your social media, posters, etc. Some are free and fun; some are paid and powerful.

Spectacles Page 6

Books: YA, Fantasy, HorrorClick for FREE full-text article.
Ruth Kneale studies how librarians and libraries appear in pop culture. In this issue, she discusses three books about fun, fictional librarians. In one, ninja librarians work to save the world; in another, a "libriomancer" fights to save himself. In the last, catalogers immerse themselves in a world where they could wield absolute power over all creation.

Book Review Page 7

Marketing Moxie for Librarians: Fresh Ideas, Proven Techniques, and Innovative Approaches
by Paula Watson-Lakamp
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey reviews this Libraries Unlimited title written by Paula Watson-Lakamp, a public library communications manager. While the book explains what all of the basic concepts (mission statements, surveys, event promotion, social media, advocacy, technology, etc.) are, it doesn't offer many deep insights that would help experienced marketers.

In the News Page 8

Announcement of the new Library Marketer of the Year Award, pointers to two research articles on school libraries, and winners lists for SLA's John Cotton Dana Award, ALA's PR Xchange Awards, and ALA's John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award.



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