Internet Librarian '99
The Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
 • General Conference •
Monday, November 8th
Track A  •  Track B  •  Track C  •  Track D

Monday Evening Session
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
 Grand Ballroom (U.S. Grant)
Quality Issues, Concerns, Demands: 
SCOUG Guidelines Still Guide

Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher Magazine 
Steve Coffman, FYI, County of Los Angeles Public Library
Caroline Bordinaro, University of Southern California Business School 
John Dobbins, Occidental College
Lynn Ecklund, Seek Information Service
Lysbeth Chuck, CQ&A Associates
Sandra Tung, The Boeing Company - Space Transportation 
Business Information Center

True. Fast. Cheap. The standards still stand. Information professionals want quality data. The Internet has changed the definition of Cheap and the shape of Fast and confused the criteria for True. Over a decade ago, the Southern California Online Users Group issued guidelines for what searchers want from their information services and how they judge quality. Those guidelines still stand. This open forum will let Internet Librarian ’99 conference participants share their problems, their needs, and their wishes with each other and with vendor attendees. Come and listen, but, most of all, come to talk. Users know best.

9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
 Golden Hall
Keynote Web Strategies for the Millennium: New Metrics for Selection and Evaluation of Internet Enabled Infrastructures
Steve Arnold, Arnold Information Technologies
The Internet is changing the role of libraries and the companies providing products and services to them. Mainstream library automation companies are re-engineering their systems and services to help their customers respond to new patron and user demands. DRA, Follett, Winnebago, Ameritech, and Nichols, among others, are blending their existing systems with Internet technology. How have these companies’ products and services changed? Which companies are best positioned to help libraries meet the challenge of “libraries without walls,” distributed networks, and virtual reference centers? More importantly, what will the needs of consortia be in the next 18 to 24 months? The answers to these questions are difficult and likely to change depending upon one’s point of view. The outlook for libraries and the companies serving them will require considerable flexibility, analysis of existing work processes, and an ability to evaluate and deploy different types of solutions, often in a multi-vendor environment. The checklist for success includes sound librarianship plus several metrics which information professionals can use to help determine a path forward.

9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

Track A • Building a Business Plan for Earth’s Biggest Library
 Grand Ballroom (U.S. Grant)
Can we create a library that could serve virtual patrons across the country as well as, or better than, we serve real patrons standing before us? In the March 1999 issue of Searcher Magazine, Steve Coffman proposed a virtual library built on the model [].  Librarians all over the country have picked up the idea and started debating it vigorously on listservs and at meetings and in print.

In a unique session designed to challenge both speakers and participants, this Internet Librarian conference will attempt to work out the implementation issues for the concept and build a plan of action to make it a reality.  Speakers will represent major potential players in the creation of such a massive virtual enterprise, players from a variety of fields including ecommerce, business logistics, book publishing, software development, cost and revenue analysis, and, of course, libraries.

Librarians owe the world and its Web a revolution.  This could be it and you could be there when it starts.

At a minimum, you will come away with many practical new insights about operating on the Net that you can directly apply to your day-to-day work and a vision of how to assemble the working components of ecommerce into a library setting.

Organized and moderated by Steve Coffman, FYI, County of Los Angeles Public Library

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session A1 • Earth’s Biggest Library: The Concept
Steve Coffman, FYI, County of Los Angeles Public Library
Georgia Brown, VP OCLC
Suppose we had a catalog that listed not all the millions of titles available from libraries around the country or even around the world.  Suppose it included reviews, tables of contents, cover art, personal recommendations, etc. as the catalog at does.  Suppose we could convert this catalog into the a huge subscription library built around a high-volume interlibrary loan service that would let anyone with Web access order any thing they wanted day or night.

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session A2 • How Would It Work? Building the Catalog and Inventory System
Bob Doran, Senior VP, Baker and Taylor
Ralph LeVan and Pat Stevens,  Office of Research, OCLC
Beth Lind, iXL Internet BooSsense Team
What central catalogs or equivalents already exist?  How could we upgrade a single major catalog to meet the selection needs of users around the country?  How could we integrate linked catalogs into a coherent, effective system?  How can we convert online circulation data into an integrated inventory system?  At the local library end of the system, we need to know what's on the shelf or when what's off will return.  At the central system, we need to link each item and its source to the identity of the virtual patron.

12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session A3 • How Would It Work? Building an Ordering and Shipping System
Mary E. Jackson, Senior Program Officer,Access Services, Association of Research Libraries
Ronald Wohl and Mark Haas, Ronald Wohl & Associates
What is the best design for a high-volume interlibrary loan system?  How can we build a system simple enough that the least experienced staff member of the local library could find and fetch and ship items out?  At the same time, the system would need to guarantee delivery to the right person, record each stage of the transaction, insure the virtual patron's liability for the borrowed item, and generate useful management information for headquarters.  What kind of shipping arrangements would it take to support the operation?  What special packaging for multiple mailings and returns?  What role would digital information play in the system?

