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Magazines > Information Today > July/August 2024

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40 years in print!
VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 6 • July/August 2024
Information Today
The Newsmagazine for Users and Producers of Digital Information Services
AI Search: Waltzing Past Grendel’s Lair
by Amy Affelt
Page 12
The Best Civil Rights Sources on the Internet
by Anthony Aycock
Page 15
Back-to-School Resources for Teachers at the Library of Congress
by Patti Gibbons
Page 18

A Day in the Life
The Leader

Justine Hanna
Interviewed by Justin Hoenke

Page 4

We the People
The Hidden Inequities of Public Libraries
by Jessica Hilburn

Page 6

Help Desk
Using ChatGPT to Create Interventional ClothingClick for FREE full-text article.
by Sophia Guevara

Page 11

EDI Perspectives
Breaking Bread to Break Ground: Bridging the Gap in the Digital Divide
by Marci Wicker

Page 21

Legal lssues
Social Media, TikTok, Minors (Kinda), and the First Amendment

by Tom Gaylord

Page 22

Database Review
Historians Challenge the Supreme Court’s Historical ErrorsClick for FREE full-text article.
by Mick O’Leary

Page 24
Editor’s Note
Rounding Up Online ResourcesClick for FREE full-text article.
by Brandi Scardilli
Page 1
Information Today, Inc. Conferences Page 8

Report From the Field
Learning About AI and Libraries
by Sophia Guevara

Page 8

Report From the Field
A Gathering of Startups Bursting With Ideas
by Terry Ballard

Page 9
Insights on Content
The Best Open Sources for Researching Military Matters
by David Haden
Page 26
Outside the Box
Starting Early Is Key to Great Holiday Travel Experiences
by Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig
Page 28
Notes on Digital Transformation
The Optimal Size of a Team—And Why It MattersClick for FREE full-text article.
by Marianne Kay
Page 29
Let’s Get Strategic
The Social Media Channels Resonating With Content Marketers NowClick for FREE full-text article.
by Linda Pophal
Page 31
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