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Magazines > Marketing Library Services > January/February 2016

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Volume 30, Number 1 — January/February 2016
Marketing Library Services
A "How-To" Marketing Tool Written Specifically for Librarians!
Cover Story Page 1

Rocking, Enrolling People in Online Courses
Nina Kenney details why staffers at Lake Villa (Ill.) District Library worked together to spoof Jack Black's character from the movie School of Rock. Their successful campaign to attract patrons to sign up for Gale Courses focused on the tagline "Rock, Enroll at the School of LVDL."

Special Report Page 1
  ‘Making New Amigos’ at the First Library Marketing and Communications ConferenceClick for FREE full-text article.
MLS editor Kathy Dempsey recently chaired a new conference for MarCom people in libraries. She explains the unusual way the sold-out event came to life and reports on some of the sessions and their lessons.


Page 6

Gifts and Geeks; Movies and Ads
Ruth Kneale studies how librarians and libraries appear in pop culture. In this issue, the columnist covers an Etsy shop, cosplaying librarians at New York Comic Con, movie scenes, and an Airbnb advertising debacle.

Book Review Page 7
  Marketing the 21st Century Academic Library: The Time Is Now
By Debra Lucas-Alfieri

Abby Annala, a business librarian at Loyola University Chicago, reviews this 2015 title from Chandos Publishing. While she felt it was more of a literature review than a book that makes a new contribution to the field, Annala notes two groups of readers that might find it useful.
In the News Page 8

A toolkit from IFLA to help advocate for the U.N.'s 2030 Agenda, ALA's "Libraries Transform" national awareness campaign, entry information for the LibraryAware Community Award and the PR Xchange Awards, a report comprising 10 years of OCLC data, and a report that shows the need for academic librarians to communicate better with faculty members.



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