A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (www.digitalrecord.org).
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian. Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.
Workshop 1 — Service Strategy: How to Get the
Right “Mix” of Services 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Rebecca Jones, Partner, Dysart & Jones Associates
Libraries and information centers have a long tradition of adding new services
or enhancing existing services and programs in response to client
needs and wants. This tradition results in a portfolio of services and products
that grows with more “addition” than “subtraction.” But as resources
continue to tighten, libraries need to make tough decisions that better balance
the “adding” with “subtracting.” In the nonprofit and business environments,
this is called service portfolio management. This workshop outlines
what libraries can learn from other sectors by using a systematic
method to make those tough decisions and effectively manage their service
portfolios. The focus is on developing a service strategy and portfolio
that best serves clients, today and tomorrow, without draining financial or
human resources and that is driven by the library’s mandate and goals.
Workshop 2 — Simple Solutions for Dynamic
Web Services Using RSS 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Amanda Etches-Johnson, Reference Librarian, McMaster University
Content syndication through RSS provides excellent potential for turning
your static library home page into a dynamic resource for your users! This
workshop provides tips, tricks, and tools for using RSS to deliver targeted
content and Web services through simple syndication tools, OPML, and
other powerful (but easy-to-use!) RSS applications. Participants have the
opportunity to discuss the potential applications of RSS tools within their
own library settings and walk away with concrete techniques and strategies
for implementing these tools to build dynamic Web services at their
Workshop 3 — Getting Library Grants 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Stephanie Gerding, Continuing Education Coordinator, Arizona State
Library, Archives & Public Records & Pam MacKellar, Authors of Grants
for Libraries: A How-To-Do-It Manual, & Publishers, Library Grants Blog
Discover the confidence and knowledge you need to get library grants.
Learn who gives funding for technology, the easiest method for writing
grant proposals, and real-life library technology grant success stories.
Speakers share an easy-to-follow grant process cycle, including planning
for success; discovering and designing projects; organizing the team;
researching and selecting the right funder; creating and submitting the
proposal; securing funds and implementing the project; and evaluating
and continuing the process. Tip sheets, valuable worksheets, and resource
lists are provided. Experienced and novice librarians, students, administrators
and anyone who seeks or uses grant funding will find invaluable
and practical guidance.
Whether you’re considering purchasing an ILS or a shared calendar program,
choosing a technology solution that suits the needs of your library
presents many challenges. This session discusses the process of creating
and executing a project plan that will lead to an informed selection.
Avoid the familiar traps of choosing a technology because it is the highest-
rated, most-expensive, cheapest, comes recommended by a colleague,
or has snazzy marketing copy. Learn how to find the perfect fit for the
unique needs of your library. Discover how to gain market intelligence;
gather business, functional, and technical requirements; evaluate competing
vendors; get buy-in from staff and colleagues; create an RFP; and
make your final selection. Common pitfalls of choosing free software solutions
are discussed.
Workshop 5 — AJAX for Libraries 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Karen Coombs, University of Houston, & Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Montana State University
Learn all about an alternative approach to building Web applications as
seen in popular Web 2.0 Web sites such as Google Maps, Flickr, and Amazon
Diamond Search. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is changing
the way that users are able to interact with Web applications. These
changing user expectations can and will have implications for the next generation
of library applications. This workshop introduces the concepts
behind the AJAX method, provides examples of library applications of
AJAX, and walks through the code that makes it all happen. Walk away
with an understanding of AJAX and working examples of AJAX in action.
Workshop 6 — User-Centered Approach to Website Design 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Susanna Davidsen, Consultant, & Everyl Yankee, Usability Consultant,
Yankee Ingenuity; Authors, Web Design with the Patron in Mind: A Step-by-Step Guide for Libraries Is your Web site user- or data-centric? User-centered design focuses on
the needs and abilities of the patrons, not the database. Using case studies,
processes, worksheets, and usability design principles, speakers
Davidsen and Yankee lead you through the basics of user-centered design
and assist you in leaving with a plan and process that will ensure that users
rule in your environment!
Workshop 7 — Teaching Web Search Skills 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Greg Notess, Montana State University, & Author, Teaching Web
Search Skills
Our expert presents proven techniques for teaching Web searching, not
just to beginners but also to those who think they already know everything
about Web search. Using practical examples and tips, Notess covers the
advantages, disadvantages, and techniques for hands-on training, demonstration
sessions, and online, self-paced guides for teaching others about
Web search skills and strategies. Anyone involved in teaching and training,
within any environment, will gain important insights and strategies for
teaching Web search skills.