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session A4 • How Would It Work? Calculating Costs and Revenues
George Relles, Pricing Consultant
Mary Ellen Mort, Internet Developer
What prices would the target consumer accept?   What third-party revenues, e.g. libraries themselves, pay for what levels of service?  What advertising and sponsorship revenues would accrue?  What partnerships and affiliate programs could we develop and what revenue could they generate?  What investment would it take to get the project off the ground and who might fund it?

3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session A5 • Would It Work? An Interactive Round-Up
Steve Coffman, FYI, LAPL
Cindy Cunningham, Director, Browse Program,
Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher Magazine
Roy Tennant, Digital Library Project Manager, University of California, Berkeley
All panelists from earlier presentations
Let’s review the business plan we have built. What have we forgotten? What have we underestimated? Where do we go from here?

Track B • Content Strategies
 Golden Hall
This track offers an opportunity to learn how others are managing content today and what their overall strategy is for content. Discussions range from integrating electronic, paper and other physical resources, to negotiating licensing for digital forms, coping with copyright, optimizing consortiums and creating customized electronic collections.

Speakers from all sectors describe the successes, uphill battles and legal and theoretical considerations from which we can all benefit.

Organized and moderated by Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session B1 • Integrating Internal & External Content: Technologies & Strategies
Steve Sexton, Senior Director of Knowledge Management for NEXIS, LEXIS-NEXIS
Using live case studies, Sexton discusses how organizations are pulling together disparate pockets of internal knowledge and fully integrating these with vendor supplied content to enable libraries to deliver one information solution to their clients. Actual customer case studies will be presented.

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session B2 • Creating Your Own Virtual Depository Library
Jerry Breeze, Documents Service Center, Columbia University
Saundra Williams, Government Publications, University of Memphis
There are 1351 libraries in the federal depository library system. More libraries would like to have this status but it is almost impossible to be designated as a new depository at this point. Other libraries would like ready access to depository materials but cannot comply with some of the requirements. With the rapid implementation of Web publication by US government agencies and the GPO, any library — public, academic, school or special — can create its own virtual depository as a DIY project. Hear how Web tools can put together a customized electronic depository that meets individual library needs.

12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session B3 • XML: Turning Text into Data … Huh?
Deborah Seys, Information Solutions Specialist, Hewlett Packard Research Labs Library
XML will change the way in which we create, manage and retrieve text in all environments. By providing a means to intelligently tag specific bits and pieces of a text, XML will allow us to deconstruct and reassemble a publication at will — as if we were creating a report out of a database. Seys discusses XML from this perspective, presenting many questions and as many answers as the technology allows right now.

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session B4 • Enterprise-Wide Content Strategies: You Can't Afford Not To!
Marsha L. Fulton, Director, AskNetwork, Arthur Andersen LLP
AskNetwork has been negotiating enterprise-wide contracts for the past few years, realizing and documenting cost-savings that senior management cannot ignore.  Marsha discusses how this approach and these contracts are an essential part of an organization's strategy for managing external content. She also describes how to analyze the cost-savings, and future developments they foresee in this area, particularly with content streaming.

3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session B5 • Extending Your Collection
Terence K. Huwe, Director of Library & Information Resources, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley
Susan Calcari, Director, Internet Scout Project, University of Wisconsin
Problem: helping users find relevant, valid, Internet resources and subject gateways that extend your library collection for them. Possible solutions: Calcari describes the Isaac network’s approach — a virtual network that creates a single searchable collection of metadata. Huwe discusses UC’s use of Database Advisor to search across database boundaries, and SilverPlatter Information’s KnowledgeCite Library as a commercial solution.

Track C • Integrating the Net 
 • Room 227
Infrastructures are changing with the rapid adoption of Net and Web technologies by library and information services. This track looks at the integration of the Net to provide access to electronic journals, to enhance online library systems, to enable wide-area consortia, and to extend online public access catalogs (OPACs) into the collaborative knowledge sharing environment.

Organized and moderated by Pamela Cibbarelli, Cibbarelli’s

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session C1 • Electronic Journals: Concerns and Practices
Susan S. Berteaux, Shelley Shaffer and  Brandon Oswald, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, University of California San Diego
Weiling Liu, Ekstrom Library, University of Louisville
Scripps Institution staff receive many print copies of earth science journals to which it also has electronic access through site licenses. Results of a study done to determine the timeliness of the receipt of the electronic version compared to the timeliness of receipt of a print version provides insight into the possibility of relying solely on electronic journals. With little satisfactory vendor supplied statistics, Ekstrom Library found it difficult to analyze how well electronic journals have been used by patrons. In addition, use of the USMARC 856 field to provide links to the journals created workflow issues. Ekstrom’s innovative solutions to managing electronic journals provides ideas for libraries struggling with these concerns.

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session C2 • Electronic Journals: A Panel Discussion
Frances Knudson, Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Susan E. Hahn, Bizzell Library, University of Oklahoma
Electronic journals are increasingly available, but many concerns arise about their use: the perception of electronic journals in the tenure/review process; advantages/disadvantages for libraries and readers; archiving back issues; cataloging; control; ownership; and costs. Librarians are evolving methodologies for coping with and answering these concerns. For example, cataloging of electronic journals at Los Alamos National Laboratory Research includes storing all of the metadata in the online catalog. This data is then exported to build an electronic journals Web page. Our panel discusses these concerns which effect all libraries, publishers, and aggregate providers of electronic journals.

