Tuesday Evening Session
Grand Ballroom (U.S. Grant) 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EBL Wrap Up: Out of the Library Thinking! SPEAKERS:
Following Mondays EBL presentations, and dine around discussions, and 2 days for everyone to consider the concept, join us for a town hall meeting to debate the feasibility, strategies and actual steps for building the Earths Biggest Library. Steve, Barbara and fellow panelists give their frank opinions and are ready to help you grapple with yours! |
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Coffee BreakA Chance to Visit the
Track E Searching the Net |
Organized and moderated
by Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session E1
Searcher Gets Them: Tools to Answer the Universal Questions
Cindy Chick, Graham
and James law firm, Webmaster LLRX Exchange
Micki McIntyre, Librarian
and Assistant WebMaster at the UMDNJ-Health Sciences Library - Stratford
Jan Davis Tudor, JT
No matter what your expertise
or your librarys focus, every searcher ends up getting critical questions
from clients in three areas, medical, legal, and business. It seems an
inevitable outcome of the human condition. Three experts will identify
the key tools the Web provides and the searching approaches they use to
reach those resources.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session E2
Days to the Third Millennium: The Technologies that Count
Sue Feldman, Datasearch
The future is upon us!
What technologies await librarians just over the next hill? Sue Feldman
will review the ones she thinks will make the cut and make a difference,
including data fusion, cross-language search systems, visualization, data
mining, and intelligent agents. She will discuss them in terms of their
practical impact on the lives of working searchers.
12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch BreakA Chance to Visit the
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session E3
Devils in the Details Implementing Enterprise-Wide Search Environments
Anne Mintz, Forbes
Toby Pearlstein,
Bain & Company
Rick Reynen, Deloitte
& Touche
Ruth Pagell, Emory
This session covers the
entire process of bringing in enterprise-wide, intranet-based search environments
including the original decision process, training and support issues, supporting
multiple products, and evaluation of the effects on the organization over
time. While it does focus on enterprise product implementations in corporate
and academic settings, it also offers lessons for any librarian considering
the initiation or struggling with the implementation of end-user searching
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee BreakA Chance to Visit the
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session E4
the Webs Utility? Trends in Web-based Tools for Information Retrieval
Randolph Hock, Online
October Ivins, Director,
Strategic Relationships, Publist.com
What tools work now and
what will work tomorrow to help searchers extract useful information from
the Web in an efficient and timely manner? Ran Hock will cover the trends
in Web search engines, directories, metasites, and emerging related services.
October Ivins will look at the new Web trend of aggregating information
online through consolidated services from multiple publishers and vendors.
She will look at the full range, from closed sites that package search
engines, full-text and image databases together to the gateway services
that link to other products and services.
Track F Wired for Success: Case Studies |
Organized and moderated
by Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session F1
Wires, Services, Collections & Campuses: An Inside Look at Academic
Libraries Living on the Edge
John R. Ashcraft, Jr.,
Formats Coordinator, Marston Science Library
The speaker offers an incredible
videotaped look at strides taken within 5 leading academic institutions,
featuring interviews with librarians and computer systems personnel on
how they are successfully managing the transition to the virtual world.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session F2
Western Reserve University Libraries: Life at Americas Most Wired Campus
Joanne D. Eustis,
Library Director, Case Western Reserve University, University Library
Yahoo!s Internet Life
has ranked Case Western Reserve University as the most-wired campus among
U.S. colleges and universities. The survey, in its third year, considers
hardware, academics, free services, and miscellaneous computing services.
At CWRU, 90 percent of public computers are available around the clock,
every residence hall room is wired, free technical support is available
daily, students are guaranteed 25 megabytes of Web space, and students
can retain free e-mail access for life after graduation. This session discusses
what all this means for the libraries, how their services have evolved,
and what they see in the future.
12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch BreakA Chance to Visit the
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session F3
Secrets to Satisfying Diverse Internet Patrons: Public Library of Charlotte
and Mecklenburg County
Chuck Rigney, Web
Designer and Lida Pinkham, Web Development Teamleader, PLCMC
Todays public libraries
serve a vast variety of patron groups children, business information
seekers, family root diggers just to name a few! Additionally, the increasing
expansion of information services being offered on the Web, has patrons
looking for more from their local public libraries, especially in the Internet
arena. How can libraries expand their services to meet the information
needs of the Internet patron? How do they create tools that offer patrons
fresh content without the overhead of supporting a large development staff?
How do they empower subject matter experts with the tools and information
they need to provide Internet patrons with new library services? Staff
from the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) share
their successes and secrets in doing just this with several specialized
Web sites.
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session F4
Its Personal: Genzymes Virtual Library
Dorothea Eiben, Associate
Director, & Edee Edwards, Manager of Information Resources,
Information Services, Genzyme Corporation
Genzymes involvement with
the intranet began 5 years ago, and they are presently working on the third
iteration of the Virtual Library. Come hear how they are expanding intranet
content, redesigning their site using databases and taxonomies to drive
personalization, and looking down the road towards even more integrated
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee BreakA Chance to Visit the
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session F5
A Key to the Success of The MITRE Corporations Intranet
Gayle Sobanek, Senior
Research Analyst, Corporate Information Management, The MITRE Corporation
Don Whittemore, Internet
Applications Technology Engineer, The MITRE Corporation
Winner of CIO Magazines
Annual Enterprise Value Award February 1999, our speakers present a case
study of the MITRE Corporations Technology Program and Information Infrastructure
through the eyes of those involved with the content, intranet and applications.