PreConference Workshops — Sunday, October 23rd
Workshop 8 — Searchers Academy 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. [FULL DAY]
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services
Chris Sherman, Editor, SearchEngineWatch
Gary Price, Director, Online Resources, Ask.com, &
Publisher, ResourceShelf.com Greg Notess, Publisher, Search Engine Showdown
Mary Ellen Bates, Author, Super Searchers Cover the World & Super Searchers Do Business Want to sharpen your skills? Learn from the experts? Join search veterans,
speakers, authors, and columnists from Searcher, ONLINE, and EContent
magazines and the “Super Searcher” series of books to learn the latest
strategies and techniques for searching online. This fast-paced,
day-long event introduces you to the experts who share their searching
secrets and expertise as they focus on the most current practices in the
field of Web research. There’s always something new to be learned from
these leading-edge panelists. Participants should have basic experience
with Web searching, but even searchers with extensive Internet background
will find tips to polish and advance their skills and will certainly come away
with new resources and tools. Academy topics will include:
• Search Engine Review: A look at key features of general-purpose and
highly specialized search engines, specialized directories, and guides.
• Searching the NEW Web: Learn about what’s new in searching podcasts,
tracking memes, social bookmarking services, and other portions
of the “new Web.”
• Tips for Using the Top Search Engines: An in-depth review of the hidden
and undocumented features of Google and Yahoo!.
• Cool Tools & Techniques: Learn about new resources and tools for
searching more effectively.
Workshop 9 — Web Managers Academy: Survival Guide for Library Web Site Redesigns 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. FULL DAY Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan
Frank Cervone, Assistant University Librarian for Information Technology, Northwestern University
Jeff Wisniewski, Web Services Librarian, University of Pittsburgh
Marshall Breeding, Director, Innovative Technologies and Research, Vanderbilt University Does your library Web site need a redesign? What are the signs? Where
do you start? One place to begin is by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses
of your current site. Learn how to use Web site analytic tools to discover
how the current site is used. Pick up new usability methods that can
help you test proposed revisions early so that the new design doesn’t just
“look” better, but also “works better” for the users. See how other libraries
are using content management systems, database-driven content, federated
search, and OpenURL resolvers to provide customized and personalized
content for users. Explore how social software applications including
blogs, wikis, tagging and RSS fit in the mix. Pack your toolbox and take
home tips, tools, checklists, and new design techniques that you can immediately
put to use. Learn about common pitfalls and success factors for
library redesigns. Topics will include:
• Redesign process
• Practical project management
• Web content management systems
• Usability and ethnographic methods: affinity mapping, photo reports,
and map diaries
Workshop 10 — Web 2.0: A Users’ Guide 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Ran Hock, Online Strategies, & Author, The Extreme Searcher’s Internet
It is time to separate out the hype regarding “Web 2.0” and get down to
“What is it really”? and “What can it do for me?” After a brief look at the technical
side, including the terminology, etc., this workshop focuses on what
Web 2.0 is really about, “ the user,” and looks at the central facets of Web
2.0, including participation, publication, social software, sharing, “the Web
as platform,” and more. It is filled with examples of Web 2.0 in action, including
some things you may already be using but just didn’t realize it, plus things
you should be planning to use, as well as a look at where Web 2.0 is headed.
Workshop 11 — Social Tools for Your Library 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Aaron Schmidt, Reference Librarian, Thomas Ford Memorial Library and author of walkingpaper.org Socialize your library with the latest social software—instant messaging,
Weblogs, wikis, social browsers, Flickr, del.icio.us, and more. Use these
new technologies to create and cement your online presence within your
community whether you are a public, academic, special, or school library.
Filled with practical examples of libraries utilizing these techniques, this
workshop provides lots of easy-to-implement ideas for your environment.
Workshop 12 — Tips & Strategies for Launching
an IM Reference Service 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Amanda Etches-Johnson, Reference Librarian, McMaster University
IM the library! If your users are on instant messaging (IM), your library
should be too! This workshop explores the potential for using instant messaging
to communicate with users and provides participants with a road
map for planning and launching an IM service at their library. Using case
studies and real-world examples, the workshop covers a range of considerations,
from planning and staffing to technological considerations and
best practices for running an IM reference service at your library.
