Conference Overview |
Jane Dysart
Dysart & Jones Associates |
We are pleased to present the 10th
annual Internet Librarian
conference and exhibition—the
ONLY conference designed for
information professionals who are
using, developing, and embracing
Net- and Web-based strategies in
their roles as information
searchers, Webmasters and Web
managers, content evaluators and
organizers, product developers,
and more. As the premier tools for
information managers and
librarians, Net technologies are the
focus of this conference. Internet
Librarian provides an active forum
for our excellent speakers to
explore the exciting range of issues
and challenges facing information
professionals today as well as an
opportunity for you to network with
other leading-edge Internet
librarians. |
Organizing/Review Committee
D. Scott Brandt
Purdue University Libraries
Stephen Cohen
PubSub Concepts, Inc. &
Darlene Fichter
University of Saskatchewan
Megan Fox
Simmons College
Richard Geiger
San Francisco Chronicle
Richard Hulser
Jenny Levine
The Shifted Librarian
Marydee Ojala
Editor, ONLINE magazine
Barbara Quint
Editor-in-Chief, Searcher Magazine
Donna Scheeder
Law Library of Congress
Aaron Schmidt
Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Michael Stephens
Dominican University |
Nothin' But Net @ Internet Librarian 2006!
Wikipedia defines “mashup” as a Web site or
Web application that seamlessly combines
content from more than one source into an
integrated experience. Internet librarians do
just that for their clients, so it is a fitting
theme for Information Today, Inc.’s 10th
Internet Librarian. This year’s conference
focuses on the challenges of Web 2.0 as well
as the leading-edge solutions for balancing
content access, new technologies, and client
demands for an integrated experience. As
the San Francisco Chronicle puts it, “Take a
pinch of Yahoo! or Google. Then stir in some
census data, photographs or crime statistics.
What you get is a mash-up.” Combining
ingredients from different online sources to
create hybrids is a hot Internet phenomenon,
especially when map or demographic
information and a variety of feeds are used.
Join us for Internet Librarian’s 10th
anniversary and see what Internet librarians
and information professionals are doing to
create integrated experiences and
compelling content mashups in their
organizations and communities.
Internet Librarian 2006 features four keynote sessions; 100 + dynamic speakers in four simultaneous tracks plus two days of Internet@Schools West, many in-depth learning events and workshops, a fun and informative evening session, cybertours, and a new IL podcast studio. We look forward to seeing you in Monterey in October!
Free Cybertours!
Our popular, information-rich cybertours are again
featured in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday and
Wednesday! A wide range of topics will include
Web conferencing, digital services for nextgen
librarians, tips for finding medical info, teen online
reading clubs, maps on the Internet, intranet tips,
Freedom of Information Act facts, and more. CLICK HERE for the
Networking Events
Coffee and Danish Hour
Coffee and danish are provided for attendees Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday mornings from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. outside the San Carlos
Ballroom (before the Keynotes). Complimentary coffee will be available in the
Exhibit Hall Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Communities of Interest
Sunday evening, join our informal networking groups and get to know others who share your interests — social computing, digital libraries, Web design and development, searching and search engines, content management, and more.
Grand Opening Reception
Information Today, Inc. invites all conference
registrants and exhibitors to a special Exhibit Hall
opening reception on Monday, Oct. 23 from 5:00
p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Lunch Reception
Join your colleagues and exhibitors on Wednesday
for a Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall and for
one last chance to visit the exhibits.
Informal Dine Arounds
Plan dinner with your colleagues. CLICK HERE for more information and online registration.
Internet Café
Sponsor by
IL Podcast Studio
Bring your tools, book the space, and stream your content. Check out the IL wiki,, to book your time.
The Internet Librarian 2006 exhibition features leading-edge companies, offering visitors a choice of products covering all aspects of Internet technologies, including content providers, online services, software, document and Web delivery systems, search engines, and more. [Exhibitor List]
Tuesday Evening Session
7:30-9:00 p.m.
Scholarship in Chaos! Flying High on the Web? or in Free Fall?
Organized by Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher magazine. Free and open to all registrants, exhibitors and exhibit visitors. Click here for more information.
Don’t miss a thing! All sessions are being recorded and are for sale at the conference. To order your CD-ROM at a special attendee savings, visit the Digital Record table located in the registration area for more information, or visit their Web site at
Two Days of Workshops!!
Preconference workshops on Saturday afternoon and all
day Sunday, Oct. 21 and 22 cover a wide range of topics,
including our popular full-day Searchers Academy and
Web Managers Academy, as well as many half-day
workshops. Topics include, Project Management,
Creating Online Tutorials, Service Strategies, Web 2.0,
Getting Grants, Wikis, Ajax, Current Awareness Delivery
Options, RSS, Technology Planning, Teaching Web
Search, IM Reference, Social Tools, and more. Click here for details.
Conference Wiki
Check out for conference tips, networking, sightseeing,
and more!
Conference Blog
Watch for news and updates about the conference in the Internet Librarian Conference Blog at The "tags" for this year's Internet Librarian and Internet@Schools West will be IL2006 and ISW2006.
Learning Partner
Information Today, Inc. would like to thank the Special Libraries
Association for their support of Internet Librarian 2006. |