12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session C3 • E-Books and E-Texts: Web Publishing for Internet Librarians
Dr. Scott Plantz, Chairman & CEO,
Chris MacAskill, CEO,
Technology and demand are certainly pushing interesting changes in the world of e-books. This session highlights two leading edge examples. is the developer of a new networking online writing software package that allows authors and editors from around the world to collaborate and write textbooks online quickly and efficiently.

Fatbrain's ematter provides an avenue for authors, publishers and corporations to securely self-publish content online and receive a 50 percent royalty payment on every copy sold. Combining new secure document technology and Fatbrain's large and loyal customer base, the company has created a brand new channel for everything from short stories to manuals, speeches, out-of-print books or articles, screenplays and research reports.

Speakers describe the new models, technology, and strategies driving their web publishing.

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session C4 • Approaches of California Libraries to the New Millennium
Susan McGlammery, Metropolitan Cooperative Library System
Norman Reeder, Torrance Public Library
Libraries throughout California are re-assessing their access to information statewide due to legislation which was passed last year creating the “Library of California.” This has spurred coordination among three major library consortia in Southern California to develop a Technology Plan which includes a survey of technology in all member libraries and a pilot project to implement Z39.50 access to a group of seven public libraries which are automated on a variety of software and operating systems. Susan McGlammery discusses the Technology Plan developed by the three consortia and Norm Reeder focuses on the realities of implementing Z39.50 access to the libraries.

3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session C5 • The Collaborative OPAC
Betsy Cogliano, MITRE Corporation Library
Carol Knoblauch, Open Text
MITRE Corporation Library is developing a database for research librarians that will allow them to organize their research projects and share their results with other researchers. Cogliano describes the effort including requirements, design, integration with other systems and databases, interface, and implementation. Carol Knoblauch addresses the de-humanization inherent in the virtual library. Using intranet tools, librarians consolidate access to external and internal resources and employ various means to identify and facilitate access to high-value content. Still, with fewer visits to the library there are fewer opportunities for librarians to broker information and for researchers to interact with each other to compare findings and recommend documents or colleagues as resources. Knoblauch discusses how the next generation of WebOPACs feature document management and knowledge management environments that encourages collaboration. The catalog provides a common forum for collaboration across departmental and project boundaries to optimize enterprise intellectual capital.

Track D • WebWizard's Symposium
 • Room 250
This three day stream of programs is for masters and managers as well as those on the Webwizard’s learning track. As a conference-within-a conference, the first day of the symposium focuses on usability testing, Web site design, Web teams and new roles for Internet librarians. It is full of practical applications and experiences and sets the stage for further discussions over the next two days of Web tools and intranets.

Organized and moderated by Andy Breeding, Compaq Computer

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Session D1 • Opening the Door to Web Site Usability
Elaina Norlin, Patricia Morris and CM! Winters, University of Arizona
Jane Starnes & Dana Wilson, Information Specialists, Intel Corp.
Increasingly, usability techniques are seen as essential to good Web site design. In this session you will hear what it takes to get started with usability testing and then see how one Fortune 100 company redesigned their intranet site with user participation.

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session D2 • Making Web Site Design Work
Kevin Brewer, Science Reference Librarian, Utah State University
Susan Thompson, Library Systems Coordinator, California State University
Many factors go into the design of a good Web site. This session addresses two: navigation and project management. Learn the ins and outs of making your site easy to navigate and then learn about the project management issues involved in a successful Web site redesign.

12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Session D3 • Web Teams: Foresight + Hindsight = Website
Mary Ann Hight, Instruction Librarian, Bates College
Margaret Mooney and Carlos Rodriguez, University of California, Riverside
The best Web sites are the fruit of effective collaboration. Building teams to build Web sites is critical. The two case studies presented here focus on different collaboration scenarios. Hight deals with cross-departmental teaming in an academic library. Mooney & Rodriguez focus on virtual library collaboration and forging discovery tools together across cubicles.

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Session D4 • New Roles in the Web Environment
Lyn Condron, Head of Cataloging/Web Manager, Tufts University
As the world changes with the Web, new roles and opportunities are emerging. New Web-era companies are tapping the skills of the information professional. At the same time Web driven changes are offering new possibilities in existing organizations. Condron discusses the cataloguing team leader as Web manager.

3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Session D5 • Webwizard’s Roundtable
Darlene Fichter, Coordinator, Data Library Services, University of Saskatchewan
Frank Cervone, Associates Director Library Info Technology Services, DePaul University
Andy Breeding, Compaq Computer
Designers of library Web sites share their experiences and knowledge in this discussion of key components of successful Web sites. This lively panel of experts touches on a range of topics with specific emphasis on the lessons they have learned from designing, managing and maintaining Web sites.

PreConferenceTuesday  •  Wednesday  •  PostConference  •  Internet@Schools

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