Workshop 13 — Current Awareness Delivery Options 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Gary Price, Co-Author, The Invisible Web, Director, Online Resources,
Ask.com, & Publisher, ResourceShelf.com Steven M. Cohen, Senior Librarian, Law Library Management, Inc., &
Editor, Librarystuff.net Electronic current awareness services are critical for users of all types of
libraries and information services. This practical, half-day workshop provides
an overview of the many options for delivering specialized current
information. Nationally known experts Price and Tyburski examine current
awareness needs and choices from start to finish; look at strategies, tools,
and resources for gathering new information; and investigate delivery technologies.
Learn about the pros and cons of initiating such services via email
and Web-based newsletters, Weblogs, k-logs, and RSS/XML newsfeeds.
Get up-to-speed on the latest techniques and thinking on this crucial
Workshop 14 — Project Management for Libraries 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mary Auckland, O.B.E., Consultant, & former Director, Library and
Learning Resources, University of the Arts, London, U.K. This half-day workshop explores the elements of successful project management
and how projects might best be planned, implemented, and monitored.
Aimed at anyone responsible for managing a project within their
library or information organization, this interactive workshop encourages
participants to share their own experience and knowledge. It discusses
key factors related to successful project management, methodologies and
tools, proven techniques and tips for managing projects, and examples
and case studies.
Workshop 15 — Hiring, Keeping, & Working with Techie Staff 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. David King, Acting IT Director, Kansas City Public Library
How can libraries hire and keep technically savvy staff? This workshop provides
guidance in three areas. “How to hire technically savvy staff” focuses
on writing and placing a job ad for techie staff; what to look for when weeding
applications; and how to “grow your own” IT staff. “How to keep techie
staff” focuses on ways to keep the techie job interesting and ways to reward
techies for their work. “How to best interact with techie staff” discusses
how nontechies and techies can successfully interact during a project.
Using lots of examples, this workshop provides tips and proven techniques
for hiring and keeping tech-savvy staff.
Workshop 16 — Mining Blogs & RSS for Research 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sabrina Pacifici, Law Librarian, & Editor/Publisher of LLRX.com and
This workshop focuses on leveraging the best of free and low-fee Web
sites as well as Web-related services to support research services. It
includes “best of the Web” for CI (competitive intelligence), legislation,
news, public services, government documents, and information—sites you
need to know about and incorporate in your daily work routine.
Workshop 17 — Wikis: Basics, Tools, & Strategies 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian, Norwich University Wikis allow for unprecedented collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and
have the potential to fill many needs in the library and information profession.
This half-day workshop by an expert wiki creator discusses the basics
of wikis — what they are, how they can be used, and how to successfully
implement one at your library. It covers wiki concepts and uses many real-world
applications to illustrate the power and ease-of-use of wikis. Learn
about the many ways wikis can be used in libraries and the information
industry. Gather lots of ideas and links to free resources for creating your
own wiki as well as tips for making them successful in your environment.
Workshop 18 — Creating Online Tutorials in Less Than 30 Minutes 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Greg Notess, Montana State University
Online tutorials used to be extremely time-intensive to create. With the
increase in reference and instruction to distant users in all types of libraries,
as well as the need for just-in-time learning in many organizations, we need quicker ways to create tutorials to transfer information and demonstrate
online library resources. New tools make it quick and easy to create online
demonstrations and tutorials with a minimum of effort, to record screen
actions, and to add a voice commentary. Explore using software such as
Camtasia, Captivate, and Wink to quickly create online tutorials for your
distance users.
Workshop 19 — Integrating RSS into Your Web Site 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Michael Sauers, Internet Trainer, BCR RSS feeds are an excellent way to receive information from the Internet
today. What many people don’t know is that you can receive that information
and easily repurpose and republish it on your Web site with little
technical know-how. Imagine automatically posting up-to-date local or
industry headlines on your library’s home page. This is what you can do
in just a few simple steps. Our expert Internet trainer shows you how to do
just this. This workshop also covers additional RSS tools and services,
including one that will create feeds from content without its own feed and
another that will turn your text-based content into a podcast automatically.
Workshop 20 — Digital Initiatives: Ask the Expert 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Roy Tennant, California Digital Library
This informal and interactive workshop provides attendees with access to
a digital expert who has been designing, developing, and troubleshooting
digital libraries for many years. Possible topics for discussion include strategies
for putting more stuff online, providing better and easier access to
both your print and online collections, and effective tools and technologies.
Bring your questions and challenges to this workshop where you create
the agenda. Submit your suggestions/feedback on the IL wiki.