Track G Public Libraries & Virtual Communities |
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session G1
Seamless Library Service to the Community
Laura Hopper and Loretta
Ivey, Library Services Managers, Electronic Information Network
Imagine a child using a
computer at school, going to the public library after school and continuing
to work on his projects; then showing his parents what he did that day,
all without carrying any papers or computer disks around with him. This
is becoming a reality in Allegheny County, PA, as the Electronic Information
Network joins with local schools and other organizations. In several libraries,
local school districts are using the librarys network to provide children
with a seamless interface for accessing their online work. In one place,
the EIN is working with HUD to place workstations in local projects; in
another, the senior center, early childhood programs and other community
organizations are getting involved. Five sites are examined for the challenges
and issues involved in achieving the goal of providing seamless service
to the community.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session G2
Foundation Case Study
Jay Ziolko, Director,
Mississippi County Library System & College Library
Through a generous donation
from the Gates Foundation this unique community college and public library
system in rural Arkansas has become completely integrated and networked.
The presentation focuses on events surrounding the receipt of the grant,
preparing for a wired future including wiring, furniture and training,
installation, and working with a technologically savvy partner like the
Gates Foundation. Ziolko discusses the benefits to the community, lessons
learned before, during and after the implementation, and provides insight
into finding supportive partners.
12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch BreakA Chance to Visit the
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session G3
Global Village Moves into Your Neighborhood: Internet Training, Community
Outreach & Cooperative Efforts
Polly Trump, Electronic
Resources Trainer, San Antonio Public Library
Denise Garofalo,
Director for Communications Resources, Mid-Hudson Library System
Joshua Cohen, Director,
Outreach & Continuing Education, Mid-Hudson Library System
Mid-1998 saw a new cooperative
initiative between the City of San Antonio/San Antonio Public Library and
the North East Independent School District (San Antonio). Trump, discusses
how to make a partnership of this nature successful, what sort of curriculum
works best in community outreach programs, and the challenges and rewards
of providing free Internet training classes to the community using trainers
from the library and public school computer labs. Our second speaker, Garofalo
describes how the Mid-Hudson Library System undertook an initiative to
build a curriculum that would ensure electronic library competency, innovative
methods of assessing skill level and a variety of delivery options. The
program not only developed skills for librarians but also the community.
Come, learn, and find ideas for replicating their experiences in your community!
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session G4
Team Approach to Web Page Design & Community Building
Kathy Shields, Reference
Specialist in Science and Technology, Redwood City Public Library
The Redwood City Public
Library received the 1998 Highsmith Innovation Award for the best public
library Web page in the state of California for a creative use of Web
site home pages to extend service beyond the library. Three specific aspects
of the page were cited the newsletter format to alert patrons of upcoming
events, the bilingual pages to best serve the unique community, and the
interactive forms. This project was a group effort involving volunteers,
city officials, and library staff. The collaborative process is described
with examples and focus on the community. Benefits are highlighted.
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee BreakA Chance to Visit the
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session G5
Marketing Ideas for Public Libraries
Beth Carpenter, Electronic
Resources Librarian, Outagamie Waupaca Library System
Now that many libraries
have developed Web sites and live in the online environment, it is time
to take the next step and market the services. This session looks at developing
new and exciting online services to grab your communitys attention including:
online summer programs, sending postcards to friends or letters to Santa
online, showcasing events where your Web site & online services can
be demonstrated live, marketing the Internet itself, making community connections,
sponsoring Web site scavenger hunts, and more. Carpenter provides an idea
session, encouraging us to think beyond just putting up a site and maintaining
it; to go the next step and make our sites attention-grabbing; and to use
the Internet to market our online services.
Track H Web Tools |
Organized by Hope Tillman,
College and Walt Howe, Delphi Internet Services
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session H1
Access for Remote Library Users
Terry Plum, University
of Connecticut
Dan Lester, Boise
State University
Remote access is at the
heart of the virtual librarys future of the virtual library. Proxy servers
are being investigated by many as the solution, but they bring up complex
support decisions for libraries. Plum discusses the use of proxy servers
to provide secure remote access to licensed databases, and Lester covers
alternative strategies to providing secure remote access to licensed databases
without the use of proxy servers.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session H2
Not Working?
Jane C. Neale, Information
Technology Coordinator, Nylink
Everyone has to cope with
networking not working. This session provides a guide to troubleshooting
network and Internet slowdowns and other problems. Are you using the Internet?
Then this is a must attend session!
12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch BreakA Chance to Visit the
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session H3
Out of HTML into Database Solutions
Kristin Antelman, Head,
Systems & Networking, Arizona Health Sciences Library, The University
of Arizona
Frank Cervone, Associate
Director for Library Information Technology Services, DePaul University
Courtney Gardner,
Texas Legislative Library
Andrew Bullen, Manager
of Information Services, North Suburban Library System & Internet Developer
The time has come to stop
writing HTML. Come listen to this information-filled session on what you
should be doing instead! Antelman describes the University of Arizona decision
to move away from HTML. Cervone explains the technology of dynamic Web
pages. Gardner demonstrates the use of a particular tool, Cold Fusion,
and the ways it has provided solutions to management and delivery problems.
Bullen concludes with his discussion of how to build and design dynamically
generated Web pages with CGI and SSI programming.
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee BreakA Chance to Visit the
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session H4
and Convergence
Sharon Yang and Edward
Corrado, Moore Library, Rider University
Linux is a free, multi-platform
operating system which some argue is superior technically to both DOS and
MS-Windows 95. Convergence signals a revolution in the way people work,
play and think. The World Wide Web has permanently changed the nature of
networking. But how have and how will the various networks for data, voice
and video converge, integrate and transform one another?
PreConference Monday
Wednesday PostConference
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