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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2007
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Internet Librarian 2007 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 29-31, 2007
Monterey Conference Center
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A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian/Internet@Schools.

PreConference Workshops
Saturday, October 27th Sunday, October 28th Sunday Evening Session
PreConference Workshops — Saturday, October 27th
Workshop 1 — Social Tools for Your Library
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Aaron Schmidt, Director, North Plains Public Library, & Publisher,

Socialize your library with the latest social software — instant messaging, Weblogs, wikis, social browsers, Flickr,, and more. Use these new technologies to create and cement your online presence within your community whether you are part of a public, academic, special, or school library. Filled with practical examples of libraries utilizing these techniques, this workshop provides lots of easy-to-implement ideas for your environment.
Workshop 2 — Simple Solutions for Dynamic Web Services Using RSS
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Amanda Etches-Johnson, Reference Librarian, McMaster University

Content syndication through RSS provides excellent potential for turning your static library home page into a dynamic resource for your users! This workshop provides tips, tricks, and tools for using RSS to deliver targeted content and Web services through simple syndication tools, OPML, and other powerful (but easy-to-use) RSS applications. Participants have the opportunity to discuss the potential applications of RSS tools within their own library settings and walk away with concrete techniques and strategies for implementing these tools to build dynamic Web services at their libraries.
Workshop 3 — Libraries on the MUVE in Second Life (SL)
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Kitty Pope (Kitty Phillip in SL), Executive Director, Alliance Library System
Barbara Galick (Puglet Dancer in SL), Executive Director, Cullom-Davis Library, Bradley University
Jill Hurst-Wahl, (Jillianna Suisei in SL), Hurst Associates, Ltd.
Tom Peters (Maxito Ricardo in SL), Founder, TAP Information Services

This workshop provides practical advice for developing a library presence in Second Life and other MUVEs (Multi-User Virtual Environments). It covers the advantages, risks, organizational and professional commitments, fiscal matters, service issues and opportunities, training and orientation, and assessment. Although the emphasis of this workshop is on how libraries can become successfully immersed in SL, it would be useful for representatives from library consortia, library associations, library schools, publishers, and vendors, too. It discusses why libraries need to become involved in MUVEs, organizational and political considerations, the economics of developing a library presence in a MUVE, staffing the MUVE — cultivating interest, skills needed and preventing burnout — evaluation of the library’s virtual world activities, and future directions and developments.
Workshop 4 — Communicating, Influencing, & Negotiating for Results
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Betty Jo Hibberd, Senior Manager, Information Professional Development, Thomson Scientific

Communicating, influencing, and negotiating are fundamental skills. Not only do they feature prominently in day-to-day business, they also permeate everyday life. These skills occur between parents and children, employers and employees, professionals and clients, and between agencies and the public. Without them, it is almost impossible to succeed in the long term. And because, sooner or later, we deal again with the same people involved in our exchanges, these skills are also processes in which relationships are built, strengthened, and renewed. Join us to develop your skills using these common problem-solving or relationship building techniques.
Workshop 5 — Next-Generation Research Tools
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Pam Howard & Mira Foster, Senior Assistant Librarians, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University

This workshop focuses on cool tools for navigating and searching content. Come and explore the application of free Web tools such as Clipmarks,, Flikr, YouTube, Furl, Google Maps, and Zotero in the research process. Using examples of research projects commonly assigned in California schools, speakers show how students can use social bookmarking sites, browser plug-ins, and free Web services to find resources, take notes and organize content, ideas, quotations, and references while surfing and searching online. Attendees try out tools while enacting the roles of both students with research agendas and the information professionals who may assist them. By applying pedagogy to new technologies, teachers and librarians can facilitate the active learning of research skills with the help of these tools. Research scenarios/examples from the curriculum include using and Clipmarks to build a set of resources with and for students; using YouTube, and Furl to help students document their science projects; building a knowledgebase to present a single body of information; using Flikr and Google Maps to build a mashup and add texture and knowledge to a literature assignment; and more.
Workshop 6 — Mining Blogs & RSS for Research
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sabrina Pacifici, Law Librarian, & Editor/Publisher of and

This workshop focuses on leveraging the best of free and low-fee Web sites as well as Web-related services to support research services. It includes “best of the Web” for CI (competitive intelligence), legislation, news, public services, government documents, and information — sites you need to know about and incorporate in your daily work routine.
Workshop 7 — Improving Web Site Access: Card Sorting A–Z
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ellyssa Kroski, Reference Librarian, Columbia University & an independent Information Consultant

Web users spend an average of 8–10 seconds and three clicks on your Web site looking for what they need before they get frustrated and click away. Whether you are developing a new Web site or redesigning an existing one, it is imperative to determine an intuitive and usable navigational structure and taxonomy for your user community. Card sorting is a technique used in the information architecture field to determine a classification scheme that speaks to your user population. Discover how to use this quick and inexpensive technique to understand how your users think about your Web site and its content. Learn how to run both an open and a closed card sort, analyze the results, and make recommendations based on your data. This workshop explores both online and offline card-sorting techniques as well as analysis software. Make sure your information is findable and increase usability by involving your users in the process of designing your Web site — they will thank you for it!
Workshop 8 — AJAX for Libraries
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Jason A. Clark, Montana State University Libraries &
Karen Coombs, Head, Web Services, University of Houston Libraries

Learn all about the alternative approach to building Web applications as seen in popular Web 2.0 sites such as Google Maps, Flickr, and Netvibes. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is changing the way that users are able to interact with Web applications. These changing user expectations can and will have implications for the next generation of library applications. This workshop introduces the concepts behind the AJAX method, provides examples of library applications of AJAX, and walks through the code that makes it all happen. Walk away with an understanding of AJAX, working examples of AJAX in action, and the confidence to start creating your own AJAX apps.
PreConference Workshops — Sunday, October 28th

Workshop 9 — Searchers Academy
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. [FULL DAY]
Mary Ellen Bates,
Principal, Bates Information Services
Gary Price, Director, Online Resources,, & Publisher,
Mary Ellen Bates, Author, Super Searchers Cover the World & Super Searchers Do Business
Marcy Phelps, Phelps Research

Want to sharpen your skills? Learn from the experts? Join search veterans, speakers, authors, and columnists from Searcher, ONLINE, and EContent magazines and the “Super Searcher” series of books to learn the latest strategies and techniques for searching online. This fast-paced, day-long event introduces you to the experts who share their searching secrets and expertise as they focus on the most-current practices in the field of Web research. There’s always something new to be learned from these leading-edge panelists. Participants should have basic experience with Web searching, but even searchers with extensive Internet background will find tips to polish and advance their skills and will certainly come away with new resources and tools. Academy topics will include:

  • Search Engine Review: Look at key features of general-purpose and highly specialized search engines, specialized directories, and guides.
  • Searching the NEW Web: Learn about what’s new in searching podcasts, tracking memes, social bookmarking services, and other portions of the “new Web.”
  • Tips for Using the Top Search Engines: Get an in-depth review of the hidden and undocumented features of Google and Yahoo!.
  • Cool Tools & Techniques: Learn about new resources and tools for searching more effectively.

Workshop 10 — Web Managers Academy: Survival Guide for Library Web Site Redesigns
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. FULL DAY
Darlene Fichter,
Head, Indigenous Studies Portal, University of Saskatchewan
Frank Cervone,
Assistant University Librarian for Information Technology, Northwestern University
Jeff Wisniewski,
Web Services Librarian, University of Pittsburgh
Marshall Breeding,
Director, Innovative Technologies and Research, Vanderbilt University

Does your library Web site need a redesign? What are the signs? Where do you start? One place to begin is analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your current site. Learn how to use Web site analytic tools to discover how the current site is used. Pick up new usability methods that can help you test proposed revisions early so that the new design doesn’t just “look” better, but also “works better” for the users. See how other libraries are using content management systems, database-driven content, federated search, and OpenURL resolvers to provide customized and personalized content for users. Explore how social software applications including blogs, wikis, tagging, and RSS, fit in the mix. Pack your toolbox and take home tips, tools, checklists, and new design techniques that you can immediately put to use. Learn about common pitfalls and success factors for library redesigns. Topics will include:

  • Redesign process
  • Practical project management
  • Web content management systems
  • Usability and ethnographic methods: affinity mapping, photo reports, and map diaries
Workshop 11 — Academic Library 2.0
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. FULL DAY
Amanda Etches-Johnson, User Experience Librarian, McMaster University
Chad Boeninger,
Reference & Instruction Technology Coordinator, Ohio University
Michelle Boule, Social Science Librarian, University of Houston
Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian, Norwich University
Jason Griffey, Head of Library Information Technology, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

What do the terms Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 mean for academic libraries and librarians? Join our panel of 2.0 practitioners and experts for a day of exploration and discovery as we navigate the 2.0 landscape, exploring what 2.0 tools and technologies can do for academic library users. Through a combination of presentations, discussion, and hands-on activities, our dynamic speakers introduce you to technologies such as blogs, wikis, RSS, mashups, social bookmarking and online social networks. This interactive session provides practical examples of academic libraries that are using these tools and technologies, arms you with the expertise and techniques to introduce these technologies in your own library, and share strategies for getting buy-in from staff, administration, and patrons. A worthwhile day for those interested in implementing changes to keep up within the Web 2.0 world.
Workshop 12 — Podcasting & Videocasting Boot Camp
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
David Free, Georgia Perimeter College, Decatur Campus Library
David Lee King, Digital Branch & Services Manager, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

Podcasting is one of today’s hottest social computing applications. But what can this emerging technology do for libraries? What is a videoblog and why use one on your library’s Web site? This in-depth workshop, featuring two experts in the field of library podcasting and videocasting, answers these questions and more. Come explore and discuss how libraries are using podcasts and videocasts for outreach and learning through a variety of case studies, including tips on what types of content work best for different types of libraries. Detailed information on what to consider when planning for and implementing pod/videocasting at your library are provided along with an up-close and personal look at a variety of creation tools. Gain some hands-on experience in making podcasts and videocasts by producing content live during the session!
Workshop 13 — Wikis: Basics, Tools, & Strategies
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian, Norwich University

Wikis allow for unprecedented collaboration and knowledge-sharing and have the potential to fill many needs within the library and information professions. This half-day workshop by an expert wiki creator discusses the basics of wikis — what they are, how they can be used, and how to successfully implement one at your library. It covers wiki concepts and uses many real-world applications to illustrate the power and ease-of-use of wikis. Learn about the many ways wikis can be used in libraries and the information industry. Gather lots of ideas and links to free resources for creating your own wikis as well as tips for making them successful in your environment.
Workshop 14 — Training Adults: Getting & Keeping Attention
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates

This toolbox of techniques for teaching adults provides practical strategies and techniques to help your clients (or staff, and even students!) learn what you want them to learn. It focuses on recognizing adult learning motivations and styles/preferences to connect and make learning stick. It emphasizes the importance of the learner and how to get their attention to make learning relevant and satisfactory and then opens the toolbox of practical tools to address how to develop instruction; building courses, lesson plans, and learning outcomes; applying techniques/strategies for the classroom; teaching tips for handling issues and problems that come up in class; and more. It uses humor to focus on tips, strategies, shortcuts, tricks, and useful approaches that are based on sound principles. Hear about adult learning principles and their practical applications, discuss learning styles/preferences and how to respond to them, identify the learning scenarios and how to address them, and practice alternative teaching styles and how/when to use them.
Workshop 15 — Using Mobile Search for Client-Focused Services
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Megan Fox, Web & Electronic Resources Librarian, Simmons College
Gary Price, Director, Online Resources,, & Publisher,

This in-depth workshop looks at the range of mobile search provider offerings and applications for information seekers and librarians. Learn how mobile search differs from a regular search engine, the most unique features of these services, how they can be used in your library or information service, and how to create user-friendly mobile services for your clients. With many real-world examples of what is happening now, the workshop includes a look at what is on the horizon for mobile search to factor into your future plans.
Workshop 16 — Integrating RSS into Your Web Site
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Michael Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Nebraska Library Commission

RSS feeds are an excellent way to receive information from the Internet. What many people don’t know is that you can receive that information and easily repurpose and republish it on your Web site with little technical knowhow. Imagine automatically posting up-to-date local or industry headlines on your library’s home page. This is what you can do in just a few simple steps. Our expert Internet trainer shows you how. This workshop also covers additional RSS tools and services, including one that will create feeds from content without its own feed and another that will turn your text-based content into a podcast automatically.
Workshop 17 — Downloading Library 2.0: Podcasting Services & Training for the iPod Generation
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Doris Helfer, Chair, Technical Services; Lindsay Hansen, Assistant Librarian; Lynn Lampert, Chair, Reference & Instructional Services; Danielle Skaggs, Coordinator of Online Instructional Design - California State University–Northridge
Frank Vuotto, Business Librarian and Faculty, California Polytechnic State University
Lei Wang, Instructional Design Librarian, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University

Libraries across the country are either dabbling with the idea of using podcasts to market their services and educate users or diving straight into creation. This workshop features three case studies: California State University- Northridge librarians discuss the instructional benefits of adopting podcasting technologies in libraries from the perspective of reference and instructional as well as music and media services focusing on ADA accessibility concerns, institutional repository trends (iTunes University), and their observations about the millennial generation and faculty using podcasting. California Polytechnic State University’s Vuotto examines the creation, design, management, and implementation of interactive learning environments utilizing new technologies such as Adobe Captivate2, Podcast Factory, M-Audio, and other interactive tools. Yale Medical Library’s Wang describes its experience in delivering Camtasia-based tutorials as podcasts on a very tight budget, demonstrating the work flow of creating a podcast, and how to evaluate success by looking at the feed statistics and Web traffic server log. This intensive workshop focuses on participants acquiring new perspectives about creating podcasts and screencasts and integrating curriculum-aligned content in creative ways that engage faculty and students.
Workshop 18 — Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ran Hock, Online Strategies, and Author, Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook

Just as anyone involved in any way with Web site design and management needs to know the basics of HTML, the same is now true of CSS. CSS can make the difference between an amateurish-looking site and a truly professional- looking site, gives far superior control of layout, makes it possible to change every page of your site in just seconds, and does things HTML just cannot do. A basic knowledge of HTML is assumed. This course covers the basic structure of CSS styles and style sheets and how and where to apply them. Filled with tips, tricks and real-world examples, it will be a real learning experience.
Workshop 19 — Project Management for Libraries
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Mary Auckland, O.B.E., Consultant, & former Director, Library and Learning Resources, University of the Arts, London, U.K.

This half-day workshop explores the elements of successful project management and how projects might best be planned, implemented, and monitored. Aimed at anyone responsible for managing a project within their library or information organization, this interactive workshop encourages participants to share their own experiences and knowledge. It discusses key factors related to successful project management, methodologies and tools, proven techniques and tips for managing projects, and examples and case studies.
Workshop 20 — Games, Gaming, & Libraries
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Jenny Levine, Internet Development Specialist & Strategy Guide, American Library Association, & Publisher,
Aaron Schmidt, Director, North Plains Public Library, & Publisher,

If you don’t know MMORPGs from DDR, this workshop is for you. It addresses two related aspects of gaming in libraries: hosting gaming events and gaming’s impact on learning. Learn how gaming can make your library more fun and how you can use gaming to participate in this developing form of literacy. Workshop attendees have the opportunity to play some games, increasing their understanding of gaming’s appeal and possible applications in their environment.
Workshop 21 — Tips for Effective Technology Change Agents
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Roy Tennant,
User Service Architect, California Digital Library

To be effective, libraries must adopt new technologies ever faster. But libraries are often bureaucratic, slow-moving organizations that require staff who are knowledgeable and effective change agents. How can you be such a person? What skills, strategies, and methods can you acquire and employ to help your organization move ahead quickly and effectively? What are the pitfalls and barriers you can avoid or overcome? Learn what it takes to be an effective advocate for change in your organization with practical tips and guidance from a battle-hardened technology warrior. Tennant covers planning strategies, sources for keeping up with technology, coping mechanisms, and more.
Sunday Evening Session

Monterey Public Library - Sunday, October 28
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Rebecca Jones,
Dysart & Jones Associates
Lori Bell, Director of Innovation, Alliance Library System
Jeremy Kemp, San Jose University
Aaron Schmidt, North Plains Public Library
Amanda Etches-Johnson, McMaster University
Nick Baker, Williams College Libraries

So what are Internet Librarians (ILs) doing these days with the new Web 2.0 and other cool tools? Join us for a quick tour of some of the exciting things libraries are doing — YouTube videos, community social networks, improving enterprise information flows, building virtual environments, and more. Grab some ideas and insights to create compelling products and services for your library or information service. Network with fellow ILs at the Monterey PL and get a jump on conference activities